View Source Nerves.Runtime.KV (nerves_runtime v0.13.0)

Key-Value storage for firmware variables

KV provides functionality to read and modify firmware metadata. The firmware metadata contains information such as the active firmware slot, where the application data partition is located, etc. It may also contain board provisioning information like factory calibration so long as it is not too large.

The metadata store is a simple key-value store where both keys and values are ASCII strings. Writes are expected to be infrequent and primarily done on firmware updates. If you expect frequent writes, it is highly recommended to persist the data elsewhere.

The default KV backend loads and stores metadata to a U-Boot-formatted environment block. This doesn't mean that the device needs to run U-Boot. It just happens to be a convenient data format that's well supported.

There are some expectations on keys. See the Nerves.Runtime for naming conventions and expected key names. These are not enforced

To change the KV backend, implement the Nerves.Runtime.KVBackend behaviour and configure the application environment in your program's config.exs like the following:

config :nerves_runtime, kv_backend: {MyKeyValueBackend, options}



Getting all firmware metadata:

iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_all()
  "a.nerves_fw_application_part0_devpath" => "/dev/mmcblk0p3",
  "a.nerves_fw_application_part0_fstype" => "ext4",
  "a.nerves_fw_application_part0_target" => "/root",
  "a.nerves_fw_architecture" => "arm",
  "a.nerves_fw_author" => "The Nerves Team",
  "a.nerves_fw_description" => "",
  "a.nerves_fw_misc" => "",
  "a.nerves_fw_platform" => "rpi0",
  "a.nerves_fw_product" => "test_app",
  "a.nerves_fw_uuid" => "d9492bdb-94de-5288-425e-2de6928ef99c",
  "a.nerves_fw_vcs_identifier" => "",
  "a.nerves_fw_version" => "0.1.0",
  "b.nerves_fw_application_part0_devpath" => "/dev/mmcblk0p3",
  "b.nerves_fw_application_part0_fstype" => "ext4",
  "b.nerves_fw_application_part0_target" => "/root",
  "b.nerves_fw_architecture" => "arm",
  "b.nerves_fw_author" => "The Nerves Team",
  "b.nerves_fw_description" => "",
  "b.nerves_fw_misc" => "",
  "b.nerves_fw_platform" => "rpi0",
  "b.nerves_fw_product" => "test_app",
  "b.nerves_fw_uuid" => "4e08ad59-fa3c-5498-4a58-179b43cc1a25",
  "b.nerves_fw_vcs_identifier" => "",
  "b.nerves_fw_version" => "0.1.1",
  "nerves_fw_active" => "b",
  "nerves_fw_devpath" => "/dev/mmcblk0",
  "nerves_serial_number" => ""

Parts of the firmware metadata are global, while others pertain to a specific firmware slot. This is indicated by the key - data which describes firmware of a specific slot have keys prefixed with the name of the firmware slot. In the above example, "nerves_fw_active" and "nerves_serial_number" are global, while "a.nerves_fw_version" and "b.nerves_fw_version" apply to the "a" and "b" firmware slots, respectively.

It is also possible to get firmware metadata that only pertains to the currently active firmware slot:

iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_all_active()
  "nerves_fw_application_part0_devpath" => "/dev/mmcblk0p3",
  "nerves_fw_application_part0_fstype" => "ext4",
  "nerves_fw_application_part0_target" => "/root",
  "nerves_fw_architecture" => "arm",
  "nerves_fw_author" => "The Nerves Team",
  "nerves_fw_description" => "",
  "nerves_fw_misc" => "",
  "nerves_fw_platform" => "rpi0",
  "nerves_fw_product" => "test_app",
  "nerves_fw_uuid" => "4e08ad59-fa3c-5498-4a58-179b43cc1a25",
  "nerves_fw_vcs_identifier" => "",
  "nerves_fw_version" => "0.1.1"

Note that get_all_active/0 strips out the a. and b. prefixes.

Further, the two functions get/1 and get_active/1 allow you to get a specific key from the firmware metadata. get/1 requires specifying the entire key name, while get_active/1 will prepend the slot prefix for you:

iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get("nerves_fw_active")
iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get("b.nerves_fw_uuid")
iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_active("nerves_fw_uuid")

Aside from reading values from the KV store, it is also possible to write new values to the firmware metadata. New values may either have unique keys, in which case they will be added to the firmware metadata, or re-use a key, in which case they will overwrite the current value with that key:

iex> :ok = Nerves.Runtime.KV.put("my_firmware_key", "my_value")
iex> :ok = Nerves.Runtime.KV.put("nerves_serial_number", "my_new_serial_number")
iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get("my_firmware_key")
iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get("nerves_serial_number")

It is possible to write a collection of values at once, in order to minimize number of writes:

iex> :ok = Nerves.Runtime.KV.put(%{"one_key" => "one_val", "two_key" => "two_val"})
iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get("one_key")

Lastly, put_active/1 and put_active/2 allow you to write firmware metadata to the currently active firmware slot without specifying the slot prefix yourself:

iex> :ok = Nerves.Runtime.KV.put_active("nerves_fw_misc", "Nerves is awesome")
iex> Nerves.Runtime.KV.get_active("nerves_fw_misc")
"Nerves is awesome"

Link to this section Summary


The KV store is a string -> string map


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Get the key regardless of firmware slot

Get the key for only the active firmware slot

Get all keys regardless of firmware slot

Get all key value pairs for only the active firmware slot

Write a collection of key-value pairs to the firmware metadata

Write a key-value pair to the firmware metadata

Write a collection of key-value pairs to the active firmware slot

Write a key-value pair to the active firmware slot

Start the KV store server

Link to this section Types

@type string_map() :: %{required(String.t()) => String.t()}

The KV store is a string -> string map

Since the KV store is backed by things like the U-Boot environment blocks, the keys and values can't be just any string. For example, characters with the value 0 (i.e., NULL) are disallowed. The = sign is also disallowed in keys. Values may have embedded new lines. In general, it's recommended to stick with ASCII values to avoid causing trouble when working with C programs which also access the variables.

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec get(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil

Get the key regardless of firmware slot

@spec get_active(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil

Get the key for only the active firmware slot

@spec get_all() :: string_map()

Get all keys regardless of firmware slot

@spec get_all_active() :: string_map()

Get all key value pairs for only the active firmware slot

@spec put(string_map()) :: :ok

Write a collection of key-value pairs to the firmware metadata

@spec put(String.t(), String.t()) :: :ok

Write a key-value pair to the firmware metadata

@spec put_active(string_map()) :: :ok

Write a collection of key-value pairs to the active firmware slot

@spec put_active(String.t(), String.t()) :: :ok

Write a key-value pair to the active firmware slot

@spec start_link(keyword()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Start the KV store server


  • :kv_backend - a KV backend of the form {module, options} or just module