Phoenix v1.4.3 Phoenix View Source
This is the documentation for the Phoenix project.
By default, Phoenix applications depend on the following packages:
Ecto - a language integrated query and database wrapper
Phoenix - the Phoenix web framework (these docs)
Phoenix.js - Phoenix Channels JavaScript client
Phoenix PubSub - a distributed pub/sub system with presence support
Phoenix HTML - conveniences for working with HTML in Phoenix
Plug - a specification and conveniences for composable modules in between web applications
Gettext - Internationalization and localization through
There are also optional packages depending on your configuration:
- Phoenix PubSub Redis - use Redis to power the Phoenix PubSub system
Link to this section Summary
Returns the configured JSON encoding library for Phoenix
Link to this section Functions
Returns the configured JSON encoding library for Phoenix.
To customize the JSON library, including the following
in your config/config.exs
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason