OkThen.Result (ok_then v1.1.0)

Functions to aid processing of tagged tuples in pipelines.


iex> 1
...> |> Result.from()                # {:ok, 1}
...> |> Result.map(& &1 * 2)         # {:ok, 2}
...> |> Result.then(& {:ok, &1 + 1}) # {:ok, 3}
...> |> Result.unwrap_or_else(0)

iex> "Oh no!"
...> |> Result.from_error()          # {:error, "Oh no!"}
...> |> Result.map(& &1 * 2)         # {:error, "Oh no!"}
...> |> Result.then(& {:ok, &1 + 1}) # {:error, "Oh no!"}
...> |> Result.unwrap_or_else(0)

iex> {:ok, 1}
...> |> Result.map(fn
...>      1 -> nil
...>      x -> x * 2
...>    end)                         # :none
...> |> Result.default(3)            # {:ok, 3}
...> |> Result.unwrap_or_else(0)

iex> {:ok, 2}
...> |> Result.map(fn
...>      1 -> nil
...>      x -> x * 2
...>    end)                         # {:ok, 4}
...> |> Result.default(3)            # {:ok, 4}
...> |> Result.unwrap_or_else(0)

iex> {:error, "Oh no!"}
...> |> Result.map(fn
...>      1 -> nil
...>      x -> x * 2
...>    end)                         # {:error, "Oh no!"}
...> |> Result.default(3)            # {:error, "Oh no!"}
...> |> Result.unwrap_or_else(0)

iex> {:error, "Oh no!"}
...> |> Result.error_then(fn "Oh no!" -> :error end) # :error
...> |> Result.or_else(fn -> {:ok, 0} end)           # {:ok, 0}
...> |> Result.unwrap!()

iex> {:ok, 1}
...> |> Result.error_then(fn "Oh no!" -> :error end) # {:ok, 1}
...> |> Result.or_else(fn -> {:ok, 0} end)           # {:ok, 1}
...> |> Result.unwrap!()

Link to this section Summary


Returns true if result is tagged :error.

Returns true if result is tagged :none.

Returns true if result is tagged :ok.

Returns true if result is tagged with the specified tag atom.

Returns true if result is a tagged tuple.

Functions (:ok)

If result is tagged with :ok, passes the wrapped value into the provided function (if provided) and returns :none.

If result is tagged :ok, passes the wrapped value into the provided function. If func_or_value returns a truthy value, result is returned unchanged. Otherwise, returns :none. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the check value.

If result is tagged :ok, transforms the wrapped value by passing it into the provided mapping function, and replacing it with the returned value. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is not tagged with :ok, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is tagged :ok, replaces the tag with new_tag, returning a new tagged tuple.

If result is tagged with :ok, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns result unchanged. The return value of the function is ignored.

If result is tagged :ok, passes the wrapped value into func_or_value and returns the result. If a function is not provided, the argument at the same position is returned as-is.

Same as unwrap_or_else/2, except raises ArgumentError if result is not tagged :ok.

Returns the wrapped value if result is tagged :ok. Otherwise, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

Functions (:error)

If result is tagged with :error, passes the wrapped value into the provided function (if provided) and returns :none.

If result is tagged :error, passes the wrapped value into the provided function. If func_or_value returns a truthy value, result is returned unchanged. Otherwise, returns :none. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the check value.

If result is tagged :error, transforms the wrapped value by passing it into the provided mapping function, and replacing it with the returned value. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is not tagged with :error, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is tagged :error, replaces the tag with new_tag, returning a new tagged tuple.

If result is tagged with :error, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns result unchanged. The return value of the function is ignored.

If result is tagged :error, passes the wrapped value into func_or_value and returns the result. If a function is not provided, the argument at the same position is returned as-is.

Same as error_unwrap_or_else/2, except raises ArgumentError if result is not tagged :error.

Returns the wrapped value if result is tagged :error. Otherwise, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

Functions (:none)

If result is tagged :none, returns func_or_value wrapped as an :ok result. Otherwise, returns result. If func_or_value is a function, the returned value is used as the new value.

Same as default/2, except raises ArgumentError if func_or_value returns nil.

If result is tagged :none, returns func_or_value wrapped as a result with the given tag. Otherwise, returns result. If func_or_value is a function, the returned value is used as the new value.

Same as default_as/3, except raises ArgumentError if func_or_value returns nil.

If result is tagged :none, returns func_or_value wrapped as an :error result. Otherwise, returns result. If func_or_value is a function, the returned value is used as the new value.

Same as default_error/2, except raises ArgumentError if func_or_value returns nil.

If result is tagged :none, replaces the tag with new_tag.

If result is tagged :none, calls func_or_value and returns the result. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is returned as-is.

Functions (any tag)

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function (if provided) and returns :none.

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function. If func_or_value returns a truthy value, result is returned unchanged. Otherwise, returns :none. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the check value.

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, transforms the wrapped value by passing it into the provided mapping function, and replacing it with the returned value. If a function is not provided, the argument at the same position is used as the new value.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, replaces the tag with new_tag, returning a new tagged tuple.

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns result unchanged. The return value of the function is ignored.

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is returned as-is.

Same as tagged_unwrap_or_else/3, except raises ArgumentError if result is not tagged with the specified tag atom.

Returns the wrapped value if result is tagged with the specified tag atom. Otherwise, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.


Converts value into a maybe(v) result: {:ok, value} | :none

Same as from/1, except raises ArgumentError if value is nil.

Converts value into a maybe_is(tag) result: {atom(), any()} | :none

Same as from_as/2, except raises ArgumentError if value is nil.

Converts value into a maybe_error(e) result: {:error, value} | :none

Same as from_error/1, except raises ArgumentError if value is nil.

Converts result from a variety of accepted result-like terms into an atom or a two-element tagged tuple.

Same as normalize/1, except raises ArgumentError if value is untagged.

Link to this section Types


error(t) :: {:error, t}


maybe() :: maybe_is(:ok)


maybe(t) :: maybe_is(:ok, t)


maybe(t, e) :: ok(t) | error(e) | :none
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maybe_error() :: maybe_is(:error)
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maybe_error(e) :: maybe_is(:error, e)


maybe_is(t) :: t | :none
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maybe_is(t, v)


maybe_is(t, v) :: {t, v} | :none


ok(t) :: {:ok, t}


ok_or(e) :: :ok | error(e)


ok_or(t, e) :: ok(t) | error(e)
Link to this type



result_input() :: atom() | tuple()


tagged() :: atom() | {atom(), any()}

Link to this section Guards

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Returns true if result is tagged :error.

Equivalent to is_tagged(value, :error). See is_tagged/2.


iex> Result.is_error(:error)

iex> Result.is_error({:error, "hello"})

iex> Result.is_error({:ok, "hello"})
Link to this macro



Returns true if result is tagged :none.

Equivalent to is_tagged(value, :none). See is_tagged/2.


iex> Result.is_none(:none)

iex> Result.is_none({:ok, "hello"})

iex> Result.is_none({:error, "hello"})
Link to this macro



Returns true if result is tagged :ok.

Equivalent to is_tagged(value, :ok). See is_tagged/2.


iex> Result.is_ok(:ok)

iex> Result.is_ok({:ok, "hello"})

iex> Result.is_ok({:error, "hello"})
Link to this macro

is_tagged(value, tag)


Returns true if result is tagged with the specified tag atom.


iex> Result.is_tagged(:ok, :ok)

iex> Result.is_tagged({:ok, "hello"}, :ok)

iex> Result.is_tagged({:error, "hello"}, :ok)

iex> Result.is_tagged({:ok, 1, 2}, :ok)

iex> Result.is_tagged({:ok, {1, 2}}, :ok)

iex> Result.is_tagged({:strange, "hello"}, :strange)

iex> hello = fn -> "hello" end
...> hello.() |> Result.is_tagged(:ok)
Link to this macro



Returns true if result is a tagged tuple.


iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple(:ok)

iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple({:ok, "hello"})

iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple({:error, "hello"})

iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple({:ok, 1, 2})

iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple({:ok, {1, 2}})

iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple({:strange, "hello"})

iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple({"ok", "hello"})

iex> func = fn -> "hello" end
...> func.() |> Result.is_tagged_tuple()

iex> func = fn -> nil end
...> func.() |> Result.is_tagged_tuple()

iex> Result.is_tagged_tuple({nil, "hello"})

Link to this section Functions (:ok)

Link to this function

consume(result, function \\ &(&1))


consume(result_input(), (any() -> any())) :: result_input() | :none

If result is tagged with :ok, passes the wrapped value into the provided function (if provided) and returns :none.

If result is not tagged with :ok, result is returned as-is.

Equivalent to tagged_consume(result, :ok, func_or_value). See tagged_consume/3.


iex> :ok |> Result.consume()

iex> :ok |> Result.consume(fn -> "hello" end)

iex> :ok |> Result.consume(fn {} -> "hello" end)

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.consume(fn 1 -> "hello" end)

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.consume(fn 1, 2 -> "hello" end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.consume(fn {1, 2} -> "hello" end)

iex> :error |> Result.consume(fn {} -> "hello" end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.consume(fn 1 -> "hello" end)
{:error, 1}

iex> "bare value" |> Result.consume()
"bare value"
Link to this function

filter(result, func_or_value)


If result is tagged :ok, passes the wrapped value into the provided function. If func_or_value returns a truthy value, result is returned unchanged. Otherwise, returns :none. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the check value.

Equivalent to tagged_filter(result, :ok, func_or_value). See tagged_filter/3.


iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.filter(&String.length(&1) == 5)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.filter(fn -> true end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.filter(fn -> false end)

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.filter(true)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.filter(false)

iex> :some |> Result.filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> :error |> Result.filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> nil |> Result.filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)
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map(result, func_or_value)


map(t, OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(out)) :: t | :ok | ok(out)
when t: result_input(), out: any()

If result is tagged :ok, transforms the wrapped value by passing it into the provided mapping function, and replacing it with the returned value. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If the new value would be nil, then :none is returned as the result instead. Consider piping into |> none_then({:ok, nil}) if you really want {:ok, nil}. See none_then/2.

If result is not tagged :ok, result is returned as-is.

Equivalent to tagged_map(result, :ok, func_or_value). See tagged_map/3.


iex> :ok |> Result.map("hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.map("hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.map(nil)

iex> :none |> Result.map("hello")

iex> :ok |> Result.map(fn {} -> "hello" end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.map(fn 1 -> "hello" end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.map(fn {1, 2} -> "hello" end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.map(fn 1, 2 -> "hello" end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.map(fn {1, 2} -> {} end)

iex> :error |> Result.map(fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.map(fn _ -> "hello" end)
{:error, 1}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.map(fn _ -> "hello" end)
{:error, 1, 2}

iex> :none |> Result.map(fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> :something_else |> Result.map(fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.map(fn _ -> "hello" end)
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.map("hello")
"bare value"
Link to this function

or_else(result, func_or_value)


or_else(result_input(), OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(atom(), out)) :: out
when out: any()

If result is not tagged with :ok, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is tagged with :ok, result is returned as-is.

Use this function in a pipeline to branch the unhappy path into another function, or as a kind of case expression to handle multiple types of result without the boilerplate of copying through a successful result.

Be aware that no attempt is made to ensure the return value from the function is a tagged tuple. However, all functions are tolerant of untagged results, and on input will interpret them as an {:untagged, value} tuple.

Equivalent to tagged_or_else(result, :ok, func_or_value). See tagged_or_else/3.


iex> :error
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   :error, {} -> {:ok, "hello"}
...> end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1}
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   :error, 1 -> {:ok, "hello"}
...> end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2}
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   :error, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched error"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched error"}

iex> :none
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   :error, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched error"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched none"}

iex> {:ok, "just ok"}
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   :error, {1, 2} -> {:error, "matched error"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "just ok"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2}
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched two terms"}

iex> {:error, 1}
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched one term"}

iex> :error
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched no terms"}

iex> :none
...> |> Result.or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched no terms"}

iex> :error |> Result.or_else({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.or_else({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.or_else("bare value")
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.or_else(fn _ -> :none end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.or_else(fn
...>  :untagged, "bare value" -> :none
...> end)
Link to this function

retag(result, new_tag)


retag(result_input(), new_tag) :: new_tag | {new_tag, any()}
when new_tag: atom()

If result is tagged :ok, replaces the tag with new_tag, returning a new tagged tuple.

Equivalent to tagged_retag(result, :ok, new_tag). See tagged_retag/3.


iex> :ok |> Result.retag(:none)

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.retag(:error)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.retag(:error)
{:error, {1, 2}}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.retag(:ok)
{:error, 1, 2}

iex> :ok |> Result.retag("string")
** (ArgumentError) Expected atom as new tag, got: "string".

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_retag(:error)
"bare value"
Link to this function

tap(result, function)


If result is tagged with :ok, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns result unchanged. The return value of the function is ignored.

If result is not tagged with :ok, the provided function is not called.

Equivalent to tagged_tap(result, :ok, function). See tagged_tap/3.


iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  assert :ok |> Result.tap(fn -> IO.write("hello") end) == :ok
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:ok, "in"}
...>  assert input |> Result.tap(fn "in" -> IO.write("hello") end) == input
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:ok, "one", "two"}
...>  function = fn {"one", "two"} -> IO.write("hello") end
...>  assert input |> Result.tap(function) == input
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:error, "reason"}
...>  assert input |> Result.tap(fn -> IO.write("hello") end) == input
...> end)
Link to this function

then(result, func_or_value)


then(result_input(), OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(out)) :: out
when out: any()

If result is tagged :ok, passes the wrapped value into func_or_value and returns the result. If a function is not provided, the argument at the same position is returned as-is.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, result is returned as-is.

Use this function to pipe results into functions that return tagged tuples.

Be aware that no attempt is made to ensure the return value from the function is a tagged tuple. However, all functions are tolerant of untagged results, and on input will interpret them as an {:untagged, value} tuple.

Equivalent to tagged_then(result, :ok, func_or_value). See tagged_then/3.


iex> :ok |> Result.then({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.then({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.then({:ok, "hello"})

iex> :ok |> Result.then(fn {} -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.then(fn 1 -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.then(fn {1, 2} -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.then(fn 1, 2 -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.then(fn {1, 2} -> :ok end)

iex> :error |> Result.then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:error, 1}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:error, 1, 2}

iex> :none |> Result.then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> :something_else |> Result.then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.then({:ok, "hello"})
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
"bare value"
Link to this function



unwrap!(result_input()) :: any()

Same as unwrap_or_else/2, except raises ArgumentError if result is not tagged :ok.


iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.unwrap!()

iex> :ok |> Result.unwrap!()

iex> :error |> Result.unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged ok: :error.

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged ok: {:error, "hello"}.

iex> :none |> Result.unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged ok: :none.

iex> "hello" |> Result.unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged ok: "hello".
Link to this function

unwrap_or_else(result, func_or_value)


Returns the wrapped value if result is tagged :ok. Otherwise, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

See also tagged_or_else/3.

Equivalent to tagged_unwrap_or_else(result, :ok, default). See tagged_unwrap_or_else/3.


iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> :ok |> Result.unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> :error |> Result.unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> {:error, "hello"}
...> |> Result.unwrap_or_else(fn
...>   :error, "hello" -> "default"
...> end)

iex> {:error, "hello"}
...> |> Result.unwrap_or_else(fn
...>   "hello" -> "default"
...> end)

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.unwrap_or_else(fn -> "default" end)

iex> :none |> Result.unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> "hello" |> Result.unwrap_or_else("default")

Link to this section Functions (:error)

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error_consume(result, function \\ &(&1))


error_consume(result_input(), (any() -> any())) :: result_input() | :none

If result is tagged with :error, passes the wrapped value into the provided function (if provided) and returns :none.

If result is not tagged with :error, result is returned as-is.

Equivalent to tagged_consume(result, :error, func_or_value). See tagged_consume/3.


iex> :error |> Result.error_consume()

iex> :error |> Result.error_consume(fn -> "hello" end)

iex> :error |> Result.error_consume(fn {} -> "hello" end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.error_consume(fn 1 -> "hello" end)

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_consume(fn 1, 2 -> "hello" end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_consume(fn {1, 2} -> "hello" end)

iex> :ok |> Result.error_consume(fn {} -> "hello" end)

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.error_consume(fn 1 -> "hello" end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_consume()
"bare value"
Link to this function

error_filter(result, func_or_value)


If result is tagged :error, passes the wrapped value into the provided function. If func_or_value returns a truthy value, result is returned unchanged. Otherwise, returns :none. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the check value.

Equivalent to tagged_filter(result, :error, func_or_value). See tagged_filter/3.


iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_filter(&String.length(&1) == 5)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_filter(fn -> true end)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_filter(fn -> false end)

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_filter(true)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_filter(false)

iex> :some |> Result.error_filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> :ok |> Result.error_filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> nil |> Result.error_filter(&String.length(&1) == 0)
Link to this function

error_map(result, func_or_value)


error_map(t, OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(out)) ::
  t | :error | error(out)
when t: result_input(), out: any()

If result is tagged :error, transforms the wrapped value by passing it into the provided mapping function, and replacing it with the returned value. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If the new value would be nil, then :none is returned as the result instead. Consider piping into |> none_then({:error, nil}) if you really want {:error, nil}. See none_then/2.

If result is not tagged :error, result is returned as-is.

Equivalent to tagged_map(result, :error, func_or_value). See tagged_map/3.


iex> :error |> Result.error_map("hello")
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.error_map("hello")
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.error_map(nil)

iex> :none |> Result.error_map("hello")

iex> :error |> Result.error_map(fn {} -> "hello" end)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.error_map(fn 1 -> "hello" end)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_map(fn {1, 2} -> "hello" end)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_map(fn 1, 2 -> "hello" end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_map(fn {1, 2} -> {} end)

iex> :ok |> Result.error_map(fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.error_map(fn _ -> "hello" end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.error_map(fn _ -> "hello" end)
{:ok, 1, 2}

iex> :none |> Result.error_map(fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> :something_else |> Result.error_map(fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_map(fn _ -> "hello" end)
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_map("hello")
"bare value"
Link to this function

error_or_else(result, func_or_value)


error_or_else(result_input(), OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(atom(), out)) ::
when out: any()

If result is not tagged with :error, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is tagged with :error, result is returned as-is.

Use this function in a pipeline to branch the happy path into another function, or as a kind of case expression to handle multiple types of result without the boilerplate of copying through an error result.

Be aware that no attempt is made to ensure the return value from the function is a tagged tuple. However, all functions are tolerant of untagged results, and on input will interpret them as an {:untagged, value} tuple.

Equivalent to tagged_or_else(result, :error, func_or_value). See tagged_or_else/3.


iex> :ok
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   :ok, {} -> {:ok, "hello"}
...> end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1}
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   :ok, 1 -> {:ok, "hello"}
...> end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2}
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   :ok, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched ok"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched ok"}

iex> :none
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   :ok, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched ok"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched none"}

iex> {:error, "just error"}
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   :ok, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched ok"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:error, "just error"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2}
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched two terms"}

iex> {:ok, 1}
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched one term"}

iex> :ok
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched no terms"}

iex> :none
...> |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched no terms"}

iex> :ok |> Result.error_or_else({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.error_or_else({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.error_or_else("bare value")
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_or_else(fn _ -> :none end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_or_else(fn
...>  :untagged, "bare value" -> :none
...> end)
Link to this function

error_retag(result, new_tag)


error_retag(result_input(), new_tag) :: new_tag | {new_tag, any()}
when new_tag: atom()

If result is tagged :error, replaces the tag with new_tag, returning a new tagged tuple.

Equivalent to tagged_retag(result, :error, new_tag). See tagged_retag/3.


iex> :error |> Result.error_retag(:none)

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_retag(:ok)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_retag(:ok)
{:ok, {1, 2}}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.error_retag(:error)
{:ok, 1, 2}

iex> :error |> Result.error_retag("string")
** (ArgumentError) Expected atom as new tag, got: "string".

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_retag(:ok)
"bare value"
Link to this function

error_tap(result, function)


If result is tagged with :error, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns result unchanged. The return value of the function is ignored.

If result is not tagged with :error, the provided function is not called.

Equivalent to tagged_tap(result, :error, function). See tagged_tap/3.


iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  assert :error |> Result.error_tap(fn -> IO.write("hello") end) == :error
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:error, "reason"}
...>  assert input |> Result.error_tap(fn "reason" -> IO.write("hello") end) == input
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:error, "one", "two"}
...>  function = fn {"one", "two"} -> IO.write("hello") end
...>  assert input |> Result.error_tap(function) == input
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:ok, "in"}
...>  assert input |> Result.error_tap(fn -> IO.write("hello") end) == input
...> end)
Link to this function

error_then(result, func_or_value)


error_then(result_input(), OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(out)) :: out
when out: any()

If result is tagged :error, passes the wrapped value into func_or_value and returns the result. If a function is not provided, the argument at the same position is returned as-is.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, result is returned as-is.

Use this function to pipe results into functions that return tagged tuples.

Be aware that no attempt is made to ensure the return value from the function is a tagged tuple. However, all functions are tolerant of untagged results, and on input will interpret them as an {:untagged, value} tuple.

Equivalent to tagged_then(result, :error, func_or_value). See tagged_then/3.


iex> :error |> Result.error_then({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.error_then({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.error_then({:ok, "hello"})

iex> :error |> Result.error_then(fn -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :error |> Result.error_then(fn {} -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.error_then(fn 1 -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_then(fn {1, 2} -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_then(fn 1, 2 -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.error_then(fn {1, 2} -> :ok end)

iex> :ok |> Result.error_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.error_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.error_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, 1, 2}

iex> :none |> Result.error_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> :something_else |> Result.error_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_then({:ok, "hello"})
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.error_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
"bare value"
Link to this function



error_unwrap!(result_input()) :: any()

Same as error_unwrap_or_else/2, except raises ArgumentError if result is not tagged :error.


iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_unwrap!()

iex> :error |> Result.error_unwrap!()

iex> :ok |> Result.error_unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged error: :ok.

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.error_unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged error: {:ok, "hello"}.

iex> :none |> Result.error_unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged error: :none.

iex> "hello" |> Result.error_unwrap!()
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged error: "hello".
Link to this function

error_unwrap_or_else(result, func_or_value)


error_unwrap_or_else(result_input(), OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(any())) ::

Returns the wrapped value if result is tagged :error. Otherwise, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

See also tagged_or_else/3.

Equivalent to tagged_unwrap_or_else(result, :error, default). See tagged_unwrap_or_else/3.


iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> :error |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> :ok |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> {:ok, "hello"}
...> |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else(fn
...>   :ok, "hello" -> "default"
...> end)

iex> {:ok, "hello"}
...> |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else(fn
...>   "hello" -> "default"
...> end)

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, fn -> "default" end)

iex> :none |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else("default")

iex> "hello" |> Result.error_unwrap_or_else("default")

Link to this section Functions (:none)

Link to this function

default(result, func_or_value)


default(input, (() -> out) | out) :: input | :ok | ok(out)
when input: result_input(), out: any()

If result is tagged :none, returns func_or_value wrapped as an :ok result. Otherwise, returns result. If func_or_value is a function, the returned value is used as the new value.

If the new value is nil, then the result will remain :none. Consider using none_then/2 if you don't want this behaviour.

If result is not tagged :none, result is returned as-is.

Equivalent to default_as(result, :ok, func_or_value). See default_as/3.


iex> :none |> Result.default("hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.default({})

iex> :none |> Result.default(nil)

iex> :none |> Result.default(fn -> 1 end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> :none |> Result.default(fn {} -> 1 end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> {:none, 1} |> Result.default(& &1)
{:ok, 1}

iex> :ok |> Result.default("hello")

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.default("hello")
{:ok, 1}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.default("hello")
{:ok, 1, 2}

iex> {:anything, 1} |> Result.default("hello")
{:anything, 1}

iex> "bare value" |> Result.default("hello")
"bare value"
Link to this function

default!(result, func_or_value)

Same as default/2, except raises ArgumentError if func_or_value returns nil.


iex> :none |> Result.default!("hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.default!({})

iex> :none |> Result.default!(nil)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.

iex> :none |> Result.default!(fn -> nil end)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.
Link to this function

default_as(result, tag, func_or_value)


default_as(input, tag, (() -> out) | out) :: input | tag | {tag, out}
when input: result_input(), tag: atom(), out: any()

If result is tagged :none, returns func_or_value wrapped as a result with the given tag. Otherwise, returns result. If func_or_value is a function, the returned value is used as the new value.

If the new value is nil, then the result will remain :none. Consider using none_then/2 if you don't want this behaviour.

If result is not tagged :none, result is returned as-is.


iex> :none |> Result.default_as(:ok, "hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.default_as(:error, {})

iex> :none |> Result.default_as(:something, nil)

iex> :none |> Result.default_as(:ok, fn -> 1 end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> :none |> Result.default_as(:ok, fn {} -> 1 end)
{:ok, 1}

iex> {:none, 1} |> Result.default_as(:ok, & &1)
{:ok, 1}

iex> :ok |> Result.default_as(:ok, "hello")

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.default_as(:ok, "hello")
{:ok, 1}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.default_as(:ok, "hello")
{:ok, 1, 2}

iex> {:anything, 1} |> Result.default_as(:ok, "hello")
{:anything, 1}

iex> "bare value" |> Result.default_as(:ok, "hello")
"bare value"
Link to this function

default_as!(result, tag, func_or_value)


default_as!(input, tag, (() -> out) | out) :: input | tag | {tag, out}
when input: result_input(), tag: atom(), out: any()

Same as default_as/3, except raises ArgumentError if func_or_value returns nil.


iex> :none |> Result.default_as!(:ok, "hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.default_as!(:ok, {})

iex> :none |> Result.default_as!(:ok, nil)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.

iex> :none |> Result.default_as!(:ok, fn -> nil end)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.
Link to this function

default_error(result, func_or_value)


default_error(input, (() -> out) | out) :: input | :error | error(out)
when input: result_input(), out: any()

If result is tagged :none, returns func_or_value wrapped as an :error result. Otherwise, returns result. If func_or_value is a function, the returned value is used as the new value.

If the new value is nil, then the result will remain :none. Consider using none_then/2 if you don't want this behaviour.

If result is not tagged :none, result is returned as-is.

Equivalent to default_as(result, :error, func_or_value). See default_as/3.


iex> :none |> Result.default_error("hello")
{:error, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.default_error({})

iex> :none |> Result.default_error(nil)

iex> :none |> Result.default_error(fn -> 1 end)
{:error, 1}

iex> :none |> Result.default_error(fn {} -> 1 end)
{:error, 1}

iex> {:none, 1} |> Result.default_error(& &1)
{:error, 1}

iex> :error |> Result.default_error("hello")

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.default_error("hello")
{:error, 1}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.default_error("hello")
{:error, 1, 2}

iex> {:anything, 1} |> Result.default_error("hello")
{:anything, 1}

iex> "bare value" |> Result.default_error("hello")
"bare value"
Link to this function

default_error!(result, func_or_value)

Same as default_error/2, except raises ArgumentError if func_or_value returns nil.


iex> :none |> Result.default_error!("hello")
{:error, "hello"}

iex> :none |> Result.default_error!({})

iex> :none |> Result.default_error!(nil)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.

iex> :none |> Result.default_error!(fn -> nil end)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.
Link to this function

none_retag(result, new_tag)


none_retag(result_input(), new_tag) :: new_tag | {new_tag, any()}
when new_tag: atom()

If result is tagged :none, replaces the tag with new_tag.

Equivalent to tagged_retag(result, :none, new_tag). See tagged_retag/3.


iex> :none |> Result.none_retag(:ok)

iex> :error |> Result.none_retag(:ok)

iex> :ok |> Result.none_retag(:ok)

iex> :none |> Result.none_retag("string")
** (ArgumentError) Expected atom as new tag, got: "string".

iex> "bare value" |> Result.none_retag(:error)
"bare value"
Link to this function

none_then(result, func_or_value)


none_then(result_input(), OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(out)) :: out
when out: any()

If result is tagged :none, calls func_or_value and returns the result. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is returned as-is.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, result is returned as-is.

Use this function to pipe results into functions that return tagged tuples.

Be aware that no attempt is made to ensure the return value from the function is a tagged tuple. However, all functions are tolerant of untagged results, and on input will interpret them as an {:untagged, value} tuple.

Equivalent to tagged_then(result, :none, func_or_value). See tagged_then/3.

A note about unwrapped nils

If result is nil, it is intprereted as :none. This may be slightly unintuitive, so if you're curious, this is the reason:

Untagged results are internally wrapped as an {:untagged, any()} using Result.from_as(value, :untagged), and if value is nil, the return value of Result.from_as/2 will always be :none.


iex> :none |> Result.none_then(:ok)

iex> :none |> Result.none_then(fn {} -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :error |> Result.none_then(fn -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> :error |> Result.none_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.none_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:error, 1}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.none_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:error, 1, 2}

iex> :something_else |> Result.none_then(fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.none_then(:ok)
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.none_then(fn _ -> :ok end)
"bare value"

iex> nil |> Result.none_then(:ok)

Link to this section Functions (any tag)

Link to this function

tagged_consume(result, tag, function \\ &(&1))


tagged_consume(result_input(), atom(), (any() -> any())) ::
  result_input() | :none

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function (if provided) and returns :none.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, result is returned as-is.


iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_consume(:ok)

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_consume(:error, fn -> "hello" end)

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_consume(:error, fn {} -> "hello" end)

iex> {:some, 1} |> Result.tagged_consume(:some, fn 1 -> "hello" end)

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_consume(:ok, fn 1, 2 -> "hello" end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_consume(:ok, fn {1, 2} -> "hello" end)

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_consume(:ok, fn {} -> "hello" end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.tagged_consume(:ok, fn 1 -> "hello" end)
{:error, 1}

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_consume(:ok)
"bare value"
Link to this function

tagged_filter(result, tag, func_or_value)


If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function. If func_or_value returns a truthy value, result is returned unchanged. Otherwise, returns :none. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the check value.


iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, &String.length(&1) == 5)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, &String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, fn -> true end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, fn -> false end)

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, true)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, false)

iex> :some |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, &String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, &String.length(&1) == 0)

iex> nil |> Result.tagged_filter(:ok, &String.length(&1) == 0)
Link to this function

tagged_map(result, tag, func_or_value)


tagged_map(t, tag, OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(out)) ::
  t | tag | {tag, out}
when t: result_input(), tag: atom(), out: any()

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, transforms the wrapped value by passing it into the provided mapping function, and replacing it with the returned value. If a function is not provided, the argument at the same position is used as the new value.

If the new value would be nil, then :none is returned as the result instead. Consider piping into |> none_then({tag, nil}) if you really want {tag, nil}. See none_then/2.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, result is returned as-is.


iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, "hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, "hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, nil)

iex> :none |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, "hello")

iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn -> "hello" end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn {} -> "hello" end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:bla, 1} |> Result.tagged_map(:bla, fn 1 -> "hello" end)
{:bla, "hello"}

iex> {:some, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_map(:some, fn {1, 2} -> "hello" end)
{:some, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn 1, 2 -> "hello" end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn {1, 2} -> {} end)

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn _ -> "hello" end)
{:error, 1}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn _ -> "hello" end)
{:error, 1, 2}

iex> :none |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> :something_else |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn _ -> "hello" end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, fn _ -> "hello" end)
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_map(:untagged, fn _ -> "hello" end)
{:untagged, "hello"}

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_map(:ok, "hello")
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_map(:untagged, "hello")
{:untagged, "hello"}
Link to this function

tagged_or_else(result, tag, func_or_value)


  OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(atom(), out)
) :: out
when out: any()

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, result is returned as-is.

Use this function in a pipeline to branch away from the happy path, or as a kind of case expression to handle multiple types of result without the boilerplate of copying through a successful result.

Be aware that no attempt is made to ensure the return value from the function is a tagged tuple. However, all functions are tolerant of untagged results, and on input will interpret them as an {:untagged, value} tuple.


iex> :error
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   :error, {} -> {:ok, "hello"}
...> end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1}
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   :error, 1 -> {:ok, "hello"}
...> end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2}
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   :error, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched error"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched error"}

iex> :none
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   :error, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched error"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched none"}

iex> {:ok, "just ok"}
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   :error, {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched error"}
...>   :none, {} -> {:ok, "matched none"}
...> end)
{:ok, "just ok"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2}
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched two terms"}

iex> {:error, 1}
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched one term"}

iex> :error
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched no terms"}

iex> :none
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   {1, 2} -> {:ok, "matched two terms"}
...>   1 -> {:ok, "matched one term"}
...>   {} -> {:ok, "matched no terms"}
...> end)
{:ok, "matched no terms"}

iex> :none
...> |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn -> {:ok, "catch-all value"} end)
{:ok, "catch-all value"}

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, {:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, {:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, "bare value")
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn _ -> :none end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_or_else(:ok, fn
...>  :untagged, "bare value" -> :none
...> end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_or_else(:untagged, fn _ -> :none end)
"bare value"
Link to this function

tagged_retag(result, tag, new_tag)


tagged_retag(result_input(), atom(), new_tag) :: new_tag | {new_tag, any()}
when new_tag: atom()

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, replaces the tag with new_tag, returning a new tagged tuple.


iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_retag(:ok, :none)

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_retag(:ok, :error)
{:error, "hello"}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_retag(:error, :ok)
{:ok, {1, 2}}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_retag(:error, :ok)
{:ok, 1, 2}

iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_retag(:ok, "string")
** (ArgumentError) Expected atom as new tag, got: "string".

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_retag(:ok, :error)
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_retag(:untagged, :error)
{:error, "bare value"}
Link to this function

tagged_tap(result, tag, function)


If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns result unchanged. The return value of the function is ignored.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, the provided function is not called.


iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  assert :ok |> Result.tagged_tap(:ok, fn -> IO.write("hello") end) == :ok
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:ok, "in"}
...>  assert input |> Result.tagged_tap(:ok, fn "in" -> IO.write("hello") end) == input
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:ok, "one", "two"}
...>  function = fn {"one", "two"} -> IO.write("hello") end
...>  assert input |> Result.tagged_tap(:ok, function) == input
...> end)

iex> capture_io(fn ->
...>  input = {:error, "reason"}
...>  assert input |> Result.tagged_tap(:ok, fn -> IO.write("hello") end) == input
...> end)
Link to this function

tagged_then(result, tag, func_or_value)


tagged_then(result_input(), atom(), OkThen.Result.Private.func_or_value(out)) ::
when out: any()

If result is tagged with the specified tag atom, passes the wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is returned as-is.

If result is not tagged with the specified tag atom, result is returned as-is.

Use this function to pipe results into functions that return tagged tuples.

Be aware that no attempt is made to ensure the return value from the function is a tagged tuple. However, all functions are tolerant of untagged results, and on input will interpret them as an {:untagged, value} tuple.

A note about unwrapped nils

If result is nil, it is intprereted as :none. This may be slightly unintuitive, so if you're curious, this is the reason:

Untagged results are internally wrapped as an {:untagged, any()} using Result.from_as(value, :untagged), and if value is nil, the return value of Result.from_as/2 will always be :none.


iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, {:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, {:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, "bare value")
"bare value"

iex> :none |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, {:ok, "hello"})

iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn -> "bare value" end)
"bare value"

iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn {} -> "bare value" end)
"bare value"

iex> :ok |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn {} -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn 1 -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn {1, 2} -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn 1, 2 -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
** (ArgumentError) Value-mapping function must have arity between 0 and 1.

iex> {:ok, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn {1, 2} -> {:ok, {}} end)
{:ok, {}}

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> {:error, 1} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:error, 1}

iex> {:error, 1, 2} |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)
{:error, 1, 2}

iex> :none |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> :something_else |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn _ -> {:ok, "hello"} end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, fn _ -> :none end)
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_then(:untagged, fn _ -> :none end)

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_then(:ok, :none)
"bare value"

iex> "bare value" |> Result.tagged_then(:untagged, :none)

iex> nil |> Result.tagged_then(:none, :ok)
Link to this function

tagged_unwrap!(result, tag)


tagged_unwrap!(result_input(), atom()) :: any()

Same as tagged_unwrap_or_else/3, except raises ArgumentError if result is not tagged with the specified tag atom.


iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_unwrap!(:ok)

iex> :some |> Result.tagged_unwrap!(:some)

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_unwrap!(:ok)
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged ok: :error.

iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_unwrap!(:error)
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged error: {:ok, "hello"}.

iex> :none |> Result.tagged_unwrap!(:ok)
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged ok: :none.

iex> "hello" |> Result.tagged_unwrap!(:untagged)

iex> "hello" |> Result.tagged_unwrap!(:ok)
** (ArgumentError) Result is not tagged ok: "hello".
Link to this function

tagged_unwrap_or_else(result, tag, func_or_value)


) :: any()

Returns the wrapped value if result is tagged with the specified tag atom. Otherwise, passes the tag and wrapped value into the provided function and returns the result. If the function has arity 1, then only the wrapped value is passed in. An arity-0 function is also accepted. If func_or_value is not a function, then it is used directly as the new value.

See also tagged_or_else/3.


iex> {:ok, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, "default")

iex> :some |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:some, "default")

iex> :error |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, "default")

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, "default")

iex> {:error, "hello"}
...> |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   :error, "hello" -> "default"
...> end)

iex> {:error, "hello"}
...> |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, fn
...>   "hello" -> "default"
...> end)

iex> {:error, "hello"} |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, fn -> "default" end)

iex> :none |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, "default")

iex> "hello" |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:ok, "default")

iex> "hello" |> Result.tagged_unwrap_or_else(:untagged, "default")

Link to this section Functions


from(v) :: maybe(v) when v: any()

Converts value into a maybe(v) result: {:ok, value} | :none

If value is nil, then the result will be :none. See also from!/1.

Otherwise, the result will be a two-element tuple, where the first element is :ok, and the second element is value.


iex> Result.from("hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> Result.from({1, 2})
{:ok, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.from({})

iex> Result.from(nil)


from!(t) :: ok(t) when t: any()

Same as from/1, except raises ArgumentError if value is nil.


iex> Result.from!("hello")
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> Result.from!({1, 2})
{:ok, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.from!(nil)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.
Link to this function

from_as(value, tag)


from_as(v, atom()) :: maybe_is(v) when v: any()

Converts value into a maybe_is(tag) result: {atom(), any()} | :none

If value is nil, then the result will be :none. See also from_as!/2.

Otherwise, the result will be a two-element tuple, where the first element is the provided tag, and the second element is value.


iex> "hello" |> Result.from_as(:ok)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> Result.from_as({1, 2}, :something)
{:something, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.from_as({}, :any_atom)

iex> Result.from_as(nil, :ok)
Link to this function

from_as!(value, tag)


from_as!(v, atom()) :: maybe_is(v) when v: any()

Same as from_as/2, except raises ArgumentError if value is nil.


iex> "hello" |> Result.from_as!(:ok)
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> nil |> Result.from_as!(:ok)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.
Link to this function



from_error(e) :: maybe_error(e) when e: any()

Converts value into a maybe_error(e) result: {:error, value} | :none

If value is nil, then the result will be :none. See also from_error!/1.

Otherwise, the result will be a two-element tuple, where the first element is :error, and the second element is value.


iex> Result.from_error("hello")
{:error, "hello"}

iex> Result.from_error({1, 2})
{:error, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.from_error({})

iex> Result.from_error(nil)
Link to this function



from_error!(e) :: error(e) when e: any()

Same as from_error/1, except raises ArgumentError if value is nil.


iex> Result.from_error!("hello")
{:error, "hello"}

iex> Result.from_error!({1, 2})
{:error, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.from_error!(nil)
** (ArgumentError) Value is nil.
Link to this function

normalize(result, default_tag \\ :untagged)


normalize(result_input(), atom()) :: tagged()

Converts result from a variety of accepted result-like terms into an atom or a two-element tagged tuple.

If result is not a tagged tuple, it is wrapped as a new result


iex> Result.normalize(:ok)

iex> Result.normalize({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> Result.normalize({:ok, 1, 2})
{:ok, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.normalize(:error)

iex> Result.normalize({:error, "hello"})
{:error, "hello"}

iex> Result.normalize({:error, 1, 2})
{:error, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.normalize(:none)

iex> Result.normalize({:strange, ["hello", 1, 2]})
{:strange, ["hello", 1, 2]}

iex> Result.normalize("hello")
{:untagged, "hello"}

iex> Result.normalize({1, 2})
{:untagged, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.normalize({})

iex> Result.normalize({1, 2}, :error)
{:error, {1, 2}}

iex> Result.normalize(nil)

iex> Result.normalize(nil, :error)
Link to this function



normalize!(result_input()) :: tagged()

Same as normalize/1, except raises ArgumentError if value is untagged.


iex> Result.normalize({:ok, "hello"})
{:ok, "hello"}

iex> Result.normalize!("hello")
** (ArgumentError) Result is untagged: "hello"