MuonTrap.Daemon (muontrap v1.0.0) View Source

Wrap an OS process in a GenServer so that it can be supervised.

For example, in your children list add MuonTrap.Daemon like this:

children = [
  {MuonTrap.Daemon, ["my_server", ["--options", "foo")], [cd: "/some_directory"]]}

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApplication.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

In the child_spec tuple, the second element is a list that corresponds to the MuonTrap.cmd/3 parameters. I.e., The first item in the list is the program to run, the second is a list of commandline arguments, and the third is a list of options. The same options as MuonTrap.cmd/3 are available with the following additions:

  • :name - Name the Daemon GenServer
  • :log_output - When set, send output from the command to the Logger. Specify the log level (e.g., :debug)
  • :log_prefix - Prefix each log message with this string (defaults to the program's path)
  • :stderr_to_stdout - When set to true, redirect stderr to stdout. Defaults to false.

If you want to run multiple MuonTrap.Daemons under one supervisor, they'll all need unique IDs. Use Supervisor.child_spec/2 like this:

Supervisor.child_spec({MuonTrap.Daemon, ["my_server", []]}, id: :server1)

Link to this section Summary


Get the value of the specified cgroup variable.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Return the OS pid to the muontrap executable.

Start/link a deamon GenServer for the specified command.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

cgget(server, controller, variable_name)

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cgget(GenServer.server(), binary(), binary()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, File.posix()}

Get the value of the specified cgroup variable.

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cgset(server, controller, variable_name, value)

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cgset(GenServer.server(), binary(), binary(), binary()) ::
  :ok | {:error, File.posix()}

Modify a cgroup variable.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.


Return the OS pid to the muontrap executable.

Link to this function

start_link(command, args, opts \\ [])

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start_link(binary(), [binary()], keyword()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Start/link a deamon GenServer for the specified command.