
Bug Fixes

  • Fixes #250 peer_host not working. The peer_host was an experimental option that was never rally implemented and thus has been deprecated and the original feature has been now implemented using the listen_addrs feature and the new host resolution algorithm


  • listen_addrs is now the preferred way to configure the IP/Ports where Partisan will listen for connections. The new implementation allows for multiple different formats and coerces them to the partisan:listen_addr() type i.e. #{ip => inet:ip_address(), port => 1..65535}. The following example shows the different formats accepted by the option.
        {listen_addrs, [
            {"", "12345"},
            {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 12345},
            #{ip => "", port => "12345"},
            #{ip => <<"">>, port => <<"12345">>},
            #{ip => {127, 0, 0, 1}, port => 12345}
  • A new algorithm has been implemented to determine the listen address when listen_addr is not defined in the configuration. The algorithm uses peer_ip the Erlang nodename or name configuration option to extract the host from the name e.g. HOST in mynode@HOST and uses inet:getaddr to determine the IP Address.



  • Performance improvements for partisan:forward/2,3,4.


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • Make sure a message forward to a local process never fails (restoring the original behaviour).
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Fixed type issues detected by Eqwalizer and Dialyzer


  • Readme Docs improvements


  • Removed eqwalizer from default profile


Bug Fixes

  • Coerce forward_options configuration option to map format.
  • Fix bug in merge of forward options on partisan_pluggable_peer_service module
  • Test suite fixes
  • Export missing partisan:monitor_node/3 function.
  • Fix a bug in partisan_hyparview_peer_service_message when Options are passed as list.


  • Remove unused module partisan_promise_backend


Bug Fixes

  • Continued adding support for OTP.
    • The OTP modules sys, proc_lib where patched (partisan_sys, partisan_proc_lib) so that they support the partisan_remote_ref:t() type and use the partisan module functions for finding, monitoring and sending messages instead of the native Erlang counterparts.
    • OTP patched files are located in the priv directory and loaded dynamically by rebar.config.script based on the Erlang/OTP version being used.
    • Patched the CT suites (gen_server_SUITE, gen_statem_SUITE, gen_event_SUITE) to test the partisan OTP modules. All tests passing except for some test cases that require not-yet implemented features like global and some rpc functions.
    • Notice global is not yet supported by Partisan.
  • Added support for Eqwalizer, and passed both Eqwalizer and Dialyzer checks


  • New improper list format for partisan_remote_ref. This deprecates the config option remote_ref_as_uri and adds remote_ref_format instead which accepts improper_list (the new default), tuple (the legacy format) and uri (also introduced in v5).
  • Adds partisan_erpc. The patched version of the Erlang's erpc module.


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • Remove optimisation from partisan:self/0 and add partisan:self/1 which accepts the cache option making the use of th optimization to be explicit. Check the docs for the explanation.
  • Fixed bug in partisan:monitor/2 introduced in previous version.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix bugs in partisan_gen_statem and partisan_gen


Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug in partisan:send/2,3


  • Ensure the membership channel (partisan_membership) exits and is properly configured.


Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes including:
    • #121 updated_members should only accept a list of maps (an never a list of nodes)
    • fix wrong calls to self() and node() as opposed to their partisan counterparts
  • Fixed bugs in partisan_monitor
  • Several bug fixes in the OTP implementation
  • Several bug fixes in the CT suite


  • Changed signature of partisan_membership_strategy and the implementing modules; added API e.g. join(state(), partisan:node_spec(), state()) is now join(partisan:node_spec(), state(), state()) which is more natural.
  • Added partisan_membership_strategy API functions, so that pluggable manager can call these functions
  • Some other naming changes to disambiguate e.g. membership -> members
  • moved some opt types from partisan_monitor to partisan module
  • Fixed missing of gen_ and partisan_gen function calls.
  • Made channel options to be respected across the stack
    • Added channel configuration to partisan_monitor calls.
    • Added channel to OTP behaviours.
      • The messages and the monitor signals will be sent using the configured channel.
      • overloaded gen_server/statem functions to accept options including channel so that we do not add another function to the API
      • store the Partisan opts in the process dict (again to avoid modifying our changed versions of the behaviours) *
  • Configuration parameters renaming. Several configuration parameters were renamed. Check partisan_config module description. The old parameters are still accepted but are renamed during startup.
  • Deprecated the partisan_peer_service_manager:myself callback
  • Fix partisan_util term encoding and renamed function; added compression option for encoding and for memberhip payload





  • Types previously found in partisan.hrl are now defined and exported by the partisan module.

Peer Membership


  • Several bug fixes in the following backends:
  • Fixes a bug in partisan_plumbtree_broadcast where not all the handlers were used.
    • The configuration option broadcast_start_exchange_limit is now considered to refer to each handler i.e. a limit of 1 means Partisan will only allow one instance of a broadcast AAE exchange per handler (and not a single one in total).

Peer Connection Management


  • Channel parallelism can now be defined per channel
    • channels configuration option is overloaded to allow the new configuration options while keeping backwards compatibility. Check the documentation for the new formats in partisan_config.
    • The partisan:node_spec/0 representation was changed:
      • parallelism was removed
      • channels was changed from a list of atoms or tuples to a the return of partisan_config:get(channels) i.e. a map.
    • parallelism is now used as a default when the user doesn’t define a per channel parallelism.
    • The partisan module now exports the new function channel_opts/1 with returns the options for a given channel.



In general, the API was redesigned to concentrate all functions around two modules: partisan and partisan_peer_service.


Peer Membership


  • Extracted the use of state_orset from partisan_full_membership_strategy into its own module partisan_membership_set which will allow the possibility to explore alternative data structures to manage the membership set.
  • Introduced a membership prune operation to remove duplicate node specifications in the underlying state_orset data structure. This isto avoid an issue where a node will crash and restart with a different IP address e.g. when deploying in cloud orchestration platforms. As the membership set contains node_spec() objects which contain IP addresses we ended up with duplicate entries for the node. The prune operation tries to break ties between these duplicates at time of connection, trying to recognise when a node specification might be no longer valid forcing the removal of the spec from the set.
  • Fixes several bugs related to the leave operation in partisan_pluggable_peer_service_manager:
    • Added a missing call to update the membership set during leave
    • Fixed a concurrency issue whereby on self leave the peer service server will restart before being able to sending the new state with the cluster peers and thus the node would remain as a member in all other nodes.
  • Resolves an issue partisan_plumtree_broadcast where the all_members set was not updated when a member is removed.
  • Resolves the issue where the partisan_plumtree_broadcast was not removing the local node from the broadcast member set.
  • Gen Behaviours take new option channel if defined.
  • Fixed implementation of on_up and on_down callback functions in partisan_pluggable_peer_service_manager


  • Added function partisan_peer_service_manager:member/1
  • Replaced the use of in-process sets in plumtree_broadcast_backend with an ets table for outstanding messages keeping the gen_server stack lean and avoiding garbage collection

Peer Connection management


  • Fixes a bug where connections where not properly killed during a leave
  • Split TLS options for client and server roles
    • Removed tls_options
    • Added tls_client_options and tls_server_options


  • New module peer_service_connections:
    • Replaces the former peer_service_connections process state data structure and the partisan_connection_cache module.
    • As a result, the partisan_connection_cache module has been was removed.
    • Checking connection status is now very fast and cheap. The implementation uses ets to handle concurreny. It leverages leverages ets:update_counter/4, ets:lookup_element/3 and ets:select_count/2 for fast access and to minimise copying data into the caller's process heap.

Process and Peer Monitoring


  • A more complete/safe implementation of process monitoring in partisan_monitor.
  • More robust implementation of monitors using the new subscription capabilities provided by peer_service:on_up and peer_service:on_down callback functions.
    • monitor a node or all nodes
    • use node monitors to signal a process monitor when the remote node is disconnected
    • local cache of process monitor to ensure the delivery of DOWN signal when the connection to the process node is down.
    • avoid leaking monitors
    • new supervisor to ensure that partisan_monitor is restarted every time the configured partisan_peer_service_manager is restarted.
    • re-implementation based on ets tables
    • If using OTP25 the monitor gen_server uses the parallel signal optimisation by placing the process inbox data off heap


At the moment this only works for partisan_pluggable_peer_service_manager backend.


OTP compatibility



  • Partisan now requires OTP24 or later.
  • Upgraded partisan_gen and partisan_gen_server to match their OTP24 counterparts implementation
  • Added partisan_gen_statem
  • partisan_gen_fsm deprecated as it was not complete and focus was given to the implementation of partisan_gen_statem instead
  • Module partisan_mochiglobal has been removed and replaced by persistent_term



  • Most existing INFO level logs have been reclassified as DEBUG
  • Fixed types specifications in various modules


  • lager dependency has been removed and all logging is done using the new Erlang logger
  • Most uses of the orddict module have been replaced by maps for extra performance and better usability
  • Most API options using proplists module have been replaced by maps for extra performance and better usability
  • In several functions the computation of options (merging user provided with defaults, validation, etc.) has been postponed until (and only if) it is needed for extra performance e.g. partisan_pluggable_peer_servie_manager:forward_message
  • More utils in partisan_util
  • Added ex_doc (Elixir documentation) rebar plugin
  • Upgraded the following dependencies:
    • uuid
    • types
    • rebar plugins