Provide basic parsers.
any(option \\ nil) | Parse any character |
any_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as any/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
char(option \\ nil) | Parse a specified character |
char_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as char/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
check(option \\ nil) | Validate the parser result |
check_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as check/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
choice(option \\ nil) | Return a result of parser which succeeds first |
choice_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as choice/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
clean(option \\ nil) | Remove :empty from the parser result |
clean_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as clean/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
compress(option \\ nil) | Compress the parser result to a string |
compress_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as compress/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
concat(option \\ nil) | Flatten the parser result once |
concat_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as concat/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
default(option \\ nil) | Return a default value when parser failed |
default_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as default/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
dump(option \\ nil) | Dump the parser result |
dump_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as dump/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
eof(option \\ nil) | Parse the end of text |
eof_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as eof/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
flat(option \\ nil) | Flatten the parser result |
flat_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as flat/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
ignore(option \\ nil) | Ignore the parser result |
ignore_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as ignore/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
many(option \\ nil) | Parse 0 or more times |
many_1(option \\ nil) | Parse 1 or more times |
many_1_c(option \\ nil) | Optimized implementation of concat(many_1(parser)) |
many_1_c_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as many_1_c/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
many_1_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as many_1/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
many_c(option \\ nil) | Optimized implementation of concat(many(parser)) |
many_c_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as many_c/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
many_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as many/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
map(option \\ nil) | Map the parser result |
map_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as map/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
not_char(option \\ nil) | Parse a not specified character |
not_char_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as not_char/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
option(option \\ nil) | Parse 0 times or once |
option_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as option/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
pick(option \\ nil) | Pick one value from the parser result |
pick_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as pick/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
regex(option \\ nil) | Parse a string which matches regex |
regex_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as regex/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
replace(option \\ nil) | Replace and Return the result of parser |
replace_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as replace/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
sequence(option \\ nil) | Parse in sequence |
sequence_c(option \\ nil) | Optimized implementation of concat(sequence(parser)) |
sequence_c_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as sequence_c/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
sequence_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as sequence/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
slice(option \\ nil) | Slice the parser result |
slice_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as slice/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
string(option \\ nil) | Parse a specified string |
string_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as string/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
times(option \\ nil) | Parse X times |
times_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as times/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
unwrap(option \\ nil) | Put the value out of the parser result |
unwrap_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as unwrap/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
unwrap_r(option \\ nil) | Put the value out of the parser result recursively |
unwrap_r_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as unwrap_r/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
wrap(option \\ nil) | Put the parser result into an empty array |
wrap_l(option \\ nil) | This is almost the same function as wrap/1, but it returns a result with metadata |
Parse any character.
This is almost the same function as any/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse a specified character.
This is almost the same function as char/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Validate the parser result.
This is almost the same function as check/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Return a result of parser which succeeds first.
This is almost the same function as choice/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Remove :empty from the parser result.
This is almost the same function as clean/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Compress the parser result to a string.
This is almost the same function as compress/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Flatten the parser result once.
This is almost the same function as concat/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Return a default value when parser failed.
This is almost the same function as default/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Dump the parser result.
This is almost the same function as dump/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse the end of text.
This is almost the same function as eof/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Flatten the parser result.
This is almost the same function as flat/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Ignore the parser result.
This is almost the same function as ignore/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse 0 or more times.
Parse 1 or more times.
Optimized implementation of concat(many_1(parser)).
This is almost the same function as many_1_c/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
This is almost the same function as many_1/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Optimized implementation of concat(many(parser)).
This is almost the same function as many_c/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
This is almost the same function as many/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Map the parser result.
This is almost the same function as map/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse a not specified character.
This is almost the same function as not_char/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse 0 times or once.
This is almost the same function as option/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Pick one value from the parser result.
This is almost the same function as pick/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse a string which matches regex.
This is almost the same function as regex/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Replace and Return the result of parser.
This is almost the same function as replace/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse in sequence.
Optimized implementation of concat(sequence(parser)).
This is almost the same function as sequence_c/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
This is almost the same function as sequence/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Slice the parser result.
This is almost the same function as slice/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse a specified string.
This is almost the same function as string/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Parse X times.
This is almost the same function as times/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Put the value out of the parser result.
This is almost the same function as unwrap/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Put the value out of the parser result recursively.
This is almost the same function as unwrap_r/1, but it returns a result with metadata.
Put the parser result into an empty array.
This is almost the same function as wrap/1, but it returns a result with metadata.