
oc_reporter oc_reporter_noop oc_reporter_sequential oc_reporter_zipkin oc_sampler oc_sampler_always oc_sampler_never oc_sampler_probability oc_server oc_span oc_span_ctx_binary oc_span_ctx_header oc_stat oc_stat_aggregation oc_stat_aggregation_count oc_stat_aggregation_distribution oc_stat_aggregation_latest oc_stat_aggregation_sum oc_stat_config oc_stat_exporter oc_stat_exporter_prometheus oc_stat_view oc_std_encoder oc_tag_ctx_binary oc_tag_ctx_header oc_tags oc_trace oc_trace_pb oc_transform ocp opencensus opencensus_app opencensus_sup

Module oc_stat

OpenCensus Stats package.

Function Index

export/0Exports view_data of all subscribed views.
record/3Records one or multiple measurements with the same tags at once.

Function Details


      export() -> oc_stat_view:view_data()

Exports view_data of all subscribed views


      record(Tags::ctx:t() | oc_tags:tags(), Measures::[{measure_name(), number()}]) -> ok


      record(Tags::ctx:t() | oc_tags:tags(), MeasureName::measure_name(), Value::number()) -> ok

Records one or multiple measurements with the same tags at once. If there are any tags in the context, measurements will be tagged with them.