View Source NimbleParsec (NimbleParsec v1.4.0)
is a simple and fast library for text-based parser
Combinators are composed programatically and compiled into multiple clauses with binary matching. This provides the following benefits:
Performance: since it compiles to binary matching, it leverages many Erlang VM optimizations to generate a fast parser code with low memory usage
Composable: this library does not rely on macros for building and composing parsers, therefore they are fully composable. The only macros are
which emit the compiled clauses with binary matchingNo runtime dependency: after compilation, the generated parser clauses have no runtime dependency on
. This opens up the possibility to compile parsers and do not impose a dependency on users of your libraryNo footprints:
only needs to be imported in your modules. There is no need foruse NimbleParsec
, leaving no footprints on your modules
The goal of this library is to focus on a set of primitives for writing efficient parser combinators. The composition aspect means you should be able to use those primitives to implement higher level combinators.
Note this library does not handle low-level binary parsing. In such cases, we recommend using Elixir's bitstring syntax.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
date =
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
time =
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> optional(string("Z"))
defparsec :datetime, date |> ignore(string("T")) |> concat(time), debug: true
#=> {:ok, [2010, 4, 17, 14, 12, 34, "Z"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 20}
If you add debug: true
to defparsec/3
, it will print the generated
clauses, which are shown below:
defp datetime__0(<<x0, x1, x2, x3, "-", x4, x5, "-", x6, x7, "T",
x8, x9, ":", x10, x11, ":", x12, x13, rest::binary>>,
acc, stack, comb__context, comb__line, comb__column)
when x0 >= 48 and x0 <= 57 and (x1 >= 48 and x1 <= 57) and
(x2 >= 48 and x2 <= 57) and (x3 >= 48 and x3 <= 57) and
(x4 >= 48 and x4 <= 57) and (x5 >= 48 and x5 <= 57) and
(x6 >= 48 and x6 <= 57) and (x7 >= 48 and x7 <= 57) and
(x8 >= 48 and x8 <= 57) and (x9 >= 48 and x9 <= 57) and
(x10 >= 48 and x10 <= 57) and (x11 >= 48 and x11 <= 57) and
(x12 >= 48 and x12 <= 57) and (x13 >= 48 and x13 <= 57) do
[(x13 - 48) * 1 + (x12 - 48) * 10, (x11 - 48) * 1 + (x10 - 48) * 10,
(x9 - 48) * 1 + (x8 - 48) * 10, (x7 - 48) * 1 + (x6 - 48) * 10, (x5 - 48) * 1 + (x4 - 48) * 10,
(x3 - 48) * 1 + (x2 - 48) * 10 + (x1 - 48) * 100 + (x0 - 48) * 1000] ++ acc,
comb__column + 19
defp datetime__0(rest, acc, _stack, context, line, column) do
{:error, "...", rest, context, line, column}
defp datetime__1(<<"Z", rest::binary>>, acc, stack, comb__context, comb__line, comb__column) do
datetime__2(rest, ["Z"] ++ acc, stack, comb__context, comb__line, comb__column + 1)
defp datetime__1(rest, acc, stack, context, line, column) do
datetime__2(rest, acc, stack, context, line, column)
defp datetime__2(rest, acc, _stack, context, line, column) do
{:ok, acc, rest, context, line, column}
As you can see, it generates highly inlined code, comparable to
hand-written parsers. This gives NimbleParsec
an order of magnitude
performance gains compared to other parser combinators. Further performance
can be gained by giving the inline: true
option to defparsec/3
Defines a single ASCII codepoint in the given ranges.
Defines an ASCII string combinator with an exact length or min
and max
Puts the result of the given combinator as the first element
of a tuple with the byte_offset
as second element.
Chooses one of the given combinators.
Concatenates two combinators.
Inspects the combinator state given to to_debug
with the given opts
Defines a combinator with the given name
and opts
Defines a combinator with the given name
and opts
Defines a parser (and a combinator) with the given name
and opts
Defines a private parser (and a combinator) with the given name
and opts
Duplicates the combinator to_duplicate
Returns an empty combinator.
Defines an end of string combinator.
Marks the given combinator should appear eventually.
Generate a random binary from the given parsec.
Ignores the output of combinator given in to_ignore
Defines an integer combinator with of exact length or min
and max
Adds a label to the combinator to be used in error reports.
Puts the result of the given combinator as the first element
of a tuple with the line
as second element.
Checks if a combinator is ahead.
Checks if a combinator is not ahead.
Maps over the combinator results with the remote or local function in call
Marks the given combinator as optional
Invokes an already compiled combinator with name name
in the
same module.
Traverses the combinator results with the remote or local function call
The same as post_traverse/3
but receives the line and offset
from before the wrapped combinators.
Invokes call
to emit the AST that post traverses the to_post_traverse
combinator results.
The same as quoted_post_traverse/3
but receives the line and offset
from before the wrapped combinators.
Invokes while
to emit the AST that will repeat to_repeat
while the AST code returns {:cont, context}
Reduces over the combinator results with the remote or local function in call
Allow the combinator given on to_repeat
to appear zero or more times.
Repeats while the given remote or local function while
{:cont, context}
Replaces the output of combinator given in to_replace
by a single value.
Defines a string binary value.
Tags the result of the given combinator in to_tag
in a tuple with
as first element.
Allow the combinator given on to_repeat
to appear at least, at most
or exactly a given amount of times.
Unwraps and tags the result of the given combinator in to_tag
in a tuple with
as first element.
Defines a single UTF-8 codepoint in the given ranges.
Defines an UTF8 string combinator with of exact length or min
and max
codepoint length.
Wraps the results of the given combinator in to_wrap
in a list.
@type bin_modifier() :: :integer | :utf8 | :utf16 | :utf32
@type exclusive_range() :: {:not, Range.t()} | {:not, char()}
@type gen_times() :: Range.t() | non_neg_integer() | nil
@type gen_weights() :: [pos_integer()] | nil
@type inclusive_range() :: Range.t() | char()
@type min_and_max() :: {:min, non_neg_integer()} | {:max, pos_integer()}
@type opts() :: Keyword.t()
@type range() :: inclusive_range() | exclusive_range()
@opaque t()
Defines a single ASCII codepoint in the given ranges.
is a list containing one of:
- a
range expressing supported codepoints - a
integer expressing a supported codepoint {:not, min..max}
expressing not supported codepoints{:not, codepoint}
expressing a not supported codepoint
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :digit_and_lowercase,
|> ascii_char([?0..?9])
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
#=> {:ok, [?1, ?a], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
#=> {:error, "expected ASCII character in the range '0' to '9', followed by ASCII character in the range 'a' to 'z'", "a1", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
@spec ascii_string(t(), [range()], pos_integer() | [min_and_max()]) :: t()
Defines an ASCII string combinator with an exact length or min
and max
The ranges
specify the allowed characters in the ASCII string.
See ascii_char/2
for more information.
If you want a string of unknown size, use ascii_string(ranges, min: 1)
If you want a literal string, use string/2
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :two_lowercase_letters, ascii_string([?a..?z], 2)
#=> {:ok, ["ab"], "c", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
Puts the result of the given combinator as the first element
of a tuple with the byte_offset
as second element.
is a non-negative integer.
Chooses one of the given combinators.
Expects at least two choices.
Beware! Char combinators
Note both utf8_char/2
and ascii_char/2
allow multiple ranges to
be given. Therefore, instead this:
One should simply prefer:
ascii_char([?a..?z, ?A..?Z])
As the latter is compiled more efficiently by NimbleParsec
Beware! Always successful combinators
If a combinator that always succeeds is given as a choice, that choice
will always succeed which may lead to unused function warnings since
any further choice won't ever be attempted. For example, because repeat/2
always succeeds, the string/2
combinator below it won't ever run:
Instead of repeat/2
, you may want to use times/3
with the flags :min
and :max
Beware! Overlapping choices
In case choices overlap, there is no guarantee which error will be the one effectively returned. For example, imagine this choice:
ß Since both choices can be activated for an input starting with "abc", NimbleParsec guarantees it will return the error from one of them, but not which.
Concatenates two combinators.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :digit_upper_lower_plus,
concat(ascii_char([?0..?9]), ascii_char([?A..?Z])),
concat(ascii_char([?a..?z]), ascii_char([?+..?+]))
#=> {:ok, [?1, ?A, ?z, ?+], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
Inspects the combinator state given to to_debug
with the given opts
Defines a combinator with the given name
and opts
It is similar to defparsec/3
except it does not define
an entry-point parsing function, just the combinator function
to be used with parsec/2
Defines a combinator with the given name
and opts
It is similar to defparsecp/3
except it does not define
an entry-point parsing function, just the combinator function
to be used with parsec/2
Defines a parser (and a combinator) with the given name
and opts
The parser is a function that receives two arguments, the binary to be parsed and a set of options. You can consult the documentation of the generated parser function for more information.
This function will also define a combinator that can be used as
when building other parsers. See parsec/2
more information on invoking compiled combinators.
is executed during compilation. This means you can't
invoke a function defined in the same module. The following will error
because the date
function has not yet been defined:
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
def date do
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
defparsec :date, date()
This can be solved in different ways. You may simply compose a long parser using variables. For example:
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
date =
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
defparsec :date, date
Alternatively, you may define a Helpers
module with many
convenience combinators, and then invoke them in your parser
defmodule MyParser.Helpers do
import NimbleParsec
def date do
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
import MyParser.Helpers
defparsec :date, date()
The approach of using helper modules is the favorite way
of composing parsers in NimbleParsec
- when true, inlines clauses that work as redirection for other clauses. Settings this may improve runtime performance at the cost of increased compilation time and bytecode size:debug
- when true, writes generated clauses to:stderr
for debugging:export_combinator
- make the underlying combinator function public so it can be used as part ofparsec/1
from other modules:export_metadata
- export metadata necessary to use this parser combinator to generate inputs
Defines a private parser (and a combinator) with the given name
and opts
The same as defparsec/3
but the parsing function is private.
@spec duplicate(t(), t(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()
Duplicates the combinator to_duplicate
@spec empty() :: t()
Returns an empty combinator.
An empty combinator cannot be compiled on its own.
Defines an end of string combinator.
The end of string does not produce a token and can be parsed multiple times. This function is useful to avoid having to check for an empty remainder after a successful parse.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :letter_pairs, utf8_string([], 2) |> repeat() |> eos()
#=> {:ok, ["hi"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
#=> {:error, "expected end of string", "o", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
Marks the given combinator should appear eventually.
Any other data before the combinator appears is discarded. If the combinator never appears, then it is an error.
Note: this can be potentially a very expensive operation as it executes the given combinator byte by byte until finding an eventual match or ultimately failing. For example, if you are looking for an integer, it is preferrable to discard everything that is not an integer
ignore(ascii_string([not: ?0..?9]))
rather than eventually look for an integer
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
hour = integer(min: 1, max: 2)
defparsec :extract_hour, eventually(hour)
MyParser.extract_hour("let's meet at 12?")
#=> {:ok, [12], "?", %{}, {1, 0}, 16}
Generate a random binary from the given parsec.
Let's see an example:
import NimbleParsec
generate(choice([string("foo"), string("bar")]))
The command above will return either "foo" or "bar". generate/1
is often used with pre-defined parsecs. In this case, the
flag must be set:
defmodule SomeModule do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :parse,
choice([string("foo"), string("bar")]),
export_metadata: true
# Reference the parsec and generate from it
NimbleParsec.parsec({SomeModule, :parse})
|> NimbleParsec.generate()
|> IO.puts()
can often run forever for recursive algorithms.
Read the notes below and make use of the gen_weight
and gen_times
option to certain parsecs to control the recursion depth.
Overall, there is no guarantee over the generated output, except that it will generate a binary that is parseable by the parsec itself, but even this guarantee may be broken by parsers that have custom validations. Keep in mind the following:
is not compatible with NimbleParsec's dumped viamix nimble_parsec.compile
requires the referenced parsec to setexport_metadata: true
on its definition;choice/2
will be generated evenly. You can pass:gen_weights
as a list of positive integer weights to balance your choices. This is particularly important for recursive algorithms;repeat/2
will repeat between 0 and 3 times unless a:gen_times
option is given to these operations.times/3
without a:max
will also additionally repeat between 0 and 3 times unless:gen_times
is given. The:gen_times
option can either be an integer as the number of times to repeat or a range where a random value in the range will be picked;eventually/2
always generates the eventually parsec immediately;lookahead/2
are simply discarded;Validations done in any of the traverse definitions are not taken into account by the generator. Therefore, if a parsec does validations, the generator may generate binaries invalid to said parsec;
Ignores the output of combinator given in to_ignore
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :ignorable, string("T") |> ignore() |> integer(2)
#=> {:ok, [12], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
@spec integer(t(), pos_integer() | [min_and_max()]) :: t()
Defines an integer combinator with of exact length or min
and max
If you want an integer of unknown size, use integer(min: 1)
This combinator does not parse the sign and is always on base 10.
With exact length:
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :two_digits_integer, integer(2)
#=> {:ok, [12], "3", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
#=> {:error, "expected ASCII character in the range '0' to '9', followed by ASCII character in the range '0' to '9'", "1a3", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
With min and max:
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :two_digits_integer, integer(min: 2, max: 4)
#=> {:ok, [123], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
#=> {:error, "expected ASCII character in the range '0' to '9', followed by ASCII character in the range '0' to '9'", "1a3", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
If the size of the integer has a min and max close to each other, such as from 2 to 4 or from 1 to 2, using choice may emit more efficient code:
choice([integer(4), integer(3), integer(2)])
Note you should start from bigger to smaller.
Adds a label to the combinator to be used in error reports.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :digit_and_lowercase,
|> ascii_char([?0..?9])
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
|> label("digit followed by lowercase letter")
#=> {:ok, [?1, ?a], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
#=> {:error, "expected a digit followed by lowercase letter", "a1", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
Puts the result of the given combinator as the first element
of a tuple with the line
as second element.
is a tuple where the first element is the current line
and the second element is the byte offset immediately after
the newline.
Checks if a combinator is ahead.
If it succeeds, it continues as usual, otherwise it aborts the
closest choice/2
, repeat/2
, etc. If there is no closest
operation to abort, then it errors.
Note a lookahead never changes the accumulated output nor the context.
For example, imagine you want to parse a language that has the keywords "if" and "while" and identifiers made of any letters or number, where keywords and identifiers can be separated by a single white space:
defmodule IfWhileLang do
import NimbleParsec
keyword =
string("if") |> replace(:if),
string("while") |> replace(:while)
identifier =
ascii_string([?a..?z, ?A..?Z, ?0..?9], min: 1)
defparsec :expr, repeat(choice([keyword, identifier]) |> optional(string(" ")))
The issue with the implementation above is that the following will parse:
{:ok, [:if, "fy"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
However, "iffy" should be treated as a full identifier. We could
solve this by inverting the order of keyword
and identifier
in :expr
but that means "if" itself will be considered an identifier
and not a keyword. To solve this, we need lookaheads.
One option is to check that after the keyword we either have an empty string OR the end of the string:
keyword =
string("if") |> replace(:if),
string("while") |> replace(:while)
|> lookahead(choice([string(" "), eos()]))
However, in this case, a negative lookahead may be clearer, and we can assert that we don't have any identifier character after the keyword:
keyword =
string("if") |> replace(:if),
string("while") |> replace(:while)
|> lookahead_not(ascii_char([?a..?z, ?A..?Z, ?0..?9]))
Now we get the desired result back:
#=> {:ok, ["iffy"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
IfWhileLang.expr("if fy")
#=> {:ok, [:if, " ", "fy"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 5}
Checks if a combinator is not ahead.
If it succeeds, it aborts the closest choice/2
, repeat/2
, etc.
Otherwise it continues as usual. If there is no closest operation
to abort, then it errors.
Note a lookahead never changes the accumulated output nor the context.
For an example, see lookahead/2
Maps over the combinator results with the remote or local function in call
is either a {module, function, args}
a remote call, a {function, args}
representing a local call
or an atom function
representing {function, []}
Each parser result will be invoked individually for the call
Each result be prepended to the given args
. The args
be injected at the compile site and therefore must be escapable
via Macro.escape/1
See post_traverse/3
for a low level version of this function.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :letters_to_string_chars,
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
|> map({Integer, :to_string, []})
#=> {:ok, ["97", "98", "99"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 3}
Marks the given combinator as optional
It is equivalent to choice([optional, empty()])
@spec parsec(t(), name :: atom()) :: t()
@spec parsec( t(), {module(), function_name :: atom()} ) :: t()
Invokes an already compiled combinator with name name
in the
same module.
Every parser defined via defparsec/3
or defparsecp/3
can be
used as combinators. However, the defparsec/3
and defparsecp/3
functions also define an entry-point parsing function, as implied
by their names. If you want to define a combinator with the sole
purpose of using it in combinator, use defcombinatorp/3
Use cases
is useful to implement recursive definitions.
Note while parsec/2
can be used to compose smaller combinators,
the preferred mechanism for doing composition is via regular functions
and not via parsec/2
. Let's see a practical example. Imagine
that you have this module:
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
date =
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
time =
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> optional(string("Z"))
defparsec :datetime, date |> ignore(string("T")) |> concat(time), debug: true
Now imagine that you want to break date
and time
into helper functions, as you use them in other occasions.
Generally speaking, you should NOT do this:
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defcombinatorp :date,
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
defcombinatorp :time,
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> optional(string("Z"))
defparsec :datetime,
parsec(:date) |> ignore(string("T")) |> concat(parsec(:time))
The reason why the above is not recommended is because each
combinator ends-up adding a stacktrace entry during
parsing, which affects the ability of NimbleParsec
to optimize
code. If the goal is to compose combinators, you can do so
with modules and functions:
defmodule MyParser.Helpers do
import NimbleParsec
def date do
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string("-"))
|> integer(2)
def time do
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> ignore(string(":"))
|> integer(2)
|> optional(string("Z"))
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
import MyParser.Helpers
defparsec :datetime,
date() |> ignore(string("T")) |> concat(time())
The implementation above will be able to compile to the most efficient format as possible without forcing new stacktrace entries.
The only situation where you should use parsec/2
for composition
is when a large parser is used over and over again in a way
compilation times are high. In this sense, you can use parsec/2
to improve compilation time at the cost of runtime performance.
By using parsec/2
, the tree size built at compile time will be
reduced although runtime performance is degraded as parsec
introduces a stacktrace entry.
Remote combinators
You can also reference combinators in other modules by passing
a tuple with the module name and a function to parsec/2
as follows:
defmodule RemoteCombinatorModule do
defcombinator :upcase_unicode, utf8_char([...long, list, of, unicode, chars...])
defmodule LocalModule do
# Parsec that depends on `:upcase_A`
defparsec :parsec_name,
|> ascii_char([?a..?Z])
|> parsec({RemoteCombinatorModule, :upcase_unicode})
Remote combinators are useful when breaking the compilation of large modules apart in order to use Elixir's ability to compile modules in parallel.
A good example of using parsec
is with recursive parsers.
A limited but recursive XML parser could be written as follows:
defmodule SimpleXML do
import NimbleParsec
tag = ascii_string([?a..?z, ?A..?Z], min: 1)
text = ascii_string([not: ?<], min: 1)
opening_tag =
|> concat(tag)
|> ignore(string(">"))
closing_tag =
|> concat(tag)
|> ignore(string(">"))
defparsec :xml,
|> repeat(lookahead_not(string("</")) |> choice([parsec(:xml), text]))
|> concat(closing_tag)
|> wrap()
#=> {:ok, [["foo", "bar", "foo"]], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 14}
In the example above, defparsec/3
has defined the entry-point
parsing function as well as a combinator which we have invoked
with parsec(:xml)
In many cases, however, you want to define recursive combinators
without the entry-point parsing function. We can do this by
replacing defparsec/3
by defcombinatorp
defcombinatorp :xml,
|> repeat(lookahead_not(string("</")) |> choice([parsec(:xml), text]))
|> concat(closing_tag)
|> wrap()
When using defcombinatorp
, you can no longer invoke
as there is no associated parsing function.
You can only access the combinator above via parsec/2
Traverses the combinator results with the remote or local function call
is either a {module, function, args}
a remote call, a {function, args}
representing a local call
or an atom function
representing {function, []}
The function given in call
will receive 5 additional arguments.
The rest of the parsed binary, the parser results to be post_traversed,
the parser context, the current line and the current offset will
be prepended to the given args
. The args
will be injected at
the compile site and therefore must be escapable via Macro.escape/1
The line and offset will represent the location after the combinators.
To retrieve the position before the combinators, use pre_traverse/3
The call
must return a tuple {rest, acc, context}
with list of
results to be added to the accumulator as first argument and a context
as second argument. It may also return {:error, reason}
to stop
processing. Notice the received results are in reverse order and
must be returned in reverse order too.
The number of elements returned does not need to be the same as the number of elements given.
This is a low-level function for changing the parsed result.
On top of this function, other functions are built, such as
if you want to map over each individual element and
not worry about ordering, reduce/3
to reduce all elements
into a single one, replace/3
if you want to replace the
parsed result by a single value and ignore/2
if you want to
ignore the parsed result.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :letters_to_chars,
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
|> post_traverse({:join_and_wrap, ["-"]})
defp join_and_wrap(rest, args, context, _line, _offset, joiner) do
{rest, args |> Enum.join(joiner) |> List.wrap(), context}
#=> {:ok, ["99-98-97"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 3}
The same as post_traverse/3
but receives the line and offset
from before the wrapped combinators.
should be preferred as it keeps less stack
information. Use pre_traverse/3
only if you have to access
the line and offset from before the given combinators.
quoted_post_traverse(combinator \\ empty(), to_post_traverse, call)
View SourceInvokes call
to emit the AST that post traverses the to_post_traverse
combinator results.
This is similar to post_traverse/3
. In post_traverse/3
, call
invoked to process the combinator results. In here, it is invoked to
emit AST that in its turn will process the combinator results.
The invoked function must return the same types as post_traverse/3
is a {module, function, args}
and it will receive 5
additional arguments. The AST representation of the rest of the
parsed binary, the parser results, context, line and offset will
be prepended to args
. call
is invoked at compile time and is
useful in combinators that avoid injecting runtime dependencies.
The line and offset will represent the location after the combinators.
To retrieve the position before the combinators, use quoted_pre_traverse/3
This function must be used only when you want to emit code that
has no runtime dependencies in other modules. In most cases,
using post_traverse/3
is better, since it doesn't work on ASTs
and instead works at runtime.
The same as quoted_post_traverse/3
but receives the line and offset
from before the wrapped combinators.
should be preferred as it keeps less stack
information. Use quoted_pre_traverse/3
only if you have to access
the line and offset from before the given combinators.
quoted_repeat_while(combinator \\ empty(), to_repeat, while, opts \\ [])
View SourceInvokes while
to emit the AST that will repeat to_repeat
while the AST code returns {:cont, context}
In case repetition should stop, while
must return {:halt, context}
is a {module, function, args}
and it will receive 4
additional arguments. The AST representations of the binary to be
parsed, context, line and offset will be prepended to args
. while
is invoked at compile time and is useful in combinators that avoid
injecting runtime dependencies.
Reduces over the combinator results with the remote or local function in call
is either a {module, function, args}
a remote call, a {function, args}
representing a local call
or an atom function
representing {function, []}
The parser results to be reduced will be prepended to the
given args
. The args
will be injected at the compile site
and therefore must be escapable via Macro.escape/1
See post_traverse/3
for a low level version of this function.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :letters_to_reduced_chars,
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
|> ascii_char([?a..?z])
|> reduce({Enum, :join, ["-"]})
#=> {:ok, ["97-98-99"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 3}
Allow the combinator given on to_repeat
to appear zero or more times.
Beware! Since repeat/2
allows zero entries, it cannot be used inside
, because it will always succeed and may lead to unused function
warnings since any further choice won't ever be attempted. For example,
because repeat/2
always succeeds, the string/2
combinator below it
won't ever run:
Instead of repeat/2
, you may want to use times/3
with the flags :min
and :max
Also beware! If you attempt to repeat a combinator that can match nothing,
like optional/2
, repeat/2
will not terminate. For example, consider
this combinator:
This combinator will never terminate because repeat/2
chooses the empty
option of optional/2
every time. Since the goal of the parser above is
to parse 0 or more ?a
characters, it can be represented by
, because repeat/2
allows 0 or more matches.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :repeat_lower, repeat(ascii_char([?a..?z]))
#=> {:ok, [?a, ?b, ?c, ?d], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
#=> {:ok, [], "1234", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
Repeats while the given remote or local function while
{:cont, context}
If the combinator to_repeat
stops matching, then the whole repeat
loop stops successfully, hence it is important to assert the terminated
value after repeating.
In case repetition should stop, while
must return {:halt, context}
is either a {module, function, args}
a remote call, a {function, args}
representing a local call
or an atom function
representing {function, []}
The function given in while
will receive 4 additional arguments.
The rest
of the binary to be parsed, the parser context, the
current line and the current offset will be prepended to the
given args
. The args
will be injected at the compile site
and therefore must be escapable via Macro.escape/1
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :string_with_quotes,
|> repeat_while(
~S(\") |> string() |> replace(?"),
{:not_quote, []}
|> ascii_char([?"])
|> reduce({List, :to_string, []})
defp not_quote(<<?", _::binary>>, context, _, _), do: {:halt, context}
defp not_quote(_, context, _, _), do: {:cont, context}
MyParser.string_with_quotes(~S("string with quotes \" inside"))
{:ok, ["\"string with quotes \" inside\""], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 30}
Note you can use lookahead/2
and lookahead_not/2
(instead of repeat_while/3
) to write a combinator
that repeats while a combinator matches (or does not match).
For example, the same combinator above could be written as:
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :string_with_quotes,
|> repeat(
|> choice([
~S(\") |> string() |> replace(?"),
|> ascii_char([?"])
|> reduce({List, :to_string, []})
MyParser.string_with_quotes(~S("string with quotes \" inside"))
{:ok, ["\"string with quotes \" inside\""], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 30}
However, repeat_while
is still useful when the condition to
repeat comes from the context passed around.
Replaces the output of combinator given in to_replace
by a single value.
The value
will be injected at the compile site
and therefore must be escapable via Macro.escape/1
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :replaceable, string("T") |> replace("OTHER") |> integer(2, 2)
#=> {:ok, ["OTHER", 12], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
Defines a string binary value.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :string_t, string("T")
#=> {:ok, ["T"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 1}
MyParser.string_t("not T")
#=> {:error, "expected a string \"T\"", "not T", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
Tags the result of the given combinator in to_tag
in a tuple with
as first element.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :integer, integer(min: 1) |> tag(:integer)
#=> {:ok, [integer: [1234]], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
Notice, however, that the integer result is wrapped in a list, because
the parser is expected to emit multiple tokens. When you are sure that
only a single token is emitted, you should use unwrap_and_tag/3
@spec times(t(), t(), pos_integer() | [min_and_max()]) :: t()
Allow the combinator given on to_repeat
to appear at least, at most
or exactly a given amount of times.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :minimum_lower, times(ascii_char([?a..?z]), min: 2)
#=> {:ok, [?a, ?b, ?c, ?d], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
#=> {:ok, [?a, ?b], "12", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
#=> {:ok, [], "a123", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
Unwraps and tags the result of the given combinator in to_tag
in a tuple with
as first element.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :integer, integer(min: 1) |> unwrap_and_tag(:integer)
#=> {:ok, [integer: 1234], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 4}
In case the combinator emits greater than one token, an error will be raised.
See tag/3
for more information.
Defines a single UTF-8 codepoint in the given ranges.
is a list containing one of:
- a
range expressing supported codepoints - a
integer expressing a supported codepoint {:not, min..max}
expressing not supported codepoints{:not, codepoint}
expressing a not supported codepoint
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :digit_and_utf8,
|> utf8_char([?0..?9])
|> utf8_char([])
#=> {:ok, [?1, ?é], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 2}
#=> {:error, "expected utf8 codepoint in the range '0' to '9', followed by utf8 codepoint", "a1", %{}, {1, 0}, 0}
@spec utf8_string(t(), [range()], pos_integer() | [min_and_max()]) :: t()
Defines an UTF8 string combinator with of exact length or min
and max
codepoint length.
The ranges
specify the allowed characters in the UTF8 string.
See utf8_char/2
for more information.
If you want a string of unknown size, use utf8_string(ranges, min: 1)
If you want a literal string, use string/2
Note that the combinator matches on codepoints, not graphemes. Therefore
results may vary depending on whether the input is in nfc
or nfd
normalized form.
defmodule MyParser do
import NimbleParsec
defparsec :two_letters, utf8_string([], 2)
#=> {:ok, ["áé"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 3}
Wraps the results of the given combinator in to_wrap
in a list.