open_api_spex v3.4.0 OpenApiSpex.Reference View Source

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Reference.t type.

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Resolve a Reference to the Schema it refers to

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t() View Source
t() :: %OpenApiSpex.Reference{"$ref": String.t()}

Reference Object

A simple object to allow referencing other components in the specification, internally and externally. The Reference Object is defined by JSON Reference and follows the same structure, behavior and rules.

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resolve_schema(reference, schemas) View Source
resolve_schema(OpenApiSpex.Reference.t(), %{optional(String.t()) => Schema.t()}) ::
  Schema.t() | nil

Resolve a Reference to the Schema it refers to.


iex> alias OpenApiSpex.{Reference, Schema}
...> schemas = %{"user" => %Schema{title: "user", type: :object}}
...> Reference.resolve_schema(%Reference{"$ref": "#/components/schemas/user"}, schemas)
%OpenApiSpex.Schema{type: :object, title: "user"}