View Source NervesLogging.SyslogParser (nerves_logging v0.2.2)

Functions for parsing syslog strings



Decode a syslog priority to facility and severity

Parse out the syslog facility, severity, and message (including the timestamp and host) from a syslog-formatted string.


@type facility() ::
  | :user_level
  | :mail
  | :system
  | :security_authorization
  | :syslogd
  | :line_printer
  | :network_news
  | :UUCP
  | :clock
  | :security_authorization
  | :FTP
  | :NTP
  | :log_audit
  | :log_alert
  | :clock
  | :local0
  | :local1
  | :local2
  | :local3
  | :local4
  | :local5
  | :local6
  | :local7
@type severity() ::
  :alert | :critical | :debug | :emergency | :error | :info | :notice | :warning


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@spec decode_priority(0..191) ::
  {:ok, facility(), severity()} | {:error, :parse_error}

Decode a syslog priority to facility and severity

@spec parse(String.t()) ::
  {:ok, %{facility: facility(), severity: severity(), message: binary()}}
  | {:error, :parse_error}

Parse out the syslog facility, severity, and message (including the timestamp and host) from a syslog-formatted string.

The message is of the form:


pri is an integer that when broken apart gives you a facility and severity. message is everything else.