View Source otel_exporter_otlp (opentelemetry_exporter v1.8.0)

A module of functionality shared between OTLP exporters for the various signals.



-type compression() :: gzip.
-type endpoint() :: uri_string:uri_string() | uri_string:uri_map().
-type endpoint_map() ::
    #{scheme := unicode:chardata(),
      host := unicode:chardata(),
      path => unicode:chardata(),
      port => integer(),
      ssl_options => []}.
-type headers() :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}].
-type opts() ::
    #{endpoints => [endpoint()],
      headers => headers(),
      protocol => protocol(),
      ssl_options => list()}.
-type protocol() :: grpc | http_protobuf | http_json.
-type state() ::
    #{channel := term() | undefined,
      httpc_profile := atom() | undefined,
      protocol := protocol(),
      channel_pid := pid() | undefined,
      headers := headers(),
      compression := compression() | undefined,
      grpc_metadata := map() | undefined,
      endpoints := [endpoint_map()]}.


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endpoints(List, DefaultSSLOpts)

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-spec endpoints([endpoint()], list() | undefined) -> [endpoint_map()].
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export_grpc(GrpcCtx, GrpcServiceModule, Metadata, Request, Channel)

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export_http(Address, Headers, Body, Compression, SSLOptions, HttpcProfile)

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Export OTLP protocol telemery data to the configured endpoints.
-spec init(opts()) -> {ok, state()}.
Initialize the exporter based on the provided configuration.
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merge_with_environment(ConfigMapping, AppEnv, Opts, SignalEndpointConfigKey, SignalHeadersConfigKey, SignalProtocolConfigKey, SignalCompressionConfigKey, DefaultPath)

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