View Source mix (nerves_bootstrap v1.13.0)

Creates a new Nerves project

mix PATH [--module MODULE] [--app APP] [--target TARGET] [--cookie STRING] [--no-nerves-pack]

The project will be created at PATH. The application name and module name will be inferred from PATH unless --module or --app is given.

An --app option can be given in order to name the OTP application for the project.

A --module option can be given in order to name the modules in the generated code skeleton.

A --target option can be given to limit support to one or more of the officially Nerves systems.

A --cookie options can be given to set the Erlang distribution cookie in vm.args. This defaults to a randomly generated string.

Generate a project without nerves_pack support by passing --no-nerves-pack.


mix blinky

Is equivalent to:

mix blinky --module Blinky

Generate a project that only supports Raspberry Pi 3

mix blinky --target rpi3

Generate a project that supports Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi Zero

mix blinky --target rpi3 --target rpi0

Generate a project without nerves_pack

mix blinky --no-nerves-pack