IP.Subnet (net_address v0.3.1) View Source

Convenience type which encapsulates the idea of an IP subnet. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnetwork


The distinction between an IP.Range and an IP.Subnet is that a Subnet must have its bounds at certain powers-of-two and multiple thereof that are governed by the subnet bit-length. A range is not constrained and is a simple "dumb list of ip addresses". Typically ranges will be proper subsets of Subnets.


Implements the Enumerable protocol, so the following sorts of things are possible:

iex> import IP
iex> Enum.map(~i"", &IP.to_string/1)
["", "", "", ""]


In the IP.Subnet implementation of Enumerable, the member?/2 callback is implemented to provide a fastlane membership function. You can thus check IP address membership without having to enumerate all members of the list first.

see also is_in/2.

iex> import IP
iex> ~i"" in ~i""
iex> ~i"" in ~i""
iex> ~i"" in ~i""
iex> ~i"" in ~i""
iex> ~i"" in ~i""

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generic ip subnet

ip subnet typed to ipv4 or ipv6


retrieves the bitlength from a subnet.

finds the broadcast address for a subnet

finds an ip address and subnet together from a config representation (this is an ip/cidr string where the ip is not necessarily the routing prefix for the cidr block).

finds an ip address and subnet together from a config representation (this is an ip/cidr string where the ip is not necessarily the routing prefix for the cidr block).

Finds an ip subnet in a string, returning an ok or error tuple on failure.

converts a string to an ip subnet.

true if the ip parameter is inside the subnet. ip must be a single ip address; if you need a membership function that accepts ranges or subnets, use Kernel.in/2.

true if the term is a subnet struct, and it's valid.

computes the netmask for a subnet.

creates a new IP Subnet struct from a routing prefix and bit length.

creates a corresponding IP subnet associated with a given IP address and bit length.

retrieves the routing prefix from a subnet.

converts an ip subnet to standard CIDR-form, with a slash delimiter.

Link to this section Types


t() :: t(IP.v4()) | t(IP.v6())

generic ip subnet


t(ip_type) :: %IP.Subnet{
  __enum__: term(),
  bit_length: 0..128,
  routing_prefix: ip_type

ip subnet typed to ipv4 or ipv6

Link to this section Functions


bitlength(t(IP.v4())) :: 0..32
bitlength(t(IP.v6())) :: 0..128

retrieves the bitlength from a subnet.

iex> import IP
iex> IP.Subnet.bitlength(~i"")


broadcast(t(IP.v4())) :: IP.v4()

finds the broadcast address for a subnet

iex> import IP
iex> IP.Subnet.broadcast(~i"")
{10, 0, 1, 255}
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finds an ip address and subnet together from a config representation (this is an ip/cidr string where the ip is not necessarily the routing prefix for the cidr block).

returns {:ok, ip, subnet} if the config string is valid; {:error, reason} otherwise.

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finds an ip address and subnet together from a config representation (this is an ip/cidr string where the ip is not necessarily the routing prefix for the cidr block).

This function is useful if you have configuration files that specify IP address/subnet identities in this fashion (for example ifupdown or netplan configuration files)

returns {ip, subnet} if the config string is valid; raises otherwise.

iex> IP.Subnet.config_from_string!("")
{{10, 0, 0, 4}, %IP.Subnet{routing_prefix: {10, 0, 0, 0}, bit_length: 24}}

Finds an ip subnet in a string, returning an ok or error tuple on failure.

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from_string!(String.t()) :: t() | no_return()

converts a string to an ip subnet.

checks if the values are sensible.

iex> import IP
iex> IP.Subnet.from_string!("")
  routing_prefix: {10, 0, 0, 0},
  bit_length: 24
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is_in(subnet, ip)

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true if the ip parameter is inside the subnet. ip must be a single ip address; if you need a membership function that accepts ranges or subnets, use Kernel.in/2.

Be aware of the parameter order, if you are using this after import IP.Range.

Currently only works for ipv4 addresses.

usable in guards.

iex> import IP
iex> IP.Subnet.is_in(~i"", ~i"")
iex> IP.Subnet.is_in(~i"", ~i"")
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is_subnet(any()) :: Macro.t()

true if the term is a subnet struct, and it's valid.

usable in guards.

iex> import IP
iex> IP.Subnet.is_subnet(~i"")
iex> IP.Subnet.is_subnet(:foo)
iex> IP.Subnet.is_subnet(%IP.Subnet{routing_prefix: {10, 0, 0, 0}, bit_length: 33})


netmask(t()) :: IP.addr()

computes the netmask for a subnet.

iex> import IP
iex> IP.Subnet.netmask(~i"")
{255, 255, 255, 0}
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new(routing_prefix, bit_length)

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new(IP.v4(), 0..32) :: t(IP.v4())
new(IP.v6(), 0..128) :: t(IP.v6())

creates a new IP Subnet struct from a routing prefix and bit length.

The routing prefix must be an actual routing prefix for the bit length, otherwise it will raise ArgumentError. If you are attempting to find the subnet for a given ip address, use of/2


of(IP.v4(), 0..32) :: t(IP.v4())
of(IP.v6(), 0..128) :: t(IP.v6())

creates a corresponding IP subnet associated with a given IP address and bit length.


prefix(t()) :: IP.addr()

retrieves the routing prefix from a subnet.

iex> import IP
iex> IP.Subnet.prefix(~i"")
{10, 0, 0, 0}


to_string(t()) :: String.t()

converts an ip subnet to standard CIDR-form, with a slash delimiter.

iex> IP.Subnet.to_string(%IP.Subnet{routing_prefix: {10, 0, 0, 0}, bit_length: 24})