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The Elixir and Phoenix communities are friendly and welcoming. All questions and comments are valuable, so please come join the discussion!
There are a number of places to connect with community members at all experience levels.
We're on Libera IRC in the #elixir channel.
Request an invitation and join the #phoenix channel on Slack.
Feel free to join and check out the #phoenix channel on Discord.
Read about bug reports or open an issue in the Phoenix issue tracker.
Ask or answer questions about Phoenix on Elixir Forum or Stack Overflow.
To discuss new features in the framework, email the phoenix-core mailing list.
Follow the Phoenix Framework on Twitter.
The source for these guides is on GitHub. To help improve the guides, please report an issue or open a pull request.
Real-Time Phoenix - Build Highly Scalable Systems with Channels (by Stephen Bussey - 2020)
Phoenix Inside Out - Book Series (by Shankar Dhanasekaran - 2017). First book of the series Mastering Phoenix Framework is free to read online