View Source OpentelemetryAbsinthe (opentelemetry_absinthe v2.2.1)


An opentelemetry instrumentation library for Absinthe


To start collecting traces just put OpentelemetryAbsinthe.setup() in your application start function.


OpentelemetryAbsinthe can be configured with the application environment

config :opentelemetry_absinthe,
  trace_options: [
    trace_request_query: false,
    trace_response_error: true

configuration can also be passed directly to the setup function

  trace_request_query: false,
  trace_response_error: true

Configuration options

  • span_name(default: dynamic):


    • :dynamic: sets the span name dynamically, based on the operation name and type, as recommended by opentelemetry. This will become the only supported option in the future.
    • String.t(): deprecated the name of the span
  • trace_request_query(default: true): attaches the graphql query as an attribute

    Important Note: This is usually safe, since graphql queries are expected to be static. All dynamic data should be passed via graphql variables. However some libraries(for example dillonkearns/elm-graphql store the variables inline as a part of the query. If you expect clients to send dynamic data as a part of the graphql query you should disable this.

  • trace_request_name(default: true): attaches the graphql operation name when using batched queries as an attribute

  • trace_request_type(default: true): attaches the graphql query type(query, mutation or subscription) as an attribute

  • trace_request_variables(default: false): attaches the graphql variables as an attribute

  • trace_request_selections(default: true): attaches the root fields queried as an attribute

    For example given a query like:

      query($isbn: String!) {
        book(isbn: $isbn) {
          author {
        reader {

    will result in a graphql.request.selections attribute with the value ["book", "reader"] being attached. Note that aliased fields will use their unaliased name.

  • trace_response_result(default: false): attaches the result returned by the server as an attribute

  • trace_response_errors(default: false): attaches the errors returned by the server as an attribute


OpentelemetryAbsinthe exposes telemetry events which can be hooked into using :telemetry.attach/4 or :telemetry.attach_many/4. The events exposed are:

  • [:opentelemetry_absinthe, :graphql, :handled] for when a GraphQl query has been handled, the metadata and measurements are defined in OpentelemetryAbsinthe.Instrumentation.graphql_handled_event_metadata() and OpentelemetryAbsinthe.Instrumentation.graphql_handled_event_measurements()

