View Source Panoramix (Panoramix v0.23.0)
Post a query to Druid Broker or request its status.
Use Panoramix.Query to build a query.
Build a query like this:
use Panoramix
q = from "my_datasource",
query_type: "timeseries",
intervals: ["2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00/2019-03-04T00:00:00+00:00"],
granularity: :day,
filter: == "bar",
aggregations: [event_count: count(),
unique_id_count: hyperUnique(:user_unique)]
And then send it:
Panoramix.post_query(q, :default)
Where :default
is a configuration profile pointing to your Druid server.
The default value for the profile argument is :default
, so if you
only need a single configuration you can omit it:
Response example:
"result" => %{
"event_count" => 7544,
"unique_id_count" => 43.18210933535
"timestamp" => "2019-03-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"result" => %{
"event_count" => 1051,
"unique_id_count" => 104.02052398847
"timestamp" => "2019-03-02T00:00:00.000Z"
"result" => %{
"event_count" => 4591,
"unique_id_count" => 79.19885795313
"timestamp" => "2019-03-03T00:00:00.000Z"
To make a nested query, pass a map of the form %{type: :query, query: inner_query}
as data source. For example:
use Panoramix
inner_query = from "my_datasource",
query_type: "topN",
intervals: ["2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00/2019-03-04T00:00:00+00:00"],
granularity: :day,
aggregations: [event_count: count()],
dimension: "foo",
metric: "event_count",
threshold: 100
q = from %{type: :query, query: inner_query},
query_type: "timeseries",
intervals: ["2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00/2019-03-04T00:00:00+00:00"],
granularity: :day,
aggregations: [foo_count: count(),
event_count_sum: longSum(:event_count)],
post_aggregations: [mean_events_per_foo: aggregations.event_count_sum / aggregations.foo_count]
To make a join query, pass a map of the form %{type: :join, left: left, right: right, joinType: :INNER | :LEFT, rightPrefix: "prefix_", condition: "condition"}
. Both the left
and the right side can be a nested query as above, %{type: :query, query: inner_query}
which will be expanded. Other join sources will be passed to Druid unchanged. For example:
use Panoramix
from %{type: :join,
left: "sales",
right: %{type: :lookup, lookup: "store_to_country"},
rightPrefix: "r.",
condition: "store == "r.k"",
joinType: :INNER},
query_type: "groupBy",
intervals: ["0000/3000"],
granularity: "all",
dimensions: [%{type: "default", outputName: "country", dimension: "r.v"}],
aggregations: [country_revenue: longSum(:revenue)]
You can also build a JSON query yourself by passing it as a map to
Panoramix.post_query(%{queryType: "timeBoundary", dataSource: "my_datasource"})
To request status from Broker run
Format a date or a datetime into a format that Druid expects.
Format a date or a datetime into a format that Druid expects.
iex> Panoramix.format_time! ~D[2018-07-20]
iex> Panoramix.format_time!(
...> Timex.to_datetime({{2018,07,20},{1,2,3}}))
@spec post_query(Panoramix.Query.t() | map(), atom()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t() | Jason.DecodeError.t() | Panoramix.Error.t()}
@spec post_query!(Panoramix.Query.t() | map(), atom()) :: term()
@spec status(atom()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t() | Jason.DecodeError.t() | Panoramix.Error.t()}