View Source opentelemetry_exporter

The OpenTelemetry Protocol exporter for use with the OpenTelemetry Collector. The version of this Application does not track the supported version of the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP). The currently used version of the OTLP protobufs is v0.11.0.

Currently only supports the Tracer protocol using either GRPC or Protobuffers over HTTP1.1.


By default the exporter will use HTTP to export protobuf encoded Spans to http://localhost:4318/v1/traces.

Available configuration keys:

  • otlp_endpoint: The URL to send traces and metrics to, for traces the path v1/traces is appended to the path in the URL.
  • otlp_traces_endpoint: URL to send only traces to. This takes precedence for exporting traces and the path of the URL is kept as is, no suffix is appended.
  • otlp_headers: List of additional headers ([{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}]) to add to export requests.
  • otlp_traces_headers: Additional headers ([{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}]) to add to only trace export requests.
  • otlp_protocol: The transport protocol, supported values: grpc and http_protobuf. Defaults to http_protobuf.
  • otlp_traces_protocol: The transport protocol to use for exporting traces, supported values: grpc and http_protobuf. Defaults to http_protobuf.
  • otlp_compression: Compression type to use, supported values: gzip. Defaults to no compression.
  • otlp_traces_compression: Compression type to use for exporting traces, supported values: gzip. Defaults to no compression.
  • ssl_options: See below.
  [{otlp_protocol, grpc},
   {otlp_compression, gzip},
   {otlp_endpoint, ""},
   {otlp_headers, [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}]}

An Elixir release uses runtime.exs:

config :opentelemetry_exporter,
  otlp_protocol: :grpc,
  otlp_compression: :gzip,
  otlp_endpoint: "",
  otlp_headers: [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]

Furthermore, you need to configure Elixir apps to load opentelemetry_exporter before opentelemetry itself, for more information see

SSL options

The default SSL options for HTTPS requests are set using tls_certificate_check. This package also provides the CA certificates from Mozilla.

The user can override these options either as part of the endpoint or for all endpoints used by the exporter with the Application environment variable ssl_options:

  [{otlp_endpoint, ""},
   {ssl_options, [{cert, "..."}, {key, "..."}]}]}
config :opentelemetry_exporter,
  otlp_endpoint: "",
  ssl_options: [cert: "...", key: "..."]

See secure coding with inets for more information on securing HTTP requests in Erlang.

OS Environment

Lastly, configuring the exporter can be done with OS environment variables, which take precedence:

  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT: The URL to send traces and metrics to, for traces the path v1/traces is appended to the path in the URL.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT: URL to send only traces to. This takes precedence for exporting traces and the path of the URL is kept as is, no suffix is appended.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS: List of additional headers to add to export requests.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_HEADERS: Additional headers to add to only trace export requests.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL: The transport protocol to use, supported values: grpc and http_protobuf. Defaults to http_protobuf
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_PROTOCOL: The transport protocol to use for exporting traces, supported values: grpc and http_protobuf. Defaults to http_protobuf.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_COMPRESSION: Compression to use, supported value: gzip. Defaults to no compression.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_COMPRESSION: Compression to use when exporting traces, supported value: gzip. Defaults to no compression.

Example usage of setting the environment variables:

OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_HEADERS=x-honeycomb-team=<HONEYCOMB API TOKEN>,x-honeycomb-dataset=experiments

Options to span processor

In addition to using the environment variables the exporter accepts a map of arguments. The argument to the exporter's init function can be configured as part of the Span Processor (simple or batch) in the OpenTelemetry application environment.

For an Erlang release in sys.config:

        #{exporter => {opentelemetry_exporter, #{endpoints =>
            headers => [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}}}}]}]}

The default protocol is http_protobuf, to override this and use grpc add protocol to the config map:

        #{exporter => {opentelemetry_exporter, #{protocol => grpc,
                                                 endpoints => ["http://localhost:9090"],
                                                 headers => [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}}}}]}]}

In Elixir, you can use config.exs or runtime.exs:

config :opentelemetry, :processors,
  otel_batch_processor: %{
    exporter: {:opentelemetry_exporter, %{endpoints: ["http://localhost:9090"],
                                          headers: [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}}

To explicitly disable exporting spans, the traces_exporter can be set to none in the opentelemetry config:

{opentelemetry, [{traces_exporter, none}]}
config :opentelemetry, traces_exporter: :none

The configuration map

The second element of the configuration tuple is a configuration map. It can contain the following keys:

  • protocol - one of: http_protobuf, grpc or http_json. Defaults to http_protobuf. http_json is not implemented yet.
  • endpoints - A list of endpoints to send traces to. Can take one of the forms described below. By default, exporter sends data to http://localhost:4318.
  • headers - a list of headers to send to the collector (i.e [{<<"x-access-key">> <<"secret">>}]). Defaults to an empty list.
  • compression - an atom. Setting it to gzip enables gzip compression.
  • ssl_options - a list of SSL options. See Erlang's SSL docs for what options are available.

Upgrading OpenTelemetry Protos

The protos are in a separate repository, opentelemetry-proto, and used as a submodule in this repo. To update the Erlang protobuf modules and GRPC client first update the submodule and then use the rebar3 grpcbox plugin to generate the client:

$ pushd apps/opentelemetry_exporter/opentelemetry-proto
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout <tag>
$ popd

# bug in grpcbox plugin means we need to delete _pb files first to regenerate them
$ rm ./apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_exporter_trace_service_pb.erl  ./apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_exporter_metrics_service_pb.erl ./apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_exporter_logs_service_pb.erl

$ rebar3 grpc gen -t client
$ mv apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_proto_collector_trace_v_1_trace_service_client.erl apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_trace_service.erl
$ mv apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_proto_collector_logs_v_1_logs_service_client.erl apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_logs_service.erl
$ mv apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_proto_collector_metrics_v_1_metrics_service_client.erl apps/opentelemetry_exporter/src/opentelemetry_metrics_service.erl

Then open each moved module and fix the module name.