View Source OpcUA.Server behaviour (Opex62541 v0.1.4)
OPC UA Server API module.
This module provides functions for configuration, add/delete/read/write nodes and discovery a OPC UA Server.
is implemented as a __using__
macro so that you can put it in any module,
you can initialize your Server manually (see test/server_tests/write_event_test.exs
) or by overwriting
and address_space/1
to autoset the configuration and information model. It also helps you to
handle Server's "write value" events by overwriting handle_write/2
The following example shows a module that takes its configuration from the environment (see test/server_tests/terraform_test.exs
defmodule MyServer do
use OpcUA.Server
alias OpcUA.Server
# Use the `init` function to configure your server.
def init({parent_pid, 103} = _user_init_state, opc_ua_server_pid) do
%{parent_pid: parent_pid}
def configuration(_user_init_state), do: Application.get_env(:opex62541, :configuration, [])
def address_space(_user_init_state), do: Application.get_env(:opex62541, :address_space, [])
def handle_write(write_event, %{parent_pid: parent_pid} = state) do
send(parent_pid, write_event)
Because it is small a GenServer, it accepts the same options for supervision
to configure the child spec and passes them along to GenServer
defmodule MyModule do
use OpcUA.Server, restart: :transient, shutdown: 10_000
Optional callback that gets a list of nodes (with their attributes) to be automatically set.
Optional callback that gets the Server configuration and discovery connection parameters.
Optional callback that handles node values updates from a Client to a Server.
Adds endpoints for all configured security policies in each mode.
Adds all supported security policies and sets up certificate validation procedures (no endpoint). The following must be filled
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#Basic128Rsa15
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#Basic256
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled
Add a new data type node to the server. The following must be filled
Create a local MonitoredItem with a sampling interval that detects data changes. The following must be filled
Add a new namespace.
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#None
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled
Add a new object node to the server. The following must be filled
Add a new object type node to the server. The following must be filled
Add a new reference in the server. The following must be filled
Add a new reference type node to the server. The following must be filled
Add a new variable node to the server. The following must be filled
Add a new variable type node to the server. The following must be filled
Add a new view node to the server. The following must be filled
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Deletes a local MonitoredItem.
Deletes a node in the server. The following must be filled
Deletes a reference in the server. The following must be filled
Registers a server in a discovery server. NOTE: The Server sends the request once started. Use port = 0 to dynamically port allocation.
Unregister the server from the discovery server. NOTE: Server must be started.
Reads an internal Server Config.
Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1
Reads 'Access level' of a node in the server.
Reads 'array_dimensions' of a node in the server.
Reads the browse name attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'contains_no_loops' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'data_type' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads description attribute of a node in the server.
Reads the display name attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'event_notifier' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'Executable' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'Historizing' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'Inverse name' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'Is Abstract' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'Minimum Sampling Interval level' of a node in the server.
Reads the node_class attribute of a node in the server.
Reads the node_id attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'Symmetric' attribute of a node in the server.
Reads 'value' attribute of a node in the server.
Note: If the value is an array you can search a scalar using index
Reads 'Value' attribute (matching data type) of a node in the server.
Reads 'value' attribute of a node in the server.
Note: If the value is an array you can search a scalar using index
Reads 'Value Rank' of a node in the server.
Reads 'Write Mask' attribute of a node in the server.
Sets a default Server Config with no network layer and no endpoints.
Sets a default Server Config.
Creates a server configuration with all security policies for the given certificates. The following must be filled
Sets the host name for the Server.
Sets the configuration for the a Server representing a local discovery server as a central instance. Any other server can register with this server using "discovery_register" function NOTE: before calling this function, this server should have the default configuration. LDS Servers only supports the Discovery Services. Cannot be used in combination with any other capability.
Sets a port number for the Server.
Sets a port number for the Server.
Adds users (and passwords) the Server. Users must be a tuple list ([{user, password}]).
Start OPC UA Server.
Starts up a OPC UA Server GenServer.
Stops a OPC UA Server GenServer.
Stop OPC UA Server.
Change 'Access level' of a node in the server.
Change 'Array Dimensions' of a node in the server.
Creates a blank 'value array' attribute of a node in the server. Note: the array must match with 'value_rank' and 'array_dimensions' attribute.
Change the browse name of a node in the server.
Change 'data_type' attribute of a node in the server.
Change description attribute of a node in the server.
Change the display name attribute of a node in the server.
Change 'event_notifier' attribute of a node in the server.
Change 'Executable' attribute of a node in the server.
Change 'Historizing' attribute of a node in the server.
Change 'Inverse name' attribute of a node in the server.
Change 'Is Abstract' attribute of a node in the server.
Change 'Minimum Sampling Interval level' of a node in the server.
Change 'Value' attribute of a node in the server.
Change 'Value rank' of a node in the server.
Change 'Write Mask' attribute of a node in the server.
@type address_space_list() :: {:namespace, binary()} | {:variable_node, %OpcUA.VariableNode{ access_level: term(), args: term(), array: term(), array_dimensions: term(), browse_name: term(), data_type: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), historizing: term(), minimum_sampling_interval: term(), value: term(), value_rank: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:variable_type_node, %OpcUA.VariableTypeNode{ access_level: term(), args: term(), browse_name: term(), data_type: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), historizing: term(), minimum_sampling_interval: term(), value: term(), value_rank: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:method_node, %OpcUA.MethodNode{ args: term(), browse_name: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), executable: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:object_node, %OpcUA.ObjectNode{ args: term(), browse_name: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), event_notifier: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:object_type_node, %OpcUA.ObjectTypeNode{ args: term(), browse_name: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), is_abstract: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:reference_type_node, %OpcUA.ReferenceTypeNode{ args: term(), browse_name: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), inverse_name: term(), is_abstract: term(), symmetric: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:data_type_node, %OpcUA.DataTypeNode{ args: term(), browse_name: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), is_abstract: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:view_node, %OpcUA.ViewNode{ args: term(), browse_name: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), event_notifier: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:reference_node, %OpcUA.ReferenceNode{ args: term(), browse_name: term(), description: term(), display_name: term(), inverse_name: term(), is_abstract: term(), symmetric: term(), write_mask: term() }} | {:monitored_item, %OpcUA.MonitoredItem{args: term()}}
@type config_options() :: {:config, config_params()} | {:discovery, {binary(), non_neg_integer()}}
@type config_params() :: {:hostname, binary()} | {:port, non_neg_integer()} | {:users, keyword()}
@callback address_space(term()) :: address_space_list()
Optional callback that gets a list of nodes (with their attributes) to be automatically set.
@callback configuration(term()) :: config_options()
Optional callback that gets the Server configuration and discovery connection parameters.
@callback handle_write( key :: {%OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }, any()}, term() ) :: term()
Optional callback that handles node values updates from a Client to a Server.
It's first argument will a tuple, in which its first element is the node_id
of the updated node
and the second element is the updated value.
the second argument it's the GenServer state (Parent process).
@spec add_all_endpoints(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Adds endpoints for all configured security policies in each mode.
@spec add_all_policies(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Adds all supported security policies and sets up certificate validation procedures (no endpoint). The following must be filled:
-> binary() or function().:certificate
-> binary() or function().
@spec add_basic128rsa15_policy(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#Basic128Rsa15
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled:
-> binary() or function().:certificate
-> binary() or function().
@spec add_basic256_policy(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#Basic256
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled:
-> binary() or function().:certificate
-> binary() or function().
@spec add_basic256sha256_policy(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled:
-> binary() or function().:certificate
-> binary() or function().
@spec add_data_type_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new data type node to the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:parent_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:browse_name
-> %QualifiedName{}.
@spec add_monitored_item(GenServer.server(), list()) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Create a local MonitoredItem with a sampling interval that detects data changes. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:sampling_time
-> double().
@spec add_namespace(GenServer.server(), binary()) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new namespace.
@spec add_none_policy(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Adds the security policy SecurityPolicy#None
to the server with certicate (no endpoint).
The following must be filled:
-> binary() or function().
@spec add_object_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new object node to the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:parent_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:browse_name
-> %QualifiedName{}.:type_definition
-> %NodeID{}.
@spec add_object_type_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new object type node to the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:parent_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:browse_name
-> %QualifiedName{}.
@spec add_reference(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new reference in the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_id
-> %NodeID{}.:target_id
-> %NodeID{}.:is_forward
-> boolean().
@spec add_reference_type_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new reference type node to the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:parent_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:browse_name
-> %QualifiedName{}.
@spec add_variable_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new variable node to the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:parent_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:browse_name
-> %QualifiedName{}.:type_definition
-> %NodeID{}.
@spec add_variable_type_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new variable type node to the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:parent_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:browse_name
-> %QualifiedName{}.:type_definition
-> %NodeID{}.
@spec add_view_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Add a new view node to the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:parent_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_node_id
-> %NodeID{}.:browse_name
-> %QualifiedName{}.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec delete_monitored_item(GenServer.server(), integer()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Deletes a local MonitoredItem.
@spec delete_node(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Deletes a node in the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:delete_references
-> boolean().
@spec delete_reference(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Deletes a reference in the server. The following must be filled:
-> %NodeID{}.:reference_type_id
-> %NodeID{}.:target_id
-> %NodeID{}.:is_forward
-> boolean().:delete_bidirectional
-> boolean().
@spec discovery_register(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Registers a server in a discovery server. NOTE: The Server sends the request once started. Use port = 0 to dynamically port allocation.
The following must be filled:
-> binary().:server_name
-> binary().:endpoint
-> binary().:timeout
-> boolean().
@spec discovery_unregister(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Unregister the server from the discovery server. NOTE: Server must be started.
@spec get_config(GenServer.server()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads an internal Server Config.
Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1
@spec read_node_access_level(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Access level' of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_array_dimensions(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, list()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'array_dimensions' of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_browse_name(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, %OpcUA.QualifiedName{name: term(), ns_index: term()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads the browse name attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_contains_no_loops(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, {binary(), binary()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'contains_no_loops' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_data_type(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'data_type' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_description(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, {binary(), binary()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads description attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_display_name(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, {binary(), binary()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads the display name attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_event_notifier(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'event_notifier' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_executable(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Executable' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_historizing(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Historizing' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_inverse_name(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, {binary(), binary()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Inverse name' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_is_abstract(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Is Abstract' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_minimum_sampling_interval(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Minimum Sampling Interval level' of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_node_class(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads the node_class attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_node_id(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads the node_id attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_symmetric(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Symmetric' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_value( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'value' attribute of a node in the server.
Note: If the value is an array you can search a scalar using index
@spec read_node_value_by_data_type( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Value' attribute (matching data type) of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_value_by_index( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'value' attribute of a node in the server.
Note: If the value is an array you can search a scalar using index
@spec read_node_value_rank(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Value Rank' of a node in the server.
@spec read_node_write_mask(GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{ identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term() }) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Reads 'Write Mask' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec set_basics(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Sets a default Server Config with no network layer and no endpoints.
@spec set_default_config(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Sets a default Server Config.
@spec set_default_config_with_certs(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Creates a server configuration with all security policies for the given certificates. The following must be filled:
-> binary() or function().:certificate
-> binary() or function().:port
-> interger().
@spec set_hostname(GenServer.server(), binary()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Sets the host name for the Server.
@spec set_lds_config(GenServer.server(), binary(), integer() | nil) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Sets the configuration for the a Server representing a local discovery server as a central instance. Any other server can register with this server using "discovery_register" function NOTE: before calling this function, this server should have the default configuration. LDS Servers only supports the Discovery Services. Cannot be used in combination with any other capability.
The following args must be filled:
-> binary().:timeout
-> boolean().
@spec set_network_tcp_layer(GenServer.server(), integer()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Sets a port number for the Server.
@spec set_port(GenServer.server(), integer()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Sets a port number for the Server.
@spec set_users(GenServer.server(), list()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Adds users (and passwords) the Server. Users must be a tuple list ([{user, password}]).
@spec start(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Start OPC UA Server.
Starts up a OPC UA Server GenServer.
@spec stop(GenServer.server()) :: :ok
Stops a OPC UA Server GenServer.
@spec stop_server(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Stop OPC UA Server.
@spec write_node_access_level( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Access level' of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_array_dimensions( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, list() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Array Dimensions' of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_blank_array( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer(), list() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Creates a blank 'value array' attribute of a node in the server. Note: the array must match with 'value_rank' and 'array_dimensions' attribute.
@spec write_node_browse_name( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, %OpcUA.QualifiedName{name: term(), ns_index: term()} ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change the browse name of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_data_type( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()} ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'data_type' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_description( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, binary(), binary() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change description attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_display_name( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, binary(), binary() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change the display name attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_event_notifier( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'event_notifier' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_executable( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, boolean() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Executable' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_historizing( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, boolean() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Historizing' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_inverse_name( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, binary(), binary() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Inverse name' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_is_abstract( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, boolean() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Is Abstract' attribute of a node in the server.
write_node_minimum_sampling_interval(pid, node_id, minimum_sampling_interval)
View Source@spec write_node_minimum_sampling_interval( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Minimum Sampling Interval level' of a node in the server.
Change 'Value' attribute of a node in the server.
@spec write_node_value_rank( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Value rank' of a node in the server.
This attribute indicates whether the value attribute of the variable is an array and how many dimensions the array has. It may have the following values:
value_rank >= 1: the value is an array with the specified number of dimensions value_rank = 0: the value is an array with one or more dimensions value_rank = -1: the value is a scalar value_rank = -2: the value can be a scalar or an array with any number of dimensions value_rank = -3: the value can be a scalar or a one dimensional array
@spec write_node_write_mask( GenServer.server(), %OpcUA.NodeId{identifier: term(), identifier_type: term(), ns_index: term()}, integer() ) :: :ok | {:error, binary()} | {:error, :einval}
Change 'Write Mask' attribute of a node in the server.