API Reference ory_client v1.6.2


API calls for all endpoints tagged Courier.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Events.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Frontend.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Identity.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Jwk.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Metadata.

API calls for all endpoints tagged OAuth2.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Oidc.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Permission.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Project.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Relationship.

API calls for all endpoints tagged Wellknown.

Handle Tesla connections for Ory.

Helper functions for deserializing responses into models

The Active Project ID

The authenticator assurance level can be one of "aal1", "aal2", or "aal3". A higher number means that it is harder for an attacker to compromise the account. Generally, "aal1" implies that one authentication factor was used while AAL2 implies that two factors (e.g. password + TOTP) have been used. To learn more about these levels please head over to: https://www.ory.sh/kratos/docs/concepts/credentials

Patch identities response

The content of the allowed field is mirrored in the HTTP status code.

Control API consistency guarantees

Indicates, that the UI flow could be continued by showing a recovery ui

Indicates that a session was issued, and the application should use this token for authenticated requests

Indicates, that the UI flow could be continued by showing a settings ui

Indicates, that the UI flow could be continued by showing a verification ui

A Message's Status

It can either be email or phone

Create Custom Hostname Request Body

Create Event Stream Request Body

Create Identity Body

Create JSON Web Key Set Request Body

Create Project Request Body

Create a Project Branding

Create Project MemberInvite Request Body

Create project (normalized) request payload

Create Recovery Code for Identity Request Body

Create Recovery Link for Identity Request Body

Create Relationship Request Body

Create Workspace Invite Request Body

Includes information about the supported verifiable credentials.

Custom Hostname

Deleted Session Count

Contains the data of the email template, including the subject and body in HTML and plaintext variants

Is sent when a flow is replaced by a different flow of the same class

The standard Ory JSON API error format.

Event Stream

Error responses are sent when an error (e.g. unauthorized, bad request, ...) occurred.

Response of the getAttributesCount endpoint

Ory Identity Schema Location

Response of the getMetricsEventAttributes endpoint

Response of the getMetricsEventTypes endpoint

Body of the getProjectEvents endpoint

Response of the getProjectEvents endpoint

Response of the getMetrics endpoint

Response of the getSessionActivity endpoint

An identity represents a (human) user in Ory.

Credentials represents a specific credential type

CredentialsCode represents a one time login/registration code

Payload for patching an identity

Response for a single identity patch

An Identity JSON Schema Container

Create Identity and Import Credentials

Create Identity and Import Social Sign In Credentials

Create Identity and Import Social Sign In Credentials Configuration

Create Identity and Import Password Credentials

Create Identity and Import Password Credentials Configuration

Get Project Branding Request Body

Is Account Experience Enabled For Project Request Body

Is Owner For Project By Slug Request Body

Internal Provision Mock Subscription Request Body

Introspection contains an access token's session data as specified by IETF RFC 7662

A JSONPatch document as defined by RFC 6902

JSON Web Key Set

Event Stream List

B2B SSO Organization List

This object represents a login flow. A login flow is initiated at the "Initiate Login API / Browser Flow" endpoint by a client. Once a login flow is completed successfully, a session cookie or session token will be issued.

The state represents the state of the login flow. choose_method: ask the user to choose a method (e.g. login account via email) sent_email: the email has been sent to the user passed_challenge: the request was successful and the login challenge was passed.

Logout Flow

Together the name and identity uuid are a unique index constraint. This prevents a user from having schemas with the same name. This also allows schemas to have the same name across the system.

Ory Identity Schema Validation Result

MessageDispatch represents an attempt of sending a courier message It contains the status of the attempt (failed or successful) and the error if any occured

Represents a single datapoint/bucket of a time series

OAuth 2.0 Clients are used to perform OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect flows. Usually, OAuth 2.0 clients are generated for applications which want to consume your OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect capabilities.

Lifespans of different token types issued for this OAuth 2.0 Client.

A completed OAuth 2.0 Consent Session.

Contains a redirect URL used to complete a login, consent, or logout request.

OAuth2 Token Exchange Result

Includes links to several endpoints (for example /oauth2/token) and exposes information on supported signature algorithms among others.

OpenID Connect Userinfo

B2B SSO Organization

Create B2B SSO Organization Request Body

Patch Identities Body

Perform Native Logout Request Body

Check Permission using Post Request Body

Post Check Permission Or Error Body

Used when an administrator creates a recovery code for an identity.

This request is used when an identity wants to recover their account. We recommend reading the Account Recovery Documentation

The state represents the state of the recovery flow. choose_method: ask the user to choose a method (e.g. recover account via email) sent_email: the email has been sent to the user passed_challenge: the request was successful and the recovery challenge was passed.

Used when an administrator creates a recovery link for an identity.

choose_method: ask the user to choose a method (e.g. registration with email) sent_email: the email has been sent to the user passed_challenge: the request was successful and the registration challenge was passed.

Relation Query


Relationship Namespace List

Payload for patching a relationship

Paginated Relationship List

Is sent when a flow is expired

A Session

A singular authenticator used during authentication / login.

Device corresponding to a Session

Set active project in the Ory Network Console Request Body

Update Custom Hostname Body

Update Event Stream Body

This flow is used when an identity wants to update settings (e.g. profile data, passwords, ...) in a selfservice manner. We recommend reading the User Settings Documentation

show_form: No user data has been collected, or it is invalid, and thus the form should be shown. success: Indicates that the settings flow has been updated successfully with the provided data. Done will stay true when repeatedly checking. If set to true, done will revert back to false only when a flow with invalid (e.g. "please use a valid phone number") data was sent.

The Response for Registration Flows via API

The Response for Login Flows via API

The Response for Registration Flows via API

The Link HTTP header contains multiple links (first, next, last, previous) formatted as: <https://{project-slug}.projects.oryapis.com/admin/clients?page_size={limit}&page_token={offset}>; rel="{page}" For details on pagination please head over to the pagination documentation.

The Link HTTP header contains multiple links (first, next, last, previous) formatted as: <https://{project-slug}.projects.oryapis.com/admin/clients?page_size={limit}&page_token={offset}>; rel="{page}" For details on pagination please head over to the pagination documentation.

Trust OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer Request Body

OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer Trust Relationship

OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer Trusted JSON Web Key

Container represents a HTML Form. The container can work with both HTTP Form and JSON requests

Nodes are represented as HTML elements or their native UI equivalents. For example, a node can be an <img> tag, or an <input element> but also some plain text.

InputAttributes represents the attributes of an input node

This might include a label and other information that can optionally be used to render UIs.

Update Identity Body

Update Login flow using the code method

Update Login Flow with Lookup Secret Method

Update Login Flow with OpenID Connect Method

Update Login Flow with Password Method

Update Login Flow with TOTP Method

Update Login Flow with WebAuthn Method

Update Recovery Flow Request Body

Update Recovery Flow with Code Method

Update Recovery Flow with Link Method

Update Registration Request Body

Update Registration Flow with Code Method

Update Registration Flow with OpenID Connect Method

Update Registration Flow with Password Method

Update Registration Flow with WebAuthn Method

Update Settings Flow Request Body

Update Settings Flow with Lookup Method

Update Settings Flow with OpenID Connect Method

Update Settings Flow with Password Method

Update Settings Flow with Profile Method

Update Settings Flow with TOTP Method

Update Settings Flow with WebAuthn Method

Update Verification Flow Request Body

Update Verification Flow with Link Method

VerifiableAddress is an identity's verifiable address

Used to verify an out-of-band communication channel such as an email address or a phone number. For more information head over to: https://www.ory.sh/docs/kratos/self-service/flows/verify-email-account-activation

The state represents the state of the verification flow. choose_method: ask the user to choose a method (e.g. recover account via email) sent_email: the email has been sent to the user passed_challenge: the request was successful and the recovery challenge was passed.

Helper functions for building Tesla requests