View Source OnceMore.DelayStreams (OnceMore v1.0.0)
Functions to produce or transform streams of delay values.
You can import the module for convenient access:
import OnceMore.DelayStreams
Common delay patterns can be composed using stream transformations:
# Exponential growth with 50ms initial delay, randomized, capped at 1 second, stop after 5 attempts
|> exponential_backoff()
|> randomize(0.2)
|> cap(1_000)
|> Stream.take(5)
# Linear growth with 100ms initial delay, with jitter, stop after 30 seconds
|> linear_backoff(50)
|> jitter()
|> expiry(30_000)
Infinite retries
Most functions in this module produce infinite sequences.
Always bound them with either Stream.take/2
or expiry/3
to prevent infinite retries:
# Limit by number of attempts
exponential_backoff() |> Stream.take(5)
# Limit by total time budget
constant_backoff(100) |> expiry(30_000)
Delay streams are not special!
Any Enumerable
of non-negative integers can be used as delays
# Fixed delays with a list
OnceMore.retry(fn -> ... end, &should_retry?/1, [100, 200, 300])
# Increasing delays with a range
OnceMore.retry(fn -> ... end, &should_retry?/1, 100..500//100)
The design and implementation of these delay streams are derived from ElixirRetry project made by Safwan Kamarrudin and other contributors.
Returns a stream that is the same as delays
except that the delays never exceed max
Returns a constant stream of delays.
Returns a delay stream that is the same as delays
except it limits the total life span of the stream to time_budget
Returns a stream of delays that increase exponentially.
Returns a stream in which each element of delays
is randomly adjusted to a number
between 1 and the original delay.
Returns a stream of delays that increase linearly.
Returns a stream in which each element of delays
is randomly adjusted no more than proportion
of the delay.
@type factor() :: pos_integer() | float()
@spec cap(OnceMore.delays(), OnceMore.delay()) :: OnceMore.delays()
Returns a stream that is the same as delays
except that the delays never exceed max
This allow capping the delay between attempts to some max value.
# Uncapped
iex> 100 |> linear_backoff(100) |> Enum.take(5)
[100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
# Capped
iex> 100 |> linear_backoff(100) |> cap(250) |> Enum.take(5)
[100, 200, 250, 250, 250]
@spec constant_backoff(OnceMore.delay()) :: OnceMore.delays()
Returns a constant stream of delays.
iex> Enum.take(constant_backoff(), 5)
[100, 100, 100, 100, 100]
iex> 250 |> constant_backoff() |> Enum.take(5)
[250, 250, 250, 250, 250]
@spec expiry(OnceMore.delays(), pos_integer(), OnceMore.delay()) :: OnceMore.delays()
Returns a delay stream that is the same as delays
except it limits the total life span of the stream to time_budget
This calculation takes the execution time of the block being retried into account.
The execution of the code within the block will not be interrupted, so
the total time of execution may run over the time_budget
depending on how
long a single try will take.
Optionally, you can specify a minimum delay so the smallest value doesn't go below the threshold.
|> constant_backoff()
|> expiry(500)
|> Stream.each(&Process.sleep/1)
|> Enum.sum()
@spec exponential_backoff(OnceMore.delay(), factor()) :: OnceMore.delays()
Returns a stream of delays that increase exponentially.
Resulting values are rounded with Kernel.round/1
in case floating point factor is used.
iex> exponential_backoff() |> Enum.take(5)
[10, 20, 40, 80, 160]
iex> 100 |> exponential_backoff(1.5) |> Enum.take(5)
[100, 150, 225, 338, 507]
@spec jitter(OnceMore.delays()) :: OnceMore.delays()
Returns a stream in which each element of delays
is randomly adjusted to a number
between 1 and the original delay.
# Without jitter
iex> 10 |> linear_backoff(10) |> Enum.take(5)
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
# With jitter
10 |> linear_backoff(10) |> jitter() |> Enum.take(5)
[8, 14, 28, 27, 15]
@spec linear_backoff(OnceMore.delay(), factor()) :: OnceMore.delays()
Returns a stream of delays that increase linearly.
Resulting values are rounded with Kernel.round/1
in case floating point factor is used.
iex> 10 |> linear_backoff(10) |> Enum.take(5)
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
iex> 100 |> linear_backoff(50) |> Enum.take(5)
[100, 150, 200, 250, 300]
@spec randomize(OnceMore.delays(), float()) :: OnceMore.delays()
Returns a stream in which each element of delays
is randomly adjusted no more than proportion
of the delay.
100 |> linear_backoff(50) |> randomize() |> Enum.take(5)
[102, 141, 203, 226, 272]
100 |> linear_backoff(50) |> randomize(0.5) |> Enum.take(5)
[130, 135, 106, 317, 191]