View Source Naiveical.Extractor (Naiveical v0.1.8)

This module allows the extraction of parts of a icalendar text.

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Extracts a specific attribute from a list of attributes.

Extract a single content line from an icalendar text split into tag, properties, and values. It returns a tuple with {tag-name, properties, value}.

Extract a single date content line from an icalendar text. It returns a the datetime object.

Extract a single datetime content line from an icalendar text. It returns a the datetime object.

Extract a single datetime content line from an icalendar text. It returns a the datetime object.

Extract a raw single content line from an icalendar text.

Extract parts of an icalender text, such as all VALARMs. ## Examples

Remove sections of an icalender text, such as remove all VALARMs from a VEVENT.

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extract_attribute(attribute_list_str, attr)

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Extracts a specific attribute from a list of attributes.

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extract_contentline_by_tag(ical_text, tag)

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Extract a single content line from an icalendar text split into tag, properties, and values. It returns a tuple with {tag-name, properties, value}.

## Examples:

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_contentline_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "A") {"A","","aa"}

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_contentline_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "ZZZ") {"ZZZ","",nil}

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extract_date_contentline_by_tag(ical_text, tag)

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extract_date_contentline_by_tag!(ical_text, tag)

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Extract a single date content line from an icalendar text. It returns a the datetime object.

Basically, it tries to parse the extracted text as a date object

## Examples:

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_date_contentline_by_tag!("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nDTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210422\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "DTSTART")

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extract_datetime_contentline_by_tag(ical_text, tag)

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Extract a single datetime content line from an icalendar text. It returns a the datetime object.

Basically, it tries to parse the extracted text as a datetime object with the given timezone information

## Examples:

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_datetime_contentline_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nDTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210422T150000\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "DTSTART")

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extract_datetime_contentline_by_tag!(ical_text, tag)

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Extract a single datetime content line from an icalendar text. It returns a the datetime object.

Basically, it tries to parse the extracted text as a datetime object with the given timezone information

## Examples:

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_datetime_contentline_by_tag!("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nDTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210422T150000\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "DTSTART")

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extract_raw_contentline_by_tag(ical_text, tag)

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Extract a raw single content line from an icalendar text.

## Examples:

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_raw_contentline_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA;xx:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "A") "A;xx:aa"

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_raw_contentline_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "ZZZ") nil

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extract_sections_by_tag(ical_text, tag)

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Extract parts of an icalender text, such as all VALARMs. ## Examples:

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_sections_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "XX") ["BEGIN:XX\r\nBEGIN:YY\r\nA:aa\r\nB:bb\r\nEND:YY\r\nBEGIN:YY\r\nC:cc\r\nD:dd\r\nEND:YY\r\nEND:XX"]

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.extract_sections_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\r\nBEGIN:YY\r\nA:aa\r\nB:bb\r\nEND:YY\r\nBEGIN:YY\r\nC:cc\r\nD:dd\r\nEND:YY\r\nEND:XX", "YY") ["BEGIN:YY\r\nA:aa\r\nB:bb\r\nEND:YY", "BEGIN:YY\r\nC:cc\r\nD:dd\r\nEND:YY"]

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remove_sections_by_tag(ical_text, tag)

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Remove sections of an icalender text, such as remove all VALARMs from a VEVENT.

The reason of this is to allow the correct extraction of the content lines. If, for example, a VEVENT also contains a VALARM with a description, but the VEVENT does not contain a description, the function extract_contentline_by_tag would fetch the description of the VALARM instead of returning nil.

## Examples:

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.remove_sections_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "YY") "BEGIN:XX\nEND:XX"

iex> Naiveical.Extractor.remove_sections_by_tag("BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\naaaa:bbbb\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX", "NOTEXIST") "BEGIN:XX\nBEGIN:YY\nA:aa\nB:bb\nEND:YY\naaaa:bbbb\nBEGIN:YY\nC:cc\nD:dd\nEND:YY\nEND:XX"