View Source Peri.Error (peri v0.3.0)

Defines the structure and functions for handling validation errors in the Peri schema validation library.

The Peri.Error module encapsulates information about validation errors that occur during schema validation. Each error contains details about the path to the invalid data, the type of error, and any nested errors for complex or deeply nested schemas.


  • :message - A human-readable message describing the error.
  • :content - Additional information about the error, such as expected and actual values.
  • :path - A list representing the path to the invalid data within the structure being validated.
  • :key - The specific key or field that caused the error.
  • :errors - A list of nested Peri.Error structs for detailed information about nested validation errors.


iex> error = %Peri.Error{
...>   message: "Validation failed",
...>   content: %{expected: :string, actual: :integer},
...>   path: [:user, :age],
...>   key: :age,
...>   errors: [
...>     %Peri.Error{
...>       message: "Expected type string, got integer",
...>       content: nil,
...>       path: [:user, :age],
...>       key: :age,
...>       errors: nil
...>     }
...>   ]
...> }
  message: "Validation failed",
  content: %{expected: :string, actual: :integer},
  path: [:user, :age],
  key: :age,
  errors: [
      message: "Expected type string, got integer",
      content: nil,
      path: [:user, :age],
      key: :age,
      errors: nil




Recursively converts a Peri.Error struct into a map.

Creates a new child error with a path, key, message, and context.

Creates a new parent error with nested errors.

Creates a new single error with a formatted message and context.



@type t() :: %Peri.Error{
  content: keyword(),
  errors: [t()] | nil,
  key: atom() | nil,
  message: String.t(),
  path: [atom()]




Recursively converts a Peri.Error struct into a map.



iex> error = %Peri.Error{
...>   message: "Validation failed",
...>   content: %{expected: :string, actual: :integer},
...>   path: [:user, :age],
...>   key: :age,
...>   errors: [
...>     %Peri.Error{
...>       message: "Expected type string, got integer",
...>       content: nil,
...>       path: [:user, :age],
...>       key: :age,
...>       errors: nil
...>     }
...>   ]
...> }
iex> Peri.Error.error_to_map(error)
  message: "Validation failed",
  content: %{expected: :string, actual: :integer},
  path: [:user, :age],
  key: :age,
  errors: [
      message: "Expected type string, got integer",
      content: nil,
      path: [:user, :age],
      key: :age,
      errors: nil

format_error_message(reason, context)

new_child(path, key, message, context)

Creates a new child error with a path, key, message, and context.


  • path - A list representing the path to the invalid data.
  • key - The specific key or field that caused the error.
  • message - A string template for the error message.
  • context - A list of key-value pairs to replace in the message template.


iex> Peri.Error.new_child([:user], :age, "Invalid value for %{field}", [field: "age"])
  path: [:user, :age],
  key: :age,
  message: "Invalid value for age",
  content: %{field: "age"}

new_parent(path, key, errors)

Creates a new parent error with nested errors.


  • path - A list representing the path to the invalid data.
  • key - The specific key or field that caused the error.
  • errors - A list of nested Peri.Error structs.


iex> Peri.Error.new_parent([:user], :age, [%Peri.Error{message: "Invalid age"}])
  path: [:user, :age],
  key: :age,
  errors: [%Peri.Error{message: "Invalid age"}]

new_single(message, context)

Creates a new single error with a formatted message and context.


  • message - A string template for the error message.
  • context - A list of key-value pairs to replace in the message template.


iex> Peri.Error.new_single("Invalid value for %{field}", [field: "age"])
  message: "Invalid value for age",
  content: %{field: "age"}

update_error_paths(error, new_path)