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A compilation of dependencies and default configuration for getting Nerves projects up and running with minimal work.

When added to your project, Nerves Pack brings in the following services and support libraries:

Nerves Pack only contains dependencies. There's no code in this library. Once you find that you want to customize what's included in your project, just remove the :nerves_pack dependency and add the dependencies you need.

When updating old Nerves project, Nerves Pack is the new version of nerves_init_gadget. The main change will be moving your :nerves_networking configuration to VintageNet.


def deps do
    {:nerves_pack, "~> 0.4.1"}

This will start NervesPack and all its services with your application. However, since it controls the networking and SSH interface, it is recommended to use it with shoehorn to start it up separately so you still have access to your device in the event that the main application fails. This can be done by adding shoehorn to your config.exs:

config :shoehorn,
  init: [:nerves_runtime, :nerves_pack],
  app: Mix.Project.config()[:app]


mDNS is an protocol that makes it easier to find the IP addresses of Nerves devices on a LAN. nerves_pack pulls in mdns_lite to help with this and the default Nerves new project generator adds a default configuration that lets you connect to your Nerves device via the names, nerves.local or nerves-wxyz.local where wxyz are part of the device's unique identifier. Device identifers are device-specific and can be found by typing hostname at the IEx prompt.

If you are converting a project to use nerves_pack, here's a starter configuration to paste into your config:

config :mdns_lite,
  # The `host` key specifies what hostnames mdns_lite advertises.  `:hostname`
  # advertises the device's hostname.local. For the official Nerves systems, this
  # is "nerves-<4 digit serial#>.local".  mdns_lite also advertises
  # "nerves.local" for convenience. If more than one Nerves device is on the
  # network, delete "nerves" from the list.

  host: [:hostname, "nerves"],
  ttl: 120,

  # Advertise the following services over mDNS.
  services: [
      protocol: "ssh",
      transport: "tcp",
      port: 22
      protocol: "sftp-ssh",
      transport: "tcp",
      port: 22
      protocol: "epmd",
      transport: "tcp",
      port: 4369

SSH port

nerves_pack depends on nerves_ssh. nerves_ssh starts up an SSH server on port 22 (the default SSH port) that provides an IEx console, SFTP, and firmware update support. See the nerves_ssh documentation for changing the configuration.

By default, the Nerves new project generator creates projects that include your SSH public key (from ~/.ssh/id_rsa, etc.) in your config.exs under the nerves_ssh configuration. It is possible that your project has this configuration under the nerves_firmware_ssh key. If so, you will receive an error directing you to update your configuration.

The use of SSH public keys lets you log into your Nerves devices, but no one else. See the docs for how to configure your keys). Usernames are ignored.

Connect by running:

ssh nerves.local

If your computer has trouble with mDNS, you may need to replace nerves.local with the device's IP address. This is more of an issue on Windows than Linux or OSX. See your router or use a port scanner like nmap to find the device.

To exit the SSH session, type exit or type the ssh escape sequence ~. . (See the ssh man page for other escape sequences). Typing Ctrl+D or logoff at the IEx prompt to exit the session won't work.

Erlang distribution

nerves_pack does not start Erlang distribution. Distribution is not hard to enable, but it requires some thought on node naming and security.

Erlang distribution requires that the hostname part of the device's node name be reachable from the computer that's trying to connect. Options include IP addresses, DNS names, mDNS names or names that you put in your /etc/hosts file. Many Nerves users use mDNS names for simplicity, but they have limitations. You may need to adjust the following script based on your environment.

The Nerves project generator configures mdns_lite to advertise two hostnames: nerves.local and nerves-1234.local. The latter one is based on the serial number of the device. If you only have one Nerves device on the network, use nerves.local. But, if you have many devices, figure out each hostname from the device's serial number, either by using a mDNS discovery program or by logging into a device via a serial console and typing hostname at the IEx prompt.

The following uses nerves.local, but substitute for the name that you want. Run this by ssh'ing into your Nerves device.

iex> System.cmd("epmd", ["-daemon"])
{"", 0}
iex> Node.start(:"nerves@nerves.local")
{:ok, #PID<0.26318.2>}
iex(nerves@nerves.local)> Node.set_cookie(:my_secret_cookie)

For a programmatic implementation, see :inet.gethostname/0 for constructing a device-specific node name.

Now that Erlang distribution is running, try to connect to the device on your computer.

$ iex --name me@ --cookie my_secret_cookie --remsh nerves@nerves.local
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:32:32] [ds:32:32:10]
[async-threads:1] [hipe]

Interactive Elixir (1.9.4) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(nerves@nerves.local)1> use Toolshed
Toolshed imported. Run h(Toolshed) for more info
iex(nerves@nerves.local)2> cat "/proc/cpuinfo"
processor       : 0
model name      : ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 (v6l)
BogoMIPS        : 697.95
Features        : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp java tls
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0xb76
CPU revision    : 7

Hardware        : BCM2835
Revision        : 9000c1
Serial          : 00000000b27aa712
Model           : Raspberry Pi Zero W Rev 1.1


Optional WiFi wizard setup

When and how to start the WiFi wizard is generally very dependent on your use-case so it's recommended that you implement the startup logic on your own.

See the vintage_net_wizard docs for more information on use and configuration.