Pearly v0.1.1 Pearly View Source

Pearly Soames wanted gold and silver, but not, in the way of common thieves, for wealth. He wanted them because they shone and were pure. Strange, afflicted, and deformed, he sought a cure in the abstract relation of colors. -- Mark Helprin, Winter's Tale

Pearly is an Elixir library for syntax highlighting using Sublime Text syntax definitions.

Pearly.highlight("html", "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>",
  format: :html,
  theme: "Solarized (dark)")
#=> {:ok, "<pre style="background-color:#002b36;">\n<span style=..."}

Pearly currently supports formatting output for either HTML pages or the terminal.


Pearly depends on the Rust library Syntect, and you will need to have the Rust compiler installed.

Additionally, one of Syntect's dependencies (Onig) requires cmake to be installed.

Link to this section Summary


Returns a string of source highlighted according to lang, where lang may be a language extension or name. The :format and :theme of the output may optionally be provided, defaulting to :html and "Solarized (dark)" respectively

Link to this section Types

Link to this type error() View Source
error() :: {:error, String.t}
Link to this type format() View Source
format() :: :html | :terminal
Link to this type opt() View Source
opt() :: {:format, format} | {:theme, String.t}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function highlight(lang, source, opts \\ []) View Source
highlight(lang, source, [opt]) :: {:ok, String.t} | error

Returns a string of source highlighted according to lang, where lang may be a language extension or name. The :format and :theme of the output may optionally be provided, defaulting to :html and "Solarized (dark)" respectively.

If lang is unknown, returns source unmodified.


  • :format - Specifies the format of output. Currently supports either :html or :terminal. Defaults to :html.
  • :theme - Specifies which them is used when highlighting. Defaults to "Solarized (dark)" and currently supports:
    • "Solarized (light)"
    • "Solarized (dark)"
    • "base16-ocean.light"
    • "base16-ocean.dark"
    • "base16-mocha.dark"
    • "base16-eighties.dark"
    • "InspiredGitHub"


iex> Pearly.highlight("html", "<br>", format: :terminal)
{:ok, "\e[48;2;0;43;54m\e[38;2;88;110;117m<\e[48;2;0;43;54m\e[38;2;38;139;210mbr\e[48;2;0;43;54m\e[38;2;88;110;117m>"}