View Source NimblePool behaviour (NimblePool v1.0.0)

NimblePool is a tiny resource-pool implementation.

Pools in the Erlang VM, and therefore in Elixir, are generally process-based: they manage a group of processes. The downside of said pools is that when they have to manage resources, such as sockets or ports, the additional process leads to overhead.

In such pools, you usually end-up with two scenarios:

  • You invoke the pool manager, which returns the pooled process, which performs the operation on the socket or port for you, returning you the reply. This approach is non-optimal because all of the data sent and returned by the resource needs to be copied between processes

  • You invoke the pool manager, which returns the pooled process, which gives you access to the resource. Then you can act directly on the resource, avoiding the data copying, but you need to keep the state of the resource in sync with the process

NimblePool allows you to implement the second scenario without the addition of processes, which leads to a simpler and more efficient implementation. You should consider using NimblePool whenever you have to manage sockets, ports, or NIF resources and you want the client to perform one-off operations on them. For example, NimblePool is a good solution to manage HTTP 1 connections, ports that need to communicate with long-running programs, etc.

The downside of NimblePool is that, because all resources are under a single process, any resource management operation will happen on this single process, which is more likely to become a bottleneck. This can be addressed, however, by starting one NimblePool per scheduler and by doing scheduler-based dispatches.

NimblePool may not be a good option to manage processes. After all, the goal of NimblePool is to avoid creating processes for resources. If you already have a process, using a process-based pool such as poolboy will provide a better abstraction.

Finally, avoid using NimblePool to manage resources that support multiplexing, such as HTTP 2 connections. In fact, pools are not a good option to manage resources with multiplexing in general, as the pool removes the ability to multiplex.


Types of callbacks

NimblePool has two types of callbacks. Worker callbacks and pool callbacks. The worker callbacks configure the behaviour of each worker, such as initialization, checkin and checkout. The pool callbacks configure general pool behaviour, such as initialization and queueing.



To use NimblePool, you must define a module that implements the pool worker logic, outlined in the NimblePool behaviour.


Port-based example

The example below keeps ports on the pool and check them out on every command. Please read the docs for Port before using the approach below, especially in regards to zombie ports.

defmodule PortPool do
  @behaviour NimblePool

  @doc ~S"""
  Executes a given command against a port kept by the pool.

  First we start the port:

      iex> child = {NimblePool, worker: {PortPool, :cat}, name: PortPool}
      iex> Supervisor.start_link([child], strategy: :one_for_one)

  Now we can run commands against the pool of ports:

      iex> PortPool.command(PortPool, "hello\n")
      iex> PortPool.command(PortPool, "world\n")

  def command(pool, command, opts \\ []) do
    pool_timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :pool_timeout, 5000)
    receive_timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :receive_timeout, 15000)

    NimblePool.checkout!(pool, :checkout, fn {pid, _}, port ->
      send(port, {self(), {:command, command}})

      receive do
        {^port, {:data, data}} ->
          try do
            Port.connect(port, pid)
            {data, :ok}
            _ -> {data, :close}
        receive_timeout ->
    end, pool_timeout)

  @impl NimblePool
  def init_worker(:cat = pool_state) do
    path = System.find_executable("cat")
    port ={:spawn_executable, path}, [:binary, args: ["-"]])
    {:ok, port, pool_state}

  @impl NimblePool
  # Transfer the port to the caller
  def handle_checkout(:checkout, {pid, _}, port, pool_state) do
    Port.connect(port, pid)
    {:ok, port, port, pool_state}

  @impl NimblePool
  # We got it back
  def handle_checkin(:ok, _from, port, pool_state) do
    {:ok, port, pool_state}

  def handle_checkin(:close, _from, _port, pool_state) do
    {:remove, :closed, pool_state}

  @impl NimblePool
  # On terminate, effectively close it
  def terminate_worker(_reason, port, pool_state) do
    {:ok, pool_state}


HTTP1-based example

The pool below uses Mint for HTTP1 connections. It establishes connections eagerly. A better approach may be to establish connections lazily on checkout, as done by Finch, which is built on top of Mint+NimbleOptions.

defmodule HTTP1Pool do
  @behaviour NimblePool

  @doc ~S"""
  Executes a given command against a connection kept by the pool.

  First we start the connection:

      child = {NimblePool, worker: {HTTP1Pool, {:https, "", 443}}, name: HTTP1Pool}
      Supervisor.start_link([child], strategy: :one_for_one)

  Then we can access it:

      iex> HTTP1Pool.get(HTTP1Pool, "/")
      {:ok, %{status: 200, ...}}

  def get(pool, path, opts \\ []) do
    pool_timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :pool_timeout, 5000)
    receive_timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :receive_timeout, 15000)

      fn _from, conn ->
        {{kind, result_or_error}, conn} =
          with {:ok, conn, ref} <- Mint.HTTP1.request(conn, "GET", path, [], nil),
               {:ok, conn, result} <- receive_response([], conn, ref, %{}, receive_timeout) do
            {{:ok, result}, transfer_if_open(conn)}

        {{kind, result_or_error}, conn}

  defp transfer_if_open(conn) do
    if do
      {:ok, conn}

  defp receive_response([], conn, ref, response, timeout) do
    {:ok, conn, entries} = Mint.HTTP1.recv(conn, 0, timeout)
    receive_response(entries, conn, ref, response, timeout)

  defp receive_response([entry | entries], conn, ref, response, timeout) do
    case entry do
      {kind, ^ref, value} when kind in [:status, :headers] ->
        response = Map.put(response, kind, value)
        receive_response(entries, conn, ref, response, timeout)

      {:data, ^ref, data} ->
        response = Map.update(response, :data, data, &(&1 <> data))
        receive_response(entries, conn, ref, response, timeout)

      {:done, ^ref} ->
        {:ok, conn, response}

      {:error, ^ref, error} ->
        {:error, conn, error}

  @impl NimblePool
  def init_worker({scheme, host, port} = pool_state) do
    parent = self()

    async = fn ->
      # TODO: Add back-off
      {:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP1.connect(scheme, host, port, [])
      {:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP1.controlling_process(conn, parent)

    {:async, async, pool_state}

  @impl NimblePool
  # Transfer the conn to the caller.
  # If we lost the connection, then we remove it to try again.
  def handle_checkout(:checkout, _from, conn, pool_state) do
    with {:ok, conn} <- Mint.HTTP1.set_mode(conn, :passive) do
      {:ok, conn, conn, pool_state}
      _ -> {:remove, :closed, pool_state}

  @impl NimblePool
  # We got it back.
  def handle_checkin(state, _from, _old_conn, pool_state) do
    with {:ok, conn} <- state,
         {:ok, conn} <- Mint.HTTP1.set_mode(conn, :active) do
      {:ok, conn, pool_state}
      {:error, _} -> {:remove, :closed, pool_state}

  @impl NimblePool
  # If it is closed, drop it.
  def handle_info(message, conn) do
    case, message) do
      {:ok, _, _} -> {:ok, conn}
      {:error, _, _, _} -> {:remove, :closed}
      :unknown -> {:ok, conn}

  @impl NimblePool
  # On terminate, effectively close it.
  # This will succeed even if it was already closed or if we don't own it.
  def terminate_worker(_reason, conn, pool_state) do
    {:ok, pool_state}

Link to this section Summary

Worker callbacks

Receives a message in the worker.

Handle pings due to inactivity on worker.

Handles update instruction from checked out worker.

Initializes the worker.

Pool callbacks

Executed by the pool, whenever a request to checkout a worker is enqueued.

Initializes the pool.


Defines a pool to be started under the supervision tree.

Starts a pool.

Sends an update instruction to the pool about the checked out worker.

Link to this section Types

@type client_state() :: term()
@type from() :: {pid(), reference()}
@type init_arg() :: term()
@type pool_state() :: term()
@type user_reason() :: term()
@type worker_state() :: term()

Link to this section Worker callbacks

Link to this callback

handle_checkin(client_state, from, worker_state, pool_state)

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@callback handle_checkin(client_state(), from(), worker_state(), pool_state()) ::
  {:ok, worker_state(), pool_state()} | {:remove, user_reason(), pool_state()}

Checks a worker in.

It receives the client_state, returned by the checkout!/4 anonymous function and it must return either {:ok, worker_state, pool_state} or {:remove, reason, pool_state}.

Note this callback is synchronous and therefore will block the pool. Avoid performing long work in here, instead do as much work as possible on the client.

Once the connection is checked in, it may immediately be handed to another client, without traversing any of the messages in the pool inbox.

This callback is optional.

Link to this callback

handle_checkout(maybe_wrapped_command, from, worker_state, pool_state)

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@callback handle_checkout(
  maybe_wrapped_command :: term(),
) ::
  {:ok, client_state(), worker_state(), pool_state()}
  | {:remove, user_reason(), pool_state()}
  | {:skip, Exception.t(), pool_state()}

Checks a worker out.

It receives maybe_wrapped_command. The command is given to the checkout!/4 call and may optionally be wrapped by handle_enqueue/2. It must return either {:ok, client_state, worker_state, pool_state}, {:remove, reason, pool_state}, or {:skip, Exception.t(), pool_state}.

If :remove is returned, NimblePool will attempt to checkout another worker.

If :skip is returned, NimblePool will skip the checkout, the client will raise the returned exception, and the worker will be left ready for the next checkout attempt.

Note this callback is synchronous and therefore will block the pool. Avoid performing long work in here, instead do as much work as possible on the client.

Once the connection is checked out, the worker won't receive any messages targeted to handle_info/2.

Link to this callback

handle_info(message, worker_state)

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@callback handle_info(message :: term(), worker_state()) ::
  {:ok, worker_state()} | {:remove, user_reason()}

Receives a message in the worker.

It receives the message and it must return either {:ok, worker_state} or {:remove, reason}.

Note this callback is synchronous and therefore will block the pool. Avoid performing long work in here.

This callback is optional.

Link to this callback

handle_ping(worker_state, pool_state)

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@callback handle_ping(
) :: {:ok, worker_state()} | {:remove, user_reason()} | {:stop, user_reason()}

Handle pings due to inactivity on worker.

Executed whenever the idle worker periodic timer verifies that a worker has been idle on the pool for longer than :worker_idle_timeout pool configuration milliseconds.

This callback must return one of the following values:

  • {:ok, worker_state}: Updates worker state.

  • {:remove, user_reason}: The pool will proceed to the standard worker termination defined in terminate_worker/3.

  • {:stop, user_reason}: The entire pool process will be terminated, and terminate_worker/3 will be called for every worker on the pool.

This callback is optional.


Max idle pings

The :max_idle_pings pool option is useful to prevent sequencial termination of a large number of workers. But it is important to keep in mind the following behaviours whenever utilizing it.

  • If you are not terminating workers with handle_ping/2, you may end up pinging only the same workers over and over again because each cycle will ping only the first :max_idle_pings workers

  • If you are terminating workers with handle_ping/2, the last worker may be terminated after up to worker_idle_timeout + worker_idle_timeout * ceil(number_of_workers/max_idle_pings) instead of 2 * worker_idle_timeout milliseconds of idle time.

    For instance consider a pool with 10 workers and a ping of 1 second.

    Given a negligible worker termination time and a worst case scenario where all the workers go idle right after a verification cycle is started,

    then without max_idle_pings the last worker will be terminated in the next cycle (2 seconds),

    whereas with a max_idle_pings of 2 the last worker will be terminated only in the 5th cycle (6 seconds).



  • On lazy pools, if no worker is currently on the pool the callback will never be called. Therefore you can not rely on this callback to terminate empty lazy pools.

  • On not lazy pools, if you return {:remove, user_reason} you may end up terminating and initializing workers at the same time every idle verification cycle.

  • On large pools, if many resources goes idle at the same cycle you may end up terminating a large number of workers sequentially, what could lead to the pool being unable to fulfill requests. See :max_idle_pings option to prevent this.

Link to this callback

handle_update(message, worker_state, pool_state)

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@callback handle_update(message :: term(), worker_state(), pool_state()) ::
  {:ok, worker_state(), pool_state()}

Handles update instruction from checked out worker.

See update/2 for more information.

This callback is optional.

@callback init_worker(pool_state()) ::
  {:ok, worker_state(), pool_state()}
  | {:async, (-> worker_state()), pool_state()}

Initializes the worker.

It receives the worker argument passed to start_link/1. It must return {:ok, worker_state, pool_state} or {:async, fun}, where the fun is a zero-arity function that must return the worker state.

Note this callback is synchronous and therefore will block the pool. If you need to perform long initialization, consider using the {:async, fun} return type.

Link to this section Pool callbacks

Link to this callback

handle_enqueue(command, pool_state)

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@callback handle_enqueue(command :: term(), pool_state()) ::
  {:ok, maybe_wrapped_command :: term(), pool_state()}
  | {:skip, Exception.t(), pool_state()}

Executed by the pool, whenever a request to checkout a worker is enqueued.

The command argument should be treated as an opaque value, but it can be wrapped with some data to be used in handle_checkout/4.

It must return either {:ok, maybe_wrapped_command, pool_state} or {:skip, Exception.t(), pool_state} if checkout is to be skipped.

Note this callback is synchronous and therefore will block the pool. Avoid performing long work in here.

This callback is optional.

Link to this callback


View Source (optional)
@callback init_pool(init_arg()) ::
  {:ok, pool_state()} | :ignore | {:stop, reason :: any()}

Initializes the pool.

It receives the worker argument passed to start_link/1 and must return {:ok, pool_state} upon successful initialization, :ignore to exit normally, or {:stop, reason} to exit with reason and return {:error, reason}.

This is a good place to perform a registration for example.

It must return the pool_state. The pool_state is given to init_worker. By default, it simply returns the arguments given.

This callback is optional.

Link to this callback

terminate_worker(arg1, worker_state, pool_state)

View Source (optional)
@callback terminate_worker(
  :DOWN | :timeout | :throw | :error | :exit | user_reason(),
) :: {:ok, pool_state()}

Terminates a worker.

This callback is invoked with :DOWN whenever the client link breaks, with :timeout whenever the client times out, with one of :throw, :error, :exit whenever the client crashes with one of the reasons above.

If at any point you return {:remove, reason}, the reason will also be given to terminate. If any callback raises, the raised exception will be given as reason.

It receives the latest known worker_state, which may not be the latest state. For example, if a client checksout the state and crashes, we don't fully know the client_state, so the terminate_state callback needs to take such scenarios into account.

This callback is optional.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

checkout!(pool, command, function, timeout \\ 5000)

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Checks out from the pool.

It expects a command, which will be passed to the handle_checkout/4 callback. The handle_checkout/4 callback will return a client state, which is given to the function.

The function receives two arguments, the pool {pid(), reference()} and the client_state. The function must return a two-element tuple, where the first element is the return value for checkout!, and the second element is the updated client_state, which will be given as the first argument to handle_checkin/4.

checkout! also has an optional timeout value, this value will be applied to checkout operation itself. checkin happens asynchronously.

Defines a pool to be started under the supervision tree.

It accepts the same options as start_link/1 with the addition or :restart and :shutdown that control the "Child Specification".

Starts a pool.



  • :worker - a {worker_mod, worker_init_arg} tuple with the worker module that implements the NimblePool behaviour and the worker initial argument. This argument is required.

  • :pool_size - how many workers in the pool. Defaults to 10.

  • :lazy - When true, workers are started lazily, only when necessary. Defaults to false.

  • :worker_idle_timeout - Timeout in milliseconds to tag a worker as idle. If not nil, starts a periodic timer on the same frequency that will ping all idle workers using handle_ping/2 optional callback . Defaults to no timeout.

  • :max_idle_pings - Defines a limit to the number of workers that can be pinged for each cycle of the handle_ping/2 optional callback. Defaults to no limit. See handle_ping/2 for more details.

Link to this function

stop(pool, reason \\ :normal, timeout \\ :infinity)

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Stops a pool.

Sends an update instruction to the pool about the checked out worker.

This must be called inside the checkout! callback with the from value given to checkout.

This is useful to update the pool state before effectively checking the state in, which is handy when transferring resources that requires two steps.