
Party: A simple parser combinator library. Party is pre-alpha and breaking changes should be expected in the near future.


The custom error type for the parser, which can itself be parameterized by a user-defined error type. The user-defined error type is useful for, for example, adding a int.parse call into your parser pipeline. See try for using this feature.

pub type ParseError(e) {
  Unexpected(error: String)
  UserError(error: e)


  • Unexpected(error: String)
  • UserError(error: e)

The parser type, parameterized by the type it parses and the user-defined error type it can return.

pub opaque type Parser(a, e)

The type for positions within a string.

pub type Position {
  Position(row: Int, col: Int)


  • Position(row: Int, col: Int)


pub fn all(ps: List(Parser(a, b))) -> Parser(a, b)

Do each parser in the list, returning the result of the last parser.

pub fn alphanum() -> Parser(String, a)

Parse an alphanumeric character.

pub fn alt(p: Parser(a, b), q: Parser(a, b)) -> Parser(a, b)

Parse the first parser, or the second if the first fails.

pub fn char(c: String) -> Parser(String, a)

Parse a specific character.

pub fn choice(ps: List(Parser(a, b))) -> Parser(a, b)

Parse with the first parser in the list that doesn’t fail.

pub fn digit() -> Parser(String, a)

Parse a digit.

pub fn do(p: Parser(a, b), f: fn(a) -> Parser(c, b)) -> Parser(

A monadic bind for pleasant interplay with gleam’s use syntax. example:

fn identifier() -> Parser(String, e) {
    use pos <- do(pos())
    use first <- do(lowercase_letter())
    use rest <- do(many(alt(alphanum(), char("_"))))
    return(Ident(pos, first <> string.concat(rest)))
pub fn end() -> Parser(Nil, a)

Parses successfully only when at the end of the input string.

pub fn error_map(p: Parser(a, b), f: fn(b) -> c) -> Parser(a, c)

Transform the user-defined error type with a user-provided conversion function.

pub fn go(p: Parser(a, b), src: String) -> Result(

Apply a parser to a string.

pub fn lazy(p: fn() -> Parser(a, b)) -> Parser(a, b)

Run a parser as normal, but the parser itself isn’t evaluated until it is used. This is needed for recursive grammars, such as E := n | E + E where n is a number. Example: lazy(digit) instead of digit().

pub fn letter() -> Parser(String, a)

Parse a lowercase or uppercase letter.

pub fn lowercase_letter() -> Parser(String, a)

Parse a lowercase letter.

pub fn many(p: Parser(a, b)) -> Parser(List(a), b)

Keep trying the parser until it fails, and return the array of parsed results. This cannot fail because it parses zero or more times!

pub fn many1(p: Parser(a, b)) -> Parser(List(a), b)

Keep trying the parser until it fails, and return the array of parsed results. This can fail, because it must parse successfully at least once!

pub fn map(p: Parser(a, b), f: fn(a) -> c) -> Parser(c, b)

Do p, then apply f to the result if it succeeded.

pub fn not(p: Parser(a, b)) -> Parser(Nil, b)

Negate a parser: if it succeeds, this fails, and vice versa. Example: seq(string("if"), not(alt(alphanum(), char("_"))))

pub fn perhaps(p: Parser(a, b)) -> Parser(Result(a, Nil), b)

Try running a parser, but still succeed (with Error(Nil)) if it failed.

pub fn pos() -> Parser(Position, a)

Get the current parser position.

pub fn return(x: a) -> Parser(a, b)

A monadic return for pleasant interplay with gleam’s use syntax. see do for more details and an example. This is redundant if the last do is a map instead. But I prefer using it, stylistically.

pub fn satisfy(when pred: fn(String) -> Bool) -> Parser(String, a)

Parse a character if it matches the predicate.

pub fn seq(p: Parser(a, b), q: Parser(c, b)) -> Parser(c, b)

Do the first parser, ignore its result, then do the second parser.

pub fn string(s: String) -> Parser(String, a)

Parse an exact string of characters.

pub fn try(p: Parser(a, b), f: fn(a) -> Result(c, b)) -> Parser(

Do p, the apply f to the result if it succeeded. f itself can fail with the user-defined error type, and if it does the result is a UserError with the error.

pub fn uppercase_letter() -> Parser(String, a)

Parse an uppercase letter.

pub fn whitespace() -> Parser(String, a)

Parse zero or more whitespace characters.

pub fn whitespace1() -> Parser(String, a)

Parse one or more whitespace characters.

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