Ory.Api.Permission (ory_client v1.6.2)
API calls for all endpoints tagged Permission
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
Expand a Relationship into permissions. Use this endpoint to expand a relationship tuple into permissions.
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
check_permission(connection, opts \\ [])
@spec check_permission( Tesla.Env.client(), keyword() ) :: {:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t()} | {:ok, Ory.Model.ErrorGeneric.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
(Ory.Connection): Connection to serveropts
(keyword): Optional parameters:namespace
(String.t): Namespace of the Relationship:object
(String.t): Object of the Relationship:relation
(String.t): Relation of the Relationship:subject_id
(String.t): SubjectID of the Relationship:"subject_set.namespace"
(String.t): Namespace of the Subject Set:"subject_set.object"
(String.t): Object of the Subject Set:"subject_set.relation"
(String.t): Relation of the Subject Set:"max-depth"
{:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t}
on success{:error, Tesla.Env.t}
on failure
check_permission_or_error(connection, opts \\ [])
@spec check_permission_or_error( Tesla.Env.client(), keyword() ) :: {:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t()} | {:ok, Ory.Model.ErrorGeneric.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
(Ory.Connection): Connection to serveropts
(keyword): Optional parameters:namespace
(String.t): Namespace of the Relationship:object
(String.t): Object of the Relationship:relation
(String.t): Relation of the Relationship:subject_id
(String.t): SubjectID of the Relationship:"subject_set.namespace"
(String.t): Namespace of the Subject Set:"subject_set.object"
(String.t): Object of the Subject Set:"subject_set.relation"
(String.t): Relation of the Subject Set:"max-depth"
{:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t}
on success{:error, Tesla.Env.t}
on failure
expand_permissions(connection, namespace, object, relation, opts \\ [])
@spec expand_permissions( Tesla.Env.client(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), keyword() ) :: {:ok, Ory.Model.ErrorGeneric.t()} | {:ok, Ory.Model.ExpandedPermissionTree.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
Expand a Relationship into permissions. Use this endpoint to expand a relationship tuple into permissions.
(Ory.Connection): Connection to servernamespace
(String.t): Namespace of the Subject Setobject
(String.t): Object of the Subject Setrelation
(String.t): Relation of the Subject Setopts
(keyword): Optional parameters:"max-depth"
{:ok, Ory.Model.ExpandedPermissionTree.t}
on success{:error, Tesla.Env.t}
on failure
post_check_permission(connection, opts \\ [])
@spec post_check_permission( Tesla.Env.client(), keyword() ) :: {:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t()} | {:ok, Ory.Model.ErrorGeneric.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
(Ory.Connection): Connection to serveropts
(keyword): Optional parameters:"max-depth"
{:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t}
on success{:error, Tesla.Env.t}
on failure
post_check_permission_or_error(connection, opts \\ [])
@spec post_check_permission_or_error( Tesla.Env.client(), keyword() ) :: {:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t()} | {:ok, Ory.Model.ErrorGeneric.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
Check a permission To learn how relationship tuples and the check works, head over to the documentation.
(Ory.Connection): Connection to serveropts
(keyword): Optional parameters:"max-depth"
{:ok, Ory.Model.CheckPermissionResult.t}
on success{:error, Tesla.Env.t}
on failure