Advanced Configuration

Target-Specific Configuration

Different target boards have different layouts for GPIO, LEDs, and more. Often, this requires that configurations be specified per-target. In this example, we will be looking at how to configure the LEDs for two different targets. First, let's start by modifying our config.exs to include configs for each target.

# config/config.exs

use Mix.Config

import_config "#{Mix.Project.config[:target]}.exs"

This will load a different Mix config for each target. Let's say we plan to support targets rpi3 and bbb. These target devices have different numbers of user-controlled LEDs and we want each to blink all of its LEDs. The configuration files would look like this:

# config/rpi3.exs

config :blinky, led_list: [ :green ]
config :nerves_leds, names: [ green: "led0" ]
# config/bbb.exs

config :blinky, led_list: [ :led0, :led1, :led2, :led3 ]

config :nerves_leds, names: [
  led0: "beaglebone:green:usr0",
  led1: "beaglebone:green:usr1",
  led2: "beaglebone:green:usr2",
  led3: "beaglebone:green:usr3"

Root Filesystem Overlays

Sometimes, you want to ship additional files and configurations with your firmware. This is done by telling the firmware assembler where to find a directory to use as an overlay on the root mount point:

# config/config.exs

config :nerves, :firmware,
  rootfs_overlay: "rootfs_overlay"

This declares that the contents of the folder at rootfs_overlay in your project root directory will be merged into the root filesystem when mix firmware is called. You can also specify a different rootfs_overlay for each target, as shown in the previous section.

Overwriting Files in the Root Filesystem

Any files in the rootfs_overlay directory will overwrite those present in the underlying filesystem. This can be useful if you want to change the contents of included files in the underlying Nerves system. Let's say, for example, that you want to change the behavior of erlinit. You can include your own erlinit.config:

# rootfs_overlay/etc/erlinit.config

# Uncomment to hang the board rather than rebooting when Erlang exits

# Enable UTF-8 filename handling in Erlang and custom inet configuration
-e LANG=en_US.UTF-8;LANGUAGE=en;ERL_INETRC=/etc/erl_inetrc;ERL_CRASH_DUMP=/root/crash.dump

# Mount the application partition
-m /dev/mmcblk0p3:/root:ext4::

# Erlang release search path
-r /srv/erlang

# Hostname
-d "/usr/bin/boardid -b bbb -n 4"
-n nerves-%.4s

It is important to note that the entire file is replaced when you apply an overlay, rather than merging the contents. Therefore, you should first obtain and modify the original file. A trick for doing this is to expand the rootfs.squashfs. You can do this using unsquashfs:

unsquashfs ~/.nerves/artifacts/<cached_system_name>/images/rootfs.squashfs

It will be expanded into the current directory under squashfs-root

Overwriting Files in the Boot Partition

Different targets have different boot partition contents. To overwrite files in the boot partition, you will need to use your own fwup.conf file:

Copy fwup.conf to Your config/ Directory

# Locate the fwup.conf files available in your deps directory
find deps -name fwup.conf
# Copy the one that matches your target to the config directory.
cp deps/nerves_system_rpi0/fwup.conf config/
# Also copy cmdline.txt as you'll need it below.
cp deps/nerves_system_rpi0/cmdline.txt config/

Configure Your System to Use the Copied fwup.conf

# config/config.exs

config :nerves, :firmware,
  fwup_conf: "config/fwup.conf"

Make Your Changes

In your included fwup.conf file, you can use absolute paths or environment variables to point to the location of included files.

Let's say you have a Raspberry Pi and you want to change the contents of the cmdline.txt file. You can do this by editing the fwup.conf as follows:

# fwup.conf

file-resource cmdline.txt {
    host-path = "${NERVES_APP}/config/cmdline.txt"

You can use the NERVES_APP environment variable to point to the root of your Elixir app. This variable is automatically managed for you by nerves_bootstrap.

Device Tree Overlays

To add a device tree overlay for your hardware, first define a file-resource for the dtbo file inside fwup.conf. As with other file overlays, you can use absolute paths or environment variables to point to the file location. For example, to add support for a Bosch BMP280 I2C sensor on a Raspberry Pi, your new file resource will be:

# fwup.conf

file-resource i2c-sensor.dtbo {
    host-path = "${NERVES_SYSTEM}/images/rpi-firmware/overlays/i2c-sensor.dtbo"

Next you need make sure the dtbo file is written to the destination media on build and update of your firmware. Add a new on-resource declaration for each of the three firmware tasks:

# fwup.conf

task complete{
    # ... look for where `on-resource` directives are already defined and add:
    on-resource i2c-sensor.dtbo {
        fat_write(${BOOT_A_PART_OFFSET}, "overlays/i2c-sensor.dtbo")

task upgrade.a {
    # ...
    on-resource i2c-sensor.dtbo {
        fat_write(${BOOT_A_PART_OFFSET}, "overlays/i2c-sensor.dtbo")

task upgrade.b {
    # ...
    on-resource i2c-sensor.dtbo {
        fat_write(${BOOT_B_PART_OFFSET}, "overlays/i2c-sensor.dtbo")

Note that the BOOT_x_PART_OFFSET variable must match the partition being written to for each task.

In order to load your new overlay, you will need to create your own config.txt and use it instead of the default. Copy config.txt from your target Nerves system and place it inside your project at config/config.txt.

fwup.conf now needs to be updated to use this new file. There should already be a file-resource directive for config.txt. Find it and change the host-path to point at the new location inside you project:

# fwup.conf

file-resource config.txt {
    host-path = "${NERVES_APP}/config/config.txt"

At this point the overlay will be available to load inside config/config.txt on boot. Follow the documentation for your hardware. For the Bosch BMP280 in our example, the configuration will be:

# config.txt



Nerves firmware uses Master Boot Record (MBR) partition layout, which only supports 4 primary partitions. By default, the root filesystem partition is mounted in read-only mode. This prevents corruption of the root filesystem due to "improper shutdowns". With embedded systems, it is assumed that power can be removed from the device at any time. This could be problematic if you are performing a write operation on the filesystem. Because the root filesystem is read-only, we also add a read/write partition by default, called app_data and mounted at /root (the root user's home directory). These settings are defined in etc/erlinit.config.

 | MBR                        |
 | Firmware configuration data|
 | (formatted as uboot env)   |
 | p0*: Boot A        (FAT32) |
 | zImage, bootcode.bin,      |
 | config.txt, etc.           |
 | p0*: Boot B        (FAT32) |
 | p1*: Rootfs A   (squashfs) |
 | p1*: Rootfs B   (squashfs) |
 | p2: Application     (EXT4) |

More information about how the App Data partition is initialized and mounted can be found in the documentation for nerves_runtimeFilesystem Initialization

Adding a Partition

You can enable and mount an additional read/write partition by modifying the fwup.conf file. This strategy is typically used to define two locations where data can be written. Let's say you want to persist some infrequently-written configuration data and some frequently-written log data. These use-cases could be segmented into separate partitions so that the important, infrequently-written configuration data is not corrupted due to a loss of power while writing the more-frequent, but less-critical, log data.

First, define a new space on the disk for the partition:

# fwup.conf

# (Sizes are in 512 byte blocks)
define(UBOOT_ENV_OFFSET, 16)
define(UBOOT_ENV_COUNT, 16)  # 8 KB

define(BOOT_A_PART_OFFSET, 63)
define(BOOT_A_PART_COUNT, 38630)

# Let the rootfs have room to grow up to 128 MiB and align it to the nearest 1
# MB boundary
define(ROOTFS_A_PART_OFFSET, 77324)
define(ROOTFS_A_PART_COUNT, 289044)

# Configuration partition
define(CONFIG_PART_COUNT, 1048576)

# Log partition
define(CONFIG_PART_COUNT, 1048576)

# ...

In this example, we are changing the default APP_PART data partition to CONFIG_PART and adding LOG_PART.

Next, we change the mapping to include these two new partitions:

# fwup.conf

# ...

mbr mbr-a {
    partition 0 {
        block-offset = ${BOOT_A_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${BOOT_A_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0xc # FAT32
        boot = true
    partition 1 {
        block-offset = ${ROOTFS_A_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${ROOTFS_A_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0x83 # Linux
    partition 2 {
        block-offset = ${CONFIG_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${CONFIG_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0x83 # Linux
    partition 3 {
        block-offset = ${LOG_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${LOG_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0x83 # Linux

mbr mbr-b {
    partition 0 {
        block-offset = ${BOOT_B_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${BOOT_B_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0xc # FAT32
        boot = true
    partition 1 {
        block-offset = ${ROOTFS_B_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${ROOTFS_B_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0x83 # Linux
    partition 2 {
        block-offset = ${CONFIG_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${CONFIG_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0x83 # Linux
    partition 3 {
        block-offset = ${LOG_PART_OFFSET}
        block-count = ${LOG_PART_COUNT}
        type = 0x83 # Linux

# ...

This layout defines our system as follows:

| MBR                        |
| Firmware configuration data|
| (formatted as uboot env)   |
| p0*: Boot A        (FAT32) |
| zImage, bootcode.bin,      |
| config.txt, etc.           |
| p0*: Boot B        (FAT32) |
| p1*: Rootfs A   (squashfs) |
| p1*: Rootfs B   (squashfs) |
| p2: Config          (EXT4) |
| p3: Log             (EXT4) |

Mounting the Partition

Mounting your new partition can either be handled by erlinit or by your Elixir application. To have erlinit mount the partition for you, you will need to supply your own erlinit.config file to set the required -m option:

# Mount the configdata and logdata partitions
-m /dev/mmcblk0p3:/root:ext4::;/dev/mmcblk0p4:/mnt/log:ext4::

The other option is to handle it in your Elixir code. This can be useful if you want to scan the disk for corruption and reformat or seed it. erlinit can only attempt to mount the partition. You may want to see how nerves_runtime does this for the default application data partition, extending it to meet your specific needs.

Overriding erlinit.config from Mix Config

Options specified in the erlinit.config file can be overridden through the project's Mix config. This can be helpful when you want to alter a couple options without having to maintain a copy of the entire erlinit.config from the system. Here is an example of how you can change the ctty option from the config/target.exs file.

config :nerves, :erlinit,
  ctty: "ttyAMA0"

Options that can only be specified once will overwrite the values specified in the erlinit.config provided by the system. Options that can be specified multiple times, such as mount and env will append to the original ones. If an erlinit.config file is provided in the project's rootfs_overlay it will override everything else.

The following is a list of all options that can be specified:

  boot: Path.t(),
  ctty: String.t(),
  uniqueid_exec: String.t(),
  env: String.t(),
  gid: non_neg_integer(),
  graceful_shutdown_timeout: non_neg_integer(),
  hang_on_exit: boolean(),
  hang_on_fatal: boolean(),
  mount: String.t(),
  hostname_pattern: String.t(),
  pre_run_exec: String.t(),
  poweroff_on_exit: boolean(),
  poweroff_on_fatal: boolean(),
  reboot_on_fatal: boolean(),
  release_path: String.t(),
  run_on_exit: String.t(),
  alternate_exec: binary(),
  print_timing: boolean(),
  uid: non_neg_integer(),
  update_clock: boolean(),
  verbose: boolean(),
  warn_unused_tty: boolean(),
  working_directory: Path.t()

See erlinit for more information.