
This module handles the initial call to Openmaize and then calls the relevant module for handling authentication and authorization, logging in or logging out.

If the path is for the login page and the method is “POST”, the connection is redirected to the Openmaize.Login module. If the method is “GET”, the user is allowed to go to the login page.

If the path is for the logout page, the connection is redirected to the Openmaize.Logout module, which handles the logout and redirects the user to the home page.

For any other path, including unprotected paths, the connection is redirected to the Openmaize.Auth module, which handles user authentication and resource authorization.

Phoenix integration

The current_user variable is set for every path. This means that you can access @current_user in any of your templates. If nobody is logged in, current_user is set to nil.



call(conn, opts)

Function to check the token provided. If there is no token, or if the token is invalid, the user is redirected to the login page


Callback implementation for c:Plug.init/1


call(conn, opts)

Function to check the token provided. If there is no token, or if the token is invalid, the user is redirected to the login page.

If the path is for the login or logout page, the user is redirected to that page straight away.


There are two options available: redirects and check.

redirects is set to true by default, which is probably what you need for an application in the browser. For an api, though, or a Single Page Application, you will probably just want responses without redirects.

check is for a function to perform extra checks before authenticating the user. This option is available so that user authentication and resource authorization can be more easily customized. There are some examples of this kind of function in the Openmaize.IdCheck module.


Call openmaize with no options:

plug Openmaize

Call openmaize for an api with a further id check:

import Openmaize.IdCheck

plug Openmaize, redirects: false, check: &id_noedit/4

Callback implementation for c:Plug.init/1.
