Peluquero in a Nutshell

![Peluquero in a Nutshell](


Peluquero sp., [peluˈkeɾo] — the hairstylist. This package got this name after what it basically does is shaving off and styling things.

Peluquero is reading all the configured source exchanges, passes each payload to the chain of configured transformers and publishes the result to all the configured destination exchanges.

The transformer might be either a function of arity 1, or a tuple of two atoms, specifying the module and the function of arity 1 within this module. Return value of transformed is used as a new payload, unless transformer returns either :ok or nil. If this is a case, the payload is left intact.

Peluquero is able to read all the configuration values either from [consul]( or from config. Consul takes a precedence when both are specified for the rabbit config.

Getting Started

See [Getting Started](gettingstarted.html).


Configuration (config.exs)

config :peluquero, :peluquerias,
  local: [
    scissors: [{IO, :inspect}], # functions to apply on input
    rabbits: 2,                 # amount of rabbit consumers
    rabbit: [                   # rabbit configuration
      host: "localhost",
      password: "guest",
      port: 5672,
      username: "guest",
      virtual_host: "/",
      x_message_ttl: "4000"
    opts: [                     # might be overwritten by consul
      sources: [                # source to subscribe to
        fanout: [
          prefetch_count: 30,
          queue: "fanout.queue1"
        direct: [
          prefetch_count: 30,
          queue: "direct.queue2",
          routing_key: "direct-routing-key",
          x_max_length: 10_000
      destinations: [           # where to post processed messages
        loop: [
          queue: "direct.queue3",
  remote: [                     # config will be read from consul
    scissors: [{MyApp.Bucket, :put}],
    consul: "configuration/my_app/peluquero/rabbits"

Configuration (consul)

      routing_key     transformed
    user              my_rabbit_user
    password          my_rabbit_password
    port              5672
    virtual_host      my_virtual_host
    x_message_ttl     4000
      prefetch_count  30
      routing_key     to_transform
      prefetch_count  50
      queue           queue_name
      routing_key     to_transform
    host              localhost
    port              11887
    database          0
    pwd               my_redis_password

Configuration example

Peluquero.Peluqueria.scissors!(:p1, &IO.puts/1) # adds another handler in runtime
Peluquero.Peluqueria.scissors!(:p2, fn payload ->
  |> JSON.decode!
  |> Map.put(:timestamp, DateTime.utc_now())
  |> JSON.encode! # if this transformer is last, it’s safe to return a term
end) # adds another handler in runtime, to :p2 named instance

The result of the above would be:

  • direct exchanges exchangeA and exchangeB would be consumed with routing_key being to_transform;
  • all the messages will be put to stdout twice (one with IO.inspect, configured in config.exs and another with IO.puts, attached in runtime);
  • all the messages will be extended with new :timestamp field;
  • all the messages will be published to direct exchangeY with routing_key being set to transformed and to fanout exchange exchangeZ.

Handlers might be added in runtime using Peluquero.handler!/1, that accepts any type of transformers described above. Handlers are appended to the list. Maybe later this function would accept an optional parameter, saying whether the handler should be appended, or prepended.

Also, Peluquero simplifies the Redis access: all the connection boilerplate is handler by Peluquero, allowing storing a Redis values based on streaming queue (e.g. “current value”) as easy as declaring one scissors delegating to Peluquero.Peinados.set/3.

Simplified settings with explicit rabbit config key

Starting with 0.4.0 we allow [though not recommend] an explicit settings of RabbitMQ parameters directly in confix.exs file. See [Usage](#usage) section below for details.


def deps do
    {:peluquero, "~> 0.10"},

def applications do


Different modes

The easiest way is to start the application as a dependency as shown above. The drawback, though, might be that the first messages remain unacked, if some functionality from MyApp is required (MyApp is not still loaded at this very moment.)

In that case, one might add peluquero in included_applications list instead, and start it manually. The Supervisor to be put into the MyApp’s supervision tree is named Peluquera (note trailing “a”!)


Peluquero supports running for many different sources/environments (like if we were allowed to run many instances of the same application.) When multiple environments are used, they should be referred by name (see configuration.)


config :peluquero, :peluquerias, [
  p1:  [scissors: [{IO, :inspect}], consul: "configuration/rabbit1"],
  p2:  [scissors: [fn msg -> msg end],
        rabbit: [
          host: "localhost",
          password: "guest",
          port: 5672,
          username: "guest",
          virtual_host: "/",
          x_message_ttl: "4000"]]

# optional
config :peluquero, :peinados, [
  # params are under "configurarion/macroservices/peluquero/redis" key, see above
  redis: [consul: "configuration/macroservices/peluquero"]

For the single rabbit one might use the simplified syntax:

config :peluquero, :consul, "configuration/rabbit1"
config :peluquero, :scissors, [{IO, :inspect}]





  • extensive testing,
  • code formatted by Elixir formatter,
  • comb!/{2,4} function to publish to destination queues without shaving,
  • shear!/{2,4} to publish to destination queues with shaving applied,
  • publish!/{2,4} to publish to destination queues bypassing actors pool (dangerous, not recommended.)


More sophisticated queue name, including all nodes name’s hash.


Peinados were granted with diagnostics:

@spec children([:full|:short|:uniq]) :: List.t
@spec child?(String.t) :: bool
@spec active?() :: bool

Also, new configuration parameter added: safe_peinados. When true, returns nil instead of throwing an exception on calls to incorrect peinados.


  • BREAKING removed a deprecated Supervisor.Spec and dropped support for Elixir < 1.5
  • cleanups, readmes, docs


  • transparent Redis support (no boilerplate, auto reconnects):
defmodule RedisAgent do
  use GenServer
  @peinado :redis

  def start_link(_opts) do
    GenServer.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)

  def get(key), do: Peluquero.Peinados.get(@peinado, key)
  def put(key, value), do: Peluquero.Peinados.set(@peinado, key, value)


  • allow explicit RabbitMQ settings in config (no consul needed.)

Documentation can be found at [](