View Source partisan_util (partisan v5.0.0-rc.8)



If pid_encoding or ref_encoding configuration options are enabled, this function will ignore Opts and return an iolist(). Otherwise, the function calls erlang:term_to_iovec(Term, Opts).'
Given a POSIX error reason see inet and file, returns a descriptive binary string of the error in English and adding Reason at the end of the description inside parenthesis.


-spec encode(Term :: term(), Opts :: list()) -> erlang:ext_iovec() | iolist().
If pid_encoding or ref_encoding configuration options are enabled, this function will ignore Opts and return an iolist(). Otherwise, the function calls erlang:term_to_iovec(Term, Opts).'
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-spec format_posix_error(Reason :: term()) -> Message :: binary() | (Reason :: term()).
Given a POSIX error reason see inet and file, returns a descriptive binary string of the error in English and adding Reason at the end of the description inside parenthesis.
-spec get(Key :: term(), Arg :: list() | map()) -> Value :: any() | no_return().
-spec get(Key :: term(), Arg :: list() | map(), Default :: any()) -> Value :: any().
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maps_append(Key, Value, Map)

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-spec maybe_connect_disterl(Node :: node()) -> ok.
-spec maybe_pad_term(Term :: term()) -> term() | {'$partisan_padded', Padding :: term(), Term :: term()}.
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-spec parse_listen_address(Term :: map() | list() | binary() | tuple()) ->
                        partisan:listen_addr() | no_return().