NetStorage (netstorage v0.2.2)

Akamai NetStorage Usage API wrapper.

Defaults to version 1. To change the version number, pass [version: <version_number>] to the action_opts.

Official Akamai Documentation

Link to this section Summary


Delete content

List objects directly within the path.

Disk usage information for a specified path.

Download a specified object.

List the objects directly within the specified path.

Create a new directory.

Rename a specified object.

Performs NetStorage request.

Delete an empty directory.

Delete of a selected directory, including all contents.

Information about a named file, symlink, or directory.

Create a symbolic link.

Change a the modification time ("touch") of an object.

Upload content to specified path.

Link to this section Types

@type action() :: binary() | atom()
Link to this type


@type action_opts() :: keyword()
@type path() :: binary()
Link to this type


@type request_opts() :: keyword()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

delete(path, opts \\ [])

@spec delete(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Delete content

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dir(path, opts \\ [])

@spec dir(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

List objects directly within the path.

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disk_usage(path, opts \\ [])

@spec disk_usage(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Disk usage information for a specified path.

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download(path, opts \\ [])

@spec download(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Download a specified object.

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list(path, opts \\ [])

@spec list(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

List the objects directly within the specified path.

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mkdir(path, opts \\ [])

@spec mkdir(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Create a new directory.

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rename(source, destination, opts \\ [])

@spec rename(source :: path(), destination :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Rename a specified object.

The destination path must include the Content Provier Code.

iex> NetStorage.rename("/path/to/file", "/<cp-code>/path/to/file")

Link to this function

request(op, opts \\ [])

@spec request(operation :: NetStorage.Operation.t(), opts :: request_opts()) ::
  :ok | {:ok, term()} | :error | {:error, term()}

Performs NetStorage request.

Link to this function

rmdir(path, opts \\ [])

@spec rmdir(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Delete an empty directory.

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rmrf(path, opts \\ [])

@spec rmrf(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Delete of a selected directory, including all contents.

Must pass [confirm: :imreallyreallysure] ops, otherwise this function will noop.

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stat(path, opts \\ [])

@spec stat(path :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Information about a named file, symlink, or directory.

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symlink(path, target, opts \\ [])

@spec symlink(path :: path(), target :: path(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Create a symbolic link.

Link to this function

touch(path, timestamp, opts \\ [])

Change a the modification time ("touch") of an object.

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upload(path, blob, opts \\ [])

@spec upload(path :: path(), blob :: binary(), opts :: action_opts()) :: any()

Upload content to specified path.