Nerves.Leds (nerves_leds v0.8.1) View Source

A convenient interface to setting LEDs defined in /sys/class/leds.

While an application could write directly to /sys/class/leds, the main advantage of using this module is to provide a layer of abstraction that allows easily defining application-specific led names and states, like this:

alias Nerves.Leds

Leds.set power: true                            # turn on the led we called "power"
Leds.set power: :slowblink                      # make it blink slowly
Leds.set connected: false, alert: :fastblink    # set multiple LED states at once

## alternate syntax via set/2

Leds.set :power, :slowblink


Use config.exs in your application to create a friendly name that maps to an entry in /sys/class/leds that make sense for your application.

A trivial example for Raspberry Pi:

# in your app's config/config.exs:
config :nerves_leds, names: [ red: "led0", green: "led1" ]

A more useful example for the Alix 2D boards implementing a router:

# in your app's config/config.exs:
config :nerves_leds, names: [
  power:     "alix:1",
  connected: "alix:2",
  alert:     "alix:3"

Included states

In addition to true (on) and false (off) the following atoms provide predefined behaviors:

  • :slowblink - turns on and off slowly (about twice a second)
  • :fastblink - turns on and off rapidly (about 7.5 times a second)
  • :slowwink - mostly on, but "winks off" once every second or so
  • :heartbeat - a heartbeat pattern

Customizing states

The standard LED states are defined as @predefined_states near the top of lib/nerves_leds.ex. You can change or add to them using config.exs as follows:

config :nerves_leds, states: [
    fastblink: [ trigger: "timer", delay_off: 40, delay_on: 30 ],
    blip: [ trigger: "timer", delay_off: 1000, delay_on: 100 ]]

See the Linux documentation on sys/class/leds to understand the meaning of trigger, delay, brightness, and other settings.

Link to this section Summary


Enumerate all the LEDs on this device. If the device has no LEDs or doesn't support the Linux LED interface, an empty list is returned.

Set states of one or more LEDs by using their mapped name

Set the state of a single LED

Link to this section Functions


enumerate() :: [binary()]

Enumerate all the LEDs on this device. If the device has no LEDs or doesn't support the Linux LED interface, an empty list is returned.


set(Keyword.t()) :: true

Set states of one or more LEDs by using their mapped name

  Nerves.Leds.set power: true, error: :fastblink


set(atom() | binary(), atom() | Keyword.t()) :: :ok

Set the state of a single LED

Nerves.Leds.set :power, true
Nerves.Leds.set :backlight, brightness: 200

Note that unlike set/1, this allows optionally directly naming the file of the led in /sys/class/leds by using a string name rather than an atom.

Nerves.Leds.set "led2", [ trigger: "timer", delay_on: 1000, delay_off: 1000 ]