View Source Nostrum.Struct.Guild.ScheduledEvent (Nostrum v0.8.0)

Struct representing a scheduled event in a guild.

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The id of the channel the scheduled event is in. Will be nil if entity_type is EXTERNAL

The user who created the scheduled event. Only present when retrieving the event from the API.

The id of the user who created the scheduled event.

The description of the scheduled event.

the id of an entity associated with a guild scheduled event.

Holds additional metadata associated with a scheduled event.

The type of entity the scheduled event is for.

The id of the guild the scheduled event is in.

The id of the scheduled event.

The name of the scheduled event.

The privacy level of the scheduled event. At the time of writing, this is always 2 for GUILD_ONLY

The time the scheduled event ends as an ISO8601 timestamp. Only required if entity_type is EXTERNAL

The time the scheduled event starts.

The status of the scheduled event.


The number of users who have subscribed to the scheduled event.

Link to this section Types

@type channel_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t() | nil

The id of the channel the scheduled event is in. Will be nil if entity_type is EXTERNAL

@type creator() :: Nostrum.Struct.User.t() | nil

The user who created the scheduled event. Only present when retrieving the event from the API.

note: This will be nil for events created before October 25th, 2021.

@type creator_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t() | nil

The id of the user who created the scheduled event.

note: This will be nil only for events created before October 25th, 2021.

@type description() :: String.t() | nil

The description of the scheduled event.

@type entity_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t() | nil

the id of an entity associated with a guild scheduled event.

@type entity_metadata() ::
  Nostrum.Struct.Guild.ScheduledEvent.EntityMetadata.t() | nil

Holds additional metadata associated with a scheduled event.

@type entity_type() :: 1..3

The type of entity the scheduled event is for.


@type guild_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()

The id of the guild the scheduled event is in.

@type id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()

The id of the scheduled event.

@type name() :: String.t()

The name of the scheduled event.

@type privacy_level() :: 2

The privacy level of the scheduled event. At the time of writing, this is always 2 for GUILD_ONLY

@type scheduled_end_time() :: DateTime.t() | nil

The time the scheduled event ends as an ISO8601 timestamp. Only required if entity_type is EXTERNAL

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@type scheduled_start_time() :: DateTime.t()

The time the scheduled event starts.

@type status() :: 1..4

The status of the scheduled event.


note: Once status is set to Completed or Cancelled it can no longer be updated.

@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.ScheduledEvent{
  channel_id: channel_id(),
  creator: creator(),
  creator_id: creator_id(),
  description: description(),
  entity_id: entity_id(),
  entity_metadata: entity_metadata(),
  entity_type: entity_type(),
  guild_id: guild_id(),
  id: id(),
  name: name(),
  privacy_level: privacy_level(),
  scheduled_end_time: scheduled_end_time(),
  scheduled_start_time: scheduled_start_time(),
  status: status(),
  user_count: user_count()
@type user_count() :: non_neg_integer() | nil

The number of users who have subscribed to the scheduled event.

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