View Source PhoenixApiToolkit.TestHelpers (Phoenix API Toolkit v3.1.2)

Various helper functions for writing tests.

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Defaults for use by gen_jwt/2

Options for use by gen_jwt/2


Put request header "content-type: application/json" on the conn.

Remove volatile fields from maps in the data. Volatile fields like "id" mess up test comparisons. Recursively cleans maps and lists.

Generate a JSON Web Key for testing purposes. See gen_jwt/2 for details.

Generate a JSON Web Signature for testing purposes. See gen_jwt/2 for details.

Generate a JSON Web Token for testing purposes, with an "exp" claim 5 minutes in the future. It is possible to override parts of the signing key, payload and signature to test with different scopes, expiration times, issuers, key ID's etc, override the entire signing key, payload or signature. The defaults should generate a valid JWT. For use with endpoints secured with PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2Plug.

Generate a JSON Web Token payload for testing purposes. See gen_jwt/2 for details.

Sets the request header "x-csrf-token", to comply with PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Plugs.ajax_csrf_protect()

Adds a HMAC-SHA256 signature to the connection's authorization header for the request body. Use create_hmac_plug_body/4 to generate a valid body. For use with endpoints secured with PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.HmacPlug.

Add JWT to the conn. A valid, signed JWT can be generated by gen_jwt/2.

Put a whole map (or keyword list) of query params on a %Conn{}.

Put a raw request body in conn.assigns.raw_body for testing purposes.

Returns an example jwks for use by gen_jwt/2, as base64-encoded JSON.

Converts a map with atoms in it as keys or values to a map with just strings. Works on nested maps as well.

Link to this section Types

@type gen_jwt_defaults() :: %{jwk: map(), payload: map(), jws: map()}

Defaults for use by gen_jwt/2

@type gen_jwt_opts() :: [jwk: map(), payload: map(), jws: map()]

Options for use by gen_jwt/2

Link to this section Functions

@spec application_json(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Put request header "content-type: application/json" on the conn.



use Plug.Test

iex> conn(:post, "/") |> application_json() |> get_req_header("content-type")
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@spec clean_volatile_fields(any()) :: any()

Remove volatile fields from maps in the data. Volatile fields like "id" mess up test comparisons. Recursively cleans maps and lists.



iex> my_data = [
...>   %{
...>     "updated_at" => 12345
...>   },
...>   %{
...>     "some_thing" => [
...>       %{
...>         "id" => 1
...>       },
...>       12345
...>     ]
...>   }
...> ]
iex> clean_volatile_fields(my_data)
[%{}, %{"some_thing" => [%{}, 12345]}]
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create_hmac_plug_body(path, method, contents \\ %{}, timestamp \\ DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix(:second))

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@spec create_hmac_plug_body(binary(), binary(), any(), integer()) :: binary()

Generate a request body for an endpoint secured with PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.HmacPlug. Use put_hmac/3 to generate a valid signature.

It is possible to override the timestamp set in the request body. The default generates a valid request body, so overrides are not necessary unless you wish to test the HMAC verification itself.



iex> create_hmac_plug_body("/hello", "GET", %{hello: "world"}, 12345) |> Jason.decode!()
  "contents" => %{"hello" => "world"},
  "method" => "GET",
  "path" => "/hello",
  "timestamp" => 12345
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gen_jwk(overrides \\ [])

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@spec gen_jwk(map() | keyword()) :: map()

Generate a JSON Web Key for testing purposes. See gen_jwt/2 for details.

The default is the first key of test_jwks/0.



iex> gen_jwk()["kid"]

iex> gen_jwk(kid: "other key")["kid"]
"other key"
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gen_jws(overrides \\ [])

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@spec gen_jws(map() | keyword()) :: map()

Generate a JSON Web Signature for testing purposes. See gen_jwt/2 for details.

The defaults are the "alg" and "kid" values of the first key of test_jwks/0.



iex> gen_jws() %{"alg" => "RS256", "kid" => "my_test_key"}

iex> gen_jws(alg: "RS512")["alg"] "RS512"

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gen_jwt(defaults, overrides \\ [])

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@spec gen_jwt(gen_jwt_defaults(), gen_jwt_opts()) :: binary()

Generate a JSON Web Token for testing purposes, with an "exp" claim 5 minutes in the future. It is possible to override parts of the signing key, payload and signature to test with different scopes, expiration times, issuers, key ID's etc, override the entire signing key, payload or signature. The defaults should generate a valid JWT. For use with endpoints secured with PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Oauth2Plug.



@jwt_defaults %{
  jwk: gen_jwk(),
  jws: gen_jws(),
  payload: gen_payload(iss: "http://my-oauth2-provider")

# the defaults as created above generate a valid JWT, provided that the claims match those verified
# the header, payload and signature can be inspected using JOSE.JWS.peek* functions
iex> jwt = gen_jwt(@jwt_defaults)
iex> jwt |> JOSE.JWS.peek_protected() |> Jason.decode!()
%{"alg" => "RS256", "kid" => "my_test_key", "typ" => "JWT"}
iex> jwt |> JOSE.JWS.peek_payload() |> Jason.decode!() |> Map.drop(["exp"])
%{"iss" => "http://my-oauth2-provider"}

# parts of the jwk, payload and jws can be overridden for testing purposes
iex> gen_jwt(@jwt_defaults, payload: [iss: "boom"]) |> JOSE.JWS.peek_payload() |> Jason.decode!() |> Map.drop(["exp"])
%{"iss" => "boom"}
iex> gen_jwt(@jwt_defaults, jws: [kid: "other key"]) |> JOSE.JWS.peek_protected() |> Jason.decode!()
%{"alg" => "RS256", "kid" => "other key", "typ" => "JWT"}
iex> gen_jwt(@jwt_defaults, payload: [exp: 12345]) |> JOSE.JWS.peek_payload() |> Jason.decode!() |> Map.get("exp")
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gen_payload(overrides \\ [])

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@spec gen_payload(map() | keyword()) :: map()

Generate a JSON Web Token payload for testing purposes. See gen_jwt/2 for details.

The default payload is empty.



iex> gen_payload()

iex> gen_payload(iss: "something")["iss"]
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@spec put_ajax_csrf_header(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Sets the request header "x-csrf-token", to comply with PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.Plugs.ajax_csrf_protect()


Examples / doctests

iex> conn(:post, "/") |> put_ajax_csrf_header() |> Map.get(:req_headers)
[{"x-csrf-token", "anything"}]
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put_hmac(conn, body, secret)

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@spec put_hmac(Plug.Conn.t(), binary(), binary()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Adds a HMAC-SHA256 signature to the connection's authorization header for the request body. Use create_hmac_plug_body/4 to generate a valid body. For use with endpoints secured with PhoenixApiToolkit.Security.HmacPlug.

It is possible to override the HMAC secret. The default generates a valid signature, so overrides are not necessary unless you wish to test the HMAC verification itself.



use Plug.Test

iex> body = %{greeting: "world"} |> Jason.encode!()
iex> conn = conn(:post, "/hello", body)
iex> put_hmac(conn, body, "supersecretkey") |> get_req_header("authorization")
@spec put_jwt(Plug.Conn.t(), binary()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Add JWT to the conn. A valid, signed JWT can be generated by gen_jwt/2.



use Plug.Test

iex> conn(:get, "/") |> put_jwt("my_jwt") |> get_req_header("authorization")
["Bearer: my_jwt"]
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put_query_params(conn, params)

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@spec put_query_params(Plug.Conn.t(), map() | keyword()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Put a whole map (or keyword list) of query params on a %Conn{}.



use Plug.Test

iex> conn(:get, "/") |> put_query_params(user: "Peter") |> Map.get(:query_params)
%{user: "Peter"}
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put_raw_body(conn, raw_body)

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@spec put_raw_body(Plug.Conn.t(), binary()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Put a raw request body in conn.assigns.raw_body for testing purposes.



use Plug.Test

iex> body = %{hello: "world"}
iex> raw_body = body |> Jason.encode!()
iex> conn = conn(:post, "/") |> put_raw_body(raw_body)
iex> conn.adapter |> elem(1) |> Map.get(:req_body) |> Jason.decode!()
%{"hello" => "world"}
@spec test_jwks() :: binary()

Returns an example jwks for use by gen_jwt/2, as base64-encoded JSON.



# the keyset is returned as base64-encoded JSON string with a list of keys
iex> test_jwks() |> Base.decode64!() |> Jason.decode!() |> List.first() |> Map.get("kid")
@spec to_string_map(map()) :: map()

Converts a map with atoms in it as keys or values to a map with just strings. Works on nested maps as well.



iex> %{first_name: "Peter", stuff: %{"things" => :indeed}} |> to_string_map()
%{"first_name" => "Peter", "stuff" => %{"things" => "indeed"}}