Oban.Plugins.Cron (Oban v2.10.1) View Source

Periodically enqueue jobs through CRON based scheduling.

Using the Plugin

Schedule various jobs using {expr, worker} and {expr, worker, opts} syntaxes:

config :my_app, Oban,
  plugins: [
     crontab: [
       {"* * * * *", MyApp.MinuteWorker},
       {"0 * * * *", MyApp.HourlyWorker, args: %{custom: "arg"}},
       {"0 0 * * *", MyApp.DailyWorker, max_attempts: 1},
       {"0 12 * * MON", MyApp.MondayWorker, queue: :scheduled, tags: ["mondays"]},
       {"@daily", MyApp.AnotherDailyWorker}


  • :crontab — a list of cron expressions that enqueue jobs on a periodic basis. See Periodic Jobs in the Oban module docs for syntax and details.

  • :timezone — which timezone to use when scheduling cron jobs. To use a timezone other than the default of "Etc/UTC" you must have a timezone database like tzdata installed and configured.

Instrumenting with Telemetry

The Oban.Plugins.Cron plugin adds the following metadata to the [:oban, :plugin, :stop] event:

  • :jobs - a list of jobs that were inserted into the database

Link to this section Summary


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Link to this section Types


cron_input() :: {binary(), module()} | {binary(), module(), [Oban.Job.option()]}


option() ::
  {:conf, Oban.Config.t()}
  | {:name, GenServer.name()}
  | {:crontab, [cron_input()]}
  | {:timezone, Calendar.time_zone()}

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.


start_link([option()]) :: GenServer.on_start()