Panpipe.AST.Node behaviour (Panpipe v0.3.0) View Source
Behaviour implemented by all nodes of the Panpipe AST.
The Panpipe AST is a Elixir representation of the
Pandoc data structure for a format-neutral representation of documents.
Each of the nodes of this AST data structure is a struct implementing the Panpipe.AST.Node
behaviour and directly matches the respective Pandoc element.
Each node type implements Elixir's Enumerable
protocol as a pre-order tree
Link to this section Summary
Returns if the given AST node
is a block element.
Returns the type of child expected for the given AST node
Returns if the given AST node
is an inline element.
Produces the Pandoc AST data structure of the given Panpipe AST node
Transforms the AST under the given Panpipe AST node
by applying the given transformation function recursively.
Returns if the AST node module represents a block element.
Returns the type of child expected for a AST node.
Returns a list of the children of a node.
Returns if the AST node module represents an inline element.
Produces the Pandoc AST data structure of a Panpipe AST node.
Transforms an Panpipe AST node recursively.
Link to this section Types
t() :: module()
Link to this section Functions
Returns if the given AST node
is a block element.
Returns the type of child expected for the given AST node
This function returns either :block
or :inline
Returns if the given AST node
is an inline element.
Produces the Pandoc AST data structure of the given Panpipe AST node
iex> %Panpipe.AST.Header{level: 1, children: [%Panpipe.AST.Str{string: "Example"}]}
...> |> Panpipe.AST.Node.to_pandoc()
"c" => [1, ["", [], []], [%{"c" => "Example", "t" => "Str"}]],
"t" => "Header"
Transforms the AST under the given Panpipe AST node
by applying the given transformation function recursively.
The given function will be passed all nodes in pre-order and will replace those
nodes for which the transformation function fun
returns a non-nil
A node can also be replaced with a sequence of new nodes by returning a list of
nodes in the transformation function.
If you want to remove a node, you can return an empty list or a Panpipe.AST.Null
The transformation will be applied recursively also on children of the replaced
values. You can prohibit that by returning the replacement in a halt tuple like
this: {:halt, replacement}
Panpipe.ast!(input: "")
|> Panpipe.transform(fn
%Panpipe.AST.Header{} = header ->
%Panpipe.AST.Header{header | level: header.level + 1}
_ -> nil
Panpipe.ast!(input: "")
|> Panpipe.transform(fn
%Panpipe.AST.Header{} = header ->
{:halt, %Panpipe.AST.Header{header | level: header.level + 1}}
_ -> nil
Link to this section Callbacks
block?() :: bool()
Returns if the AST node module represents a block element.
child_type() :: atom()
Returns the type of child expected for a AST node.
This function returns either :block
or :inline
Returns a list of the children of a node.
inline?() :: bool()
Returns if the AST node module represents an inline element.
Produces the Pandoc AST data structure of a Panpipe AST node.
Transforms an Panpipe AST node recursively.