ParallelStream (Parallel Stream v1.1.0) View Source

Parallel stream implementation for Elixir.

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Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel. The functions return value will be thrown away, hence this is useful for producing side-effects.

Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel and only pass the values for which the function returns truthy downstream.

Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel and return the functions return value.

Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel and only pass the values for which the function returns falsy downstream.

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each(stream, iter, options \\ [])

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Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel. The functions return value will be thrown away, hence this is useful for producing side-effects.


These are the options:

  • :num_workers – The number of parallel operations to run when running the stream.
  • :worker_work_ratio – The available work per worker, defaults to 5. Higher rates will mean more work sharing, but might also lead to work fragmentation slowing down the queues.


Iterate and write the numbers to stdout:

iex> parallel_stream = 1..5 |> ParallelStream.each(&IO.write/1)
iex> parallel_stream |>
:ok # 12345 appears on stdout
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filter(stream, filter, options \\ [])

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Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel and only pass the values for which the function returns truthy downstream.


These are the options:

  • :num_workers – The number of parallel operations to run when running the stream.
  • :worker_work_ratio – The available work per worker, defaults to 5. Higher rates will mean more work sharing, but might also lead to work fragmentation slowing down the queues.


Map and filter the even numbers:

iex> parallel_stream = 1..5 |> ParallelStream.filter(fn i -> i |> rem(2) == 0 end)
iex> parallel_stream |> Enum.to_list
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map(stream, mapper, options \\ [])

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Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel and return the functions return value.


These are the options:

  • :num_workers – The number of parallel operations to run when running the stream.
  • :worker_work_ratio – The available work per worker, defaults to 5. Higher rates will mean more work sharing, but might also lead to work fragmentation slowing down the queues.


Map and duplicate the numbers:

iex> parallel_stream = 1..5 |> i -> i * 2 end)
iex> parallel_stream |> Enum.to_list
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
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reject(stream, filter, options \\ [])

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Creates a stream that will apply the given function on enumeration in parallel and only pass the values for which the function returns falsy downstream.


These are the options:

  • :num_workers – The number of parallel operations to run when running the stream.
  • :worker_work_ratio – The available work per worker, defaults to 5. Higher rates will mean more work sharing, but might also lead to work fragmentation slowing down the queues.


Map and reject the even numbers:

iex> parallel_stream = 1..5 |> ParallelStream.reject(fn i -> i |> rem(2) == 0 end)
iex> parallel_stream |> Enum.to_list