View Source NimbleLZ4 (NimbleLZ4 v0.1.4)

LZ4 compression and decompression.

This functionality is built on top of native (Rust) NIFs. There is no streaming functionality, everything is done in memory.


Uncompressed Size

decompress/2 takes the original uncompressed size as a parameter. For this reason, it's common to store compressed binaries prefixed by their uncompressed length. For example, you could store the compressed binary as:

my_binary = <<...>>
store(<<byte_size(my_binary)::32>> <> NimbleLZ4.compress(my_binary))

When decompressing, you can extract the uncompressed length:

<<uncompressed_size::32, compressed_binary::binary>> = retrieve_binary()
uncompressed_binary = NimbleLZ4.decompress(compressed_binary, uncompressed_size)

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Compresses the given binary.

Decompresses the given binary using the size of the uncompressed binary.

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View Source (since 0.1.0)
@spec compress(binary()) :: binary()

Compresses the given binary.

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decompress(binary, uncompressed_size)

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@spec decompress(binary(), non_neg_integer()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}

Decompresses the given binary using the size of the uncompressed binary.