View Source OpentelemetryAbsinthe.Helpers (opentelemetry_absinthe v2.2.1)

OpenTelemetry-friendly alternatives of Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers functions

Some of the standard absinthe resolution helpers, like batch or async, are not "opentelemetry-friendly": the resolvers, when invoked, lose the active span and break the trace propagation.

This module defines compatible alternatives that can be used in the same way, but don't lose the trace information.



Wrapper around the "real" batch function used by batch_keep_span

Works like Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers.batch, but preserves the active span.


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batch_fun_wrapper(arg, aggregate)

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Wrapper around the "real" batch function used by batch_keep_span

Takes the passed span and sets it as the active one, then calls the original batch function with the original parameter.

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batch_keep_span(batch_key, batch_data, post_batch_fn)

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@spec batch_keep_span(
) :: {:middleware, Absinthe.Middleware.Batch, term()}

Works like Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers.batch, but preserves the active span.

The function supplied to the batch helper is executed in a Task by Absinthe, which means that the erlang opentelemetry SDK would lose track of the currently active span, because they are kept in a pdict.

To work around this, you can just replace batch with batch_keep_span, and the active span will be automatically passed and reset as the active one inside the batch function.

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batch_keep_span(arg, batch_data, post_batch_fn, opts)

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@spec batch_keep_span(
  opts :: [{:timeout, pos_integer()}]
) :: {:middleware, Absinthe.Middleware.Batch, term()}