View Source Paystack (Paystack v0.7.0)


A library for working with Paystack in Elixir


Add paystack to your dependencies list in mix.exs

  {:paystack, "~> 0.7.0"}

Then run mix deps.get


Add the following configuration to your runtime.exs or config.exs file. The runtime file is preferred if your secret key is injected into your environment at runtime.

  config :paystack, secret_key: System.get_env("PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY")

Your environment variable does not have to be PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY, as the package only depends on the config key.


This package returns responses in the format of {:ok, Paystack.Response{}} | {:error, any}. This means a successful request would look like this;

iex> Paystack.Transaction.initialize(%{ email: "", amount: "20000" })
  data: %{
    "access_code" => "0peioxfhpn",
    "authorization_url" => "",
    "reference" => "7PVGX8MEk85tgeEpVDtD"
  message: "Authorization URL created",
  meta: nil,
  status_code: 200,
  success: true

An unsuccessful response would look like this;

iex> Paystack.Transaction.initialize(%{ email: "", amount: "20000" })
    data: nil,
    message: "Invalid key",
    meta: nil,
    status_code: 401,
    success: false

while an unexpected response would look like this.

iex> Paystack.Transaction.initialize(%{ email: "", amount: "20000" })
{:error, :nxdomain}


This library executes the following telemetry events:

  • [:paystack, :request, :start] - Executed before sending a request


  • system_time - The system time

  • [:paystack, :request, :stop] - Executed after sending the final response


    • duration - The system time in :native unit


    • url - The paystack url requested
    • request_type - The http request type (:get, :post, or :put)
    • status_code - The http response status code e.g 201, 400, 401, e.t.c.
    • response_type - The library's response type (:ok or :error) Happy coding!