View Source Panoramix.Query (Panoramix v0.21.0)

Provides functions for building Druid query requests.



Use from macro to build Druid queries. See Druid documentation to learn about available fields and general query object structure.

Convert a Panoramix.Query struct into its JSON representation.

Convert a Panoramix.Query struct into a map ready to be converted to JSON.


@type t() :: %Panoramix.Query{
  aggregations: term(),
  analysis_types: term(),
  bound: term(),
  context: term(),
  data_source: term(),
  dimension: term(),
  dimensions: term(),
  filter: term(),
  granularity: term(),
  intervals: term(),
  limit: term(),
  limit_spec: term(),
  merge: term(),
  metric: term(),
  post_aggregations: term(),
  query: term(),
  query_type: term(),
  search_dimensions: term(),
  sort: term(),
  subtotals_spec: term(),
  threshold: term(),
  to_include: term(),
  virtual_columns: term()


Link to this macro

from(source, kw)

View Source (since 1.0.0) (macro)

Use from macro to build Druid queries. See Druid documentation to learn about available fields and general query object structure.


    iex(1)> use Panoramix
    iex(2)> q = from "my_datasource",
    ...(2)>       query_type: "timeseries",
    ...(2)>       intervals: ["2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00/2019-03-04T00:00:00+00:00"],
    ...(2)>       granularity: :day,
    ...(2)>       filter: == "bar",
    ...(2)>        aggregations: [event_count: count(),
    ...(2)>                       unique_id_count: hyperUnique(:user_unique)]
      aggregations: [
        %{name: :event_count, type: "count"},
        %{fieldName: :user_unique, name: :unique_id_count, type: :hyperUnique}
      analysis_types: nil,
      bound: nil,
      context: %{priority: 0, timeout: 120000},
      data_source: "my_datasource",
      dimension: nil,
      dimensions: nil,
      filter: %{dimension: "foo", type: "selector", value: "bar"},
      granularity: :day,
      intervals: ["2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00/2019-03-04T00:00:00+00:00"],
      limit: nil,
      limit_spec: nil,
      merge: nil,
      metric: nil,
      post_aggregations: nil,
      query: nil,
      query_type: "timeseries",
      search_dimensions: nil,
      sort: nil,
      threshold: nil,
      to_include: nil,
      virtual_columns: nil,
      subtotals_spec: nil

Some HLL aggregation names are capitalized and therefore won't play well with the macro. For such cases use their aliases as a workaround: hllSketchBuild, hllSketchMerge, hllSketchEstimate, hllSketchUnion, hllSketchToString.

The aggregation aliases will be replaced with original names when building a query.


    iex(1)> use Panoramix
    iex(2)> query = from "my_datasource",
    ...(2)>       query_type: "timeseries",
    ...(2)>       intervals: ["2018-05-29T00:00:00+00:00/2018-06-05T00:00:00+00:00"],
    ...(2)>       granularity: :day,
    ...(2)>       aggregations: [event_count: count(),
    ...(2)>                     unique_ids: hllSketchMerge(:user_unique, round: true)]
      aggregations: [
        %{name: :event_count, type: "count"},
          fieldName: :user_unique,
          name: :unique_ids,
          round: true,
          type: "HLLSketchMerge"
Link to this function

post_aggregation_field_accessor(type_name, accessor_name, accessor, options \\ [])

View Source

Convert a Panoramix.Query struct into its JSON representation.

Convert a Panoramix.Query struct into a map ready to be converted to JSON.