Pegasus.Components (pegasus v0.2.2)

tools for the most simple parts of the PEG definition.

None of these components a priori generate parsers.

The following components are defined here:

Range           <- Char '-' Char / Char
Char            <- '\' [abefnrtv'"[]\]
                 / '\' [0-3][0-7][0-7]
                 / '\' [0-7][0-7]?
                 / '\' '-'
                 / !'\' .
Spacing         <- ( Space / Comment )*
Comment         <- '#' ( !EndOfLine . )* EndOfLine
Space           <- ' ' / '	' / EndOfLine
EndOfLine       <- '
' / '
' / '
EndOfFile       <- !.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

char(previous \\ empty())

Link to this function

comment(previous \\ empty())

Link to this function

end_of_file(previous \\ empty())

Link to this function

end_of_line(previous \\ empty())

Link to this function

range(previous \\ empty())

Link to this function

space(previous \\ empty())

Link to this function

spacing(previous \\ empty())