View Source PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Plugs (Phoenix API Toolkit v3.1.2)

Security-related plugs.

Several of these plugs are based on recommendations for API's by the OWASP guidelines.

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Protect AJAX-requests / API endpoints (ONLY those requests, not HTML forms!) against CSRF-attacks by requiring header x-csrf-token to be set to any value.

Adds security headers to the response as recommended for API's by OWASP. Sets "x-frame-options": "deny" and "x-content-type-options": "nosniff".

Checks if the request's "content-type" header is present. Content matching is done by Plug.Parsers.

Set conn.remote_ip to the value in header "x-forwarded-for", if present.

Check if the JWT in conn.assigns.jwt has an "aud" claim that matches the exp_aud parameter. This assign is set by PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2Plug and should contain a JOSE.JWT struct.

Check if the JWT in conn.assigns.jwt has a "scope" claim that matches the exp_scopes parameter. This assign is set by PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2Plug and should contain a JOSE.JWT struct.

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ajax_csrf_protect(conn, arg2 \\ nil)

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@spec ajax_csrf_protect(Plug.Conn.t(), any()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Protect AJAX-requests / API endpoints (ONLY those requests, not HTML forms!) against CSRF-attacks by requiring header x-csrf-token to be set to any value.

This defense relies on the same-origin policy (SOP) restriction that only JavaScript can be used to add a custom header, and only within its origin.


Examples / doctests

# requests that don't (shouldn't) change server state pass through
iex> conn(:get, "/") |> ajax_csrf_protect() |> Map.get(:halted)

# state-changing requests with the header pass through
iex> conn(:post, "/") |> put_req_header("x-csrf-token", "anything") |> ajax_csrf_protect() |> Map.get(:halted)

# state-changing requests without the header are rejected
iex> conn(:post, "/") |> ajax_csrf_protect()
** (PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.AjaxCSRFError) missing 'x-csrf-token' header
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put_security_headers(conn, opts \\ [])

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@spec put_security_headers(Plug.Conn.t(), Plug.opts()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Adds security headers to the response as recommended for API's by OWASP. Sets "x-frame-options": "deny" and "x-content-type-options": "nosniff".



use Plug.Test

# it does what it says it does
iex> conn = conn(:get, "/")
iex> put_security_headers(conn).resp_headers -- conn.resp_headers
[{"x-frame-options", "deny"}, {"x-content-type-options", "nosniff"}]
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require_content_type(conn, arg2 \\ nil)

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@spec require_content_type(Plug.Conn.t(), Plug.opts()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Checks if the request's "content-type" header is present. Content matching is done by Plug.Parsers.

The filter is only applied to methods which are expected to carry contents, to PUT, POST and PATCH methods, that is. Only one content-type header is allowed. A noncompliant request causes a PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.MissingContentTypeError to be raised, resulting in a 415 Unsupported Media Type response.



use Plug.Test

# safe methods pass through
iex> conn = conn(:get, "/")
iex> conn == require_content_type(conn)

# compliant unsafe methods (put, post and patch) pass through
iex> conn = conn(:post, "/") |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
iex> conn == require_content_type(conn)

# noncompliant unsafe methods cause a MissingContentTypeError to be raised
iex> conn(:post, "/") |> require_content_type()
** (PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.MissingContentTypeError) missing 'content-type' header
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set_forwarded_ip(conn, opts \\ [])

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@spec set_forwarded_ip(Plug.Conn.t(), Plug.opts()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Set conn.remote_ip to the value in header "x-forwarded-for", if present.

## Examples

use Plug.Test

def conn_with_ip, do: conn(:get, "/") |> Map.put(:remote_ip, {127, 0, 0, 12})

# by default, the value of `remote_ip` is left alone
iex> conn = conn_with_ip() |> set_forwarded_ip()
iex> conn.remote_ip
{127, 0, 0, 12}

# if header "x-forwarded-for" is set, remote ip is overwritten
iex> conn = conn_with_ip() |> put_req_header("x-forwarded-for", "") |> set_forwarded_ip()
iex> conn.remote_ip
{10, 0, 0, 1}
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verify_oauth2_aud(conn, exp_aud)

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@spec verify_oauth2_aud(Plug.Conn.t(), binary()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Check if the JWT in conn.assigns.jwt has an "aud" claim that matches the exp_aud parameter. This assign is set by PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2Plug and should contain a JOSE.JWT struct.

If not, a PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2TokenVerificationError is raised, resulting in a 401 Unauthorized response.



use Plug.Test

def conn_with_aud(aud), do: conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:jwt, %{fields: %{"aud", aud}})

# if aud matches, the conn is passed through
iex> conn = conn_with_aud("my resource server")
iex> conn == conn |> verify_oauth2_aud("my resource server")

# an error is raised if aud does not match
iex> conn_with_aud("my resource server") |> verify_oauth2_aud("another server")
** (PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2TokenVerificationError) Oauth2 token invalid: aud mismatch
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verify_oauth2_scope(conn, exp_scopes)

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@spec verify_oauth2_scope(Plug.Conn.t(), [binary()]) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Check if the JWT in conn.assigns.jwt has a "scope" claim that matches the exp_scopes parameter. This assign is set by PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2Plug and should contain a JOSE.JWT struct.

If not, a PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2TokenVerificationError is raised, resulting in a 401 Unauthorized response.



use Plug.Test

def conn_with_scope(scope), do: conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:jwt, %{fields: %{"scope", scope}})

# if there is a matching scope, the conn is passed through
iex> conn = conn_with_scope("admin read:phone")
iex> conn == conn |> verify_oauth2_scope(["admin"])
iex> conn == conn |> verify_oauth2_scope(["admin", "not:a:match"])
iex> conn == conn |> verify_oauth2_scope(["admin", "read:phone"])

# an error is raised if there is no matching scope
iex> conn_with_scope("admin read:phone") |> verify_oauth2_scope(["not:a:match"])
** (PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2TokenVerificationError) Oauth2 token invalid: scope mismatch