Phoenix.Param protocol
A protocol that converts data structures into URL parameters.
This protocol is used by URL helpers and other parts of the Phoenix stack. For example, when you write:
user_path(conn, :edit, @user)
Phoenix knows how to extract the :id
from @user
to this protocol.
By default, Phoenix implements this protocol for integers,
binaries, atoms, maps and structs. For maps and structs, a
key :id
is looked up.
Nil values cannot be converted to param.
Custom parameters
In order to customize the parameter for any model or struct, one can simply implement this protocol.
However, for convenience, this protocol can also be derivable. For example:
defmodule User do
@derive Phoenix.Param
defstruct [:id, :username]
By default, the derived implementation will also use
the :id
key. In case the user does not contain an
key, the key can be specified with an option:
defmodule User do
@derive {Phoenix.Param, key: :username}
defstruct [:username]
will automatically use :username
in URLs.
to_param(term) |
Types ↑
t :: term
- to_param(term) :: String.t