Optional Arguments with Defaults for Gleam
One can be doing quite a bunch of things wrong and get runtime errors.
This library is more a cursed hack than a good solution and should be mostly used to explore how a gleam library public API would look like if gleam ever supported optional arguments with defaults out of the box.
gleam add opt_args_with_defs_for_gleam
import gleam/io
import opt_args_with_defs_for_gleam.{O, OB, OF, OI, ON, OS, get_arg, get_args_with}
// Can use string keys as well, but that is more error prone.
type OptionalArgumentKeys {
fn fun_with_typed_keys(options: options_keyword_list) -> #(Float, Bool) {
let args =
[#(SomeNumber, OF(1.0)), #(SomeFlag, OB(True))]
|> get_args_with(options)
let assert OF(some_number) = get_arg(args, SomeNumber)
let assert OB(some_flag) = get_arg(args, SomeFlag)
#(some_number, some_flag)
pub fn main() {
fun_with_typed_keys([#(SomeNumber, OF(2.0))])
|> io.debug() // #(2.0, True)
Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/opt_args_with_defs_for_gleam.
gleam test # Run the tests