nerves_hub v0.7.4 NervesHub.Connection

Agent used to keep the simple state of the devices connection to

The state is a tuple where the first element is an atom of :connected or :disconnected and the second element is the value of System.monotonic_time/1 at the time of setting the new state.

In practice, this state is set anytime the device connection to channel changes. Likewise, it is set after a HTTP request fails or succeeds. This makes it useful when you want to consider the connection to as part of the overall health of the device and perform explicit actions based on the result, such as using the Erlang :heart module to force a reboot if the callback check fails.

# Set a callback for heart to check every 5 seconds. If the function returns anything other than
# `:ok`, it will cause reboot.
:heart.set_callback(NervesHub.Connection, :check!)

Or, you can use the check as part of a separate function with other health checks as well

defmodule MyApp.Checker do
  def health_check do
    with :ok <- NervesHub.Connection.check,
         :ok <- MyApp.another_check,
         :ok <- MyApp.yet_another_check,
      err -> err

# Somewhere else in MyApp
:heart.set_callback(MyApp.Checker, :health_check)

Link to this section Summary


A simple check to see if the device is considered ok.

Same as check/0, but raises RuntimeError if the check fails

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Sets the state to {:connected, System.monotonic_time(:seconds)}

Sets the state to {:disconnected, System.monotonic_time(:seconds)}

Reads the state directly without modification.

Link to this section Functions

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check() :: :ok | {:error, {:disconnected_too_long, integer()}}

A simple check to see if the device is considered ok.

This will still return :ok if the device is in a disconnected state, but within the :connection_timeout timeframe to allow for intermittent connection failures that are recoverable. Once the disconnection has exceeded the timeout, this check will be consided unhealthy.

The default connection timeout is 15 minutes (900 seconds), but is configurable:

# 60 second timeout
config :nerves_hub, connection_timeout: 60
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check!() :: :ok

Same as check/0, but raises RuntimeError if the check fails

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

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connected() :: :ok

Sets the state to {:connected, System.monotonic_time(:seconds)}

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disconnected() :: :ok

Sets the state to {:disconnected, System.monotonic_time(:seconds)}

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read() :: {:connected, integer()} | {:disconnected, integer()}

Reads the state directly without modification.

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start_link(any()) :: {:error, any()} | {:ok, pid()}