View Source Owl.Table (Owl v0.11.0)

Allows drawing awesome tables.



@spec new(rows :: [row :: %{required(column) => value}, ...],
  border_style: :solid | :solid_rounded | :none | :double,
  divide_body_rows: boolean(),
  word_wrap: :break_word | :normal,
  truncate_lines: boolean(),
  filter_columns: (column -> as_boolean(term())),
  padding_x: non_neg_integer(),
  max_column_widths: (column -> pos_integer() | :infinity),
  max_width: pos_integer() | :infinity,
      header: (column -> Owl.Data.t()),
      body: (value -> Owl.Data.t()) | (column, value -> Owl.Data.t())
    | (value | column -> Owl.Data.t()),
    (column, column -> boolean())
    | :asc
    | :desc
    | module()
    | {:asc | :desc, module()}
) :: Owl.Data.t()
when column: any(), value: any()

Draws a table.

Accepts a list of maps, where each map represents a row. The keys and values of maps should have the type Owl.Data.t/0, otherwise use :render_cell option to make values printable.


  • :border_style - sets the border style. Defaults to :solid.
  • :divide_body_rows - specifies whether to show divider between rows in body. It is better to use it if cells have multiline values. Ignored, if :border_style is set to :none. Defaults to false.
  • :filter_columns - sets a function which filters column (second argument for Enum.filter/2). No filter function by default.
  • :padding_x- sets horizontal padding. Defaults to 0.
  • :render_cell - sets how to render header and body cells. Accepts either a function or a keyword list. Defaults to &Function.identity/1. Options in case of a keyword list:
    • :header - sets a function to render header cell. Defaults to &Function.identity/1.
    • :body - sets a function to render body cell. Defaults to &Function.identity/1.
  • :sort_columns - sets a sorter (second argument for Enum.sort/2) for columns. Defaults to :asc.
  • :max_column_widths - sets max width for columns in symbols. Accepts a function that returns an inner width (content + padding) for each column. Defaults to fn _ -> :infinity end.
  • :max_width - sets a maximum width of of the table in symbols including borders. Defaults to width of the terminal or :infinity, if a terminal is not available.
  • :word_wrap - sets the word wrapping mode. Can be :break_word or :normal. Defaults to :break_word. Ignored if :truncate_lines is true.
  • :truncate_lines - specifies whether to truncate lines when they reach width specified by :max_content_width. Defaults to false.


# render as is without options
iex> [
...>   %{"id" => "1", "name" => "Yaroslav"},
...>   %{"id" => "2", "name" => "Volodymyr"}
...> ] |> |> to_string()
│id│name     │
│1 │Yaroslav │
│2 │Volodymyr│
""" |> String.trim_trailing()

# ...and more complex example with a bunch of options
iex> [
...>   %{a: :qwertyuiop, b: :asdfghjkl},
...>   %{a: :zxcvbnm, b: :dcb}
...> ]
...> |>
...>   render_cell: [
...>     header: &(&1 |> inspect() |> Owl.Data.tag(:red)),
...>     body: &(&1 |> inspect() |> Owl.Data.truncate(8) |> Owl.Data.tag(:yellow))
...>   ],
...>   divide_body_rows: true,
...>   border_style: :solid_rounded,
...>   padding_x: 1,
...>   sort_columns: :desc
...> )
...> |> Owl.Data.to_chardata()
...> |> to_string()
│ \e[31m:b\e[39m       │ \e[31m:a\e[39m       │
│ \e[33m:asdfgh…\e[39m │ \e[33m:qwerty…\e[39m │
│ \e[33m:dcb\e[39m     │ \e[33m:zxcvbnm\e[39m │
""" |> String.trim_trailing()