phoenix_live_controller v0.7.0 Phoenix.LiveController behaviour View Source
Controller-style abstraction for building multi-action live views on top of Phoenix.LiveView
API differs from Phoenix.Controller
API in order to emphasize stateful
lifecycle of live views, support long-lived processes behind them and accommodate their much
looser ties with the router. Contrary to HTTP requests that are rendered and discarded, live
actions are mounted and their processes stay alive to handle events & miscellaneous process
interactions and to re-render as many times as necessary. Because of these extra complexities, the
library drives developers towards single live view per router action.
At the same time, Phoenix.LiveView
provides a complete solution for router-aware live navigation
and it introduces the concept of live actions both in routing and in the live socket. These
features mean that many live views may play a role similar to classic controllers.
It's all about efficient code organization - just like a complex live view's code may need to be
broken into multiple modules or live components, a bunch of simple live actions centered around
similar topic or resource may be best organized into a single live view module, keeping the
related web logic together and giving the room to share common code. That's where
comes in: to organize live view code that covers multiple live actions in
a fashion similar to how Phoenix controllers organize multiple HTTP actions. It provides a
pragmatic convention that still keeps pieces of a stateful picture visible by enforcing clear
function annotations.
Here's an exact live equivalent of an HTML controller generated with the mix phx.gen.html Blog Article articles ...
scaffold, powered by Phoenix.LiveController
# lib/my_app_web.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb do
def live_controller do
quote do
use Phoenix.LiveController
alias MyAppWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
# lib/my_app_web/router.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
live "/articles", ArticleLive, :index
live "/articles/new", ArticleLive, :new
live "/articles/:id", ArticleLive, :show
live "/articles/:id/edit", ArticleLive, :edit
# lib/my_app_web/live/article_live.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
alias MyApp.Blog
alias MyApp.Blog.Article
@action_handler true
def index(socket, _params) do
articles = Blog.list_articles()
assign(socket, articles: articles)
@action_handler true
def new(socket, _params) do
changeset = Blog.change_article(%Article{})
assign(socket, changeset: changeset)
@event_handler true
def create(socket, %{"article" => article_params}) do
case Blog.create_article(article_params) do
{:ok, article} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Article created successfully.")
|> push_redirect(to: Routes.article_path(socket, :show, article))
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
assign(socket, changeset: changeset)
@action_handler true
def show(socket, %{"id" => id}) do
article = Blog.get_article!(id)
assign(socket, article: article)
@action_handler true
def edit(socket, %{"id" => id}) do
article = Blog.get_article!(id)
changeset = Blog.change_article(article)
assign(socket, article: article, changeset: changeset)
@event_handler true
def update(socket, %{"article" => article_params}) do
article = socket.assigns.article
case Blog.update_article(article, article_params) do
{:ok, article} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "Article updated successfully.")
|> push_redirect(to: Routes.article_path(socket, :show, article))
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
assign(socket, article: article, changeset: changeset)
@event_handler true
def delete(socket, %{"id" => id}) do
article = Blog.get_article!(id)
{:ok, _article} = Blog.delete_article(article)
|> put_flash(:info, "Article deleted successfully.")
|> push_redirect(to: Routes.article_path(socket, :index))
is not meant to be a replacement of Phoenix.LiveView
- although most
live views may be represented with it, it will likely prove beneficial only for specific kinds of
live views. These include live views with following traits:
- Orientation around same resource, e.g. web code for specific context like in
mix phx.gen.html
- Mounting or event handling code that's mostly action-specific
- Param handling code that's action-specific and prevails over global mounting code
- Common redirecting logic executed before mounting or event handling, e.g. auth logic
Mounting actions
Action handlers replace Phoenix.LiveView.mount/3
entry point in order to split mounting of
specific live actions into separate functions. They are annotated with @action_handler true
just like with Phoenix controller actions, their name is the name of the action they mount.
# lib/my_app_web/router.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
live "/articles", ArticleLive, :index
live "/articles/:id", ArticleLive, :show
# lib/my_app_web/live/article_live.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
@action_handler true
def index(socket, _params) do
articles = Blog.list_articles()
assign(socket, articles: articles)
@action_handler true
def show(socket, %{"id" => id}) do
article = Blog.get_article!(id)
assign(socket, article: article)
Note that action handlers don't have to wrap the resulting socket in a tuple, which also brings them closer to Phoenix controller actions.
Handling events
Event handlers replace Phoenix.LiveView.handle_event/3
callbacks in order to make the event
handling code consistent with the action handling code. These functions are annotated with
@event_handler true
and their name is the name of the event they handle.
# lib/my_app_web/templates/article/*.html.leex
<%= link "Delete", to: "#", phx_click: :delete, phx_value_id:, data: [confirm: "Are you sure?"] %>
# lib/my_app_web/live/article_live.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
@event_handler true
def delete(socket, %{"id" => id}) do
article = Blog.get_article!(id)
{:ok, _article} = Blog.delete_article(article)
|> put_flash(:info, "Article deleted successfully.")
|> push_redirect(to: Routes.article_path(socket, :index))
Live views may also reply to client-side events, providing the reply payload. While regular live
views do this by returning the {:reply, payload, socket}
tuple, live controllers may also use
the reply/2
helper function to achieve the same result.
Note that, consistently with action handlers, event handlers don't have to wrap the resulting
socket in {:noreply, socket}
or {:reply, payload, socket}
Also note that, as a security measure, LiveController won't convert binary names of events that don't have corresponding event handlers into atoms that wouldn't be garbage collected.
Handling process messages
Message handlers offer an alternative (but not a replacement) to
for handling process messages in a fashion consistent with
action and event handlers. These functions are annotated with @message_handler true
and their
name equals to a "label" atom extracted from the supported message payload:
- for atom payloads: that atom (e.g.
) for tuple payloads: an atom placed as first element in a tuple (e.g.
{:article_update, ...}
)defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller @action_handler true def show(socket, %{"id" => id}) do :timer.send_interval(5_000, self(), :refresh_article) assign(socket, article: Blog.get_article!(id)) end @message_handler true def refresh_article(socket, _message) do assign(socket, article: Blog.get_article!( end
Support for handling messages wrapped in tuples allows to incorporate Phoenix.PubSub
live controllers in effortless and consistent way.
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
alias Phoenix.PubSub
@action_handler true
def show(socket, %{"id" => id}) do
article = Blog.get_article!(id)
PubSub.subscribe(MyApp.PubSub, "article:#{}")
assign(socket, article: Blog.get_article!(id))
@message_handler true
def article_update(socket, {_, article}) do
assign(socket, article: article)
@event_handler true
def update(socket = %{assigns: %{article: article}}, %{"article" => article_params}) do
article = socket.assigns.article
case Blog.update_article(article, article_params) do
{:ok, article} ->
PubSub.broadcast(MyApp.PubSub, "article:#{}", {:article_update, article})
|> put_flash(:info, "Article updated successfully.")
|> push_redirect(to: Routes.article_path(socket, :show, article))
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
assign(socket, article: article, changeset: changeset)
For messages that can't be handled by message handlers, a specific implementation of
may still be provided.
Note that, consistently with action & event handlers, message handlers don't have to wrap the
resulting socket in the {:noreply, socket}
Updating params without redirect
For live views that implement parameter
patching (e.g.
to avoid re-mounting the live view & resetting its DOM or state), action handlers also replace
callbacks. The same action handler is called once when
mounting and then it's called again whenever params are patched.
This means that parameter patching is supported out-of-the-box for action handlers that work just as fine for initial mount as for subsequent parameter changes.
# lib/my_app_web/templates/article/index.html.leex
<%= live_patch "Page 2", to: Routes.article_path(@socket, :index, page: "2") %>
# lib/my_app_web/live/article_live.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
@action_handler true
def index(socket, params) do
articles = Blog.list_articles(page: params["page"])
assign(socket, articles: articles)
Using the mounted?/1
helper, action handlers may conditionally invoke parts of their logic
depending on whether socket was already mounted, e.g. to initiate timers or run expensive loads
that don't depend on params only upon the first mount.
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
@action_handler true
def index(socket, params) do
if connected?(socket) && !mounted?(socket),
do: :timer.send_interval(5_000, self(), :check_for_new_articles)
socket = unless mounted?(socket),
do: assign(socket, tags: Blog.list_tags()),
else: socket
articles = Blog.list_articles(page: params["page"])
assign(socket, articles: articles)
Note that an action handler will only be called once when mounting, even though native LiveView
calls both mount/3
and handle_params/3
at that moment.
Chaining & plugs
Phoenix controllers are backed by the power of Plug
pipelines in order to
organize common code called before actions and to allow halting early. LiveController provides
similar solution for these problems via plug/1
macro supported by the chain/2
helper function.
allows to define callbacks that are called in a chain in order to act on a socket before
an actual action, event or message handler is called:
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
plug :require_authenticated_user
defp require_authenticated_user(socket = %{assigns: %{current_user: user}}) do
if user do
|> put_flash(:error, "You must log in first.")
|> push_redirect(to: "/")
There are multiple ways to specify plug callback:
plug :require_authenticated_user
- calls local function withsocket
argumentplug LiveUserAuth
- calls external module'scall
function withsocket
argumentplug {LiveUserAuth, :require_authenticated_user}
- calls external function withsocket
argumentplug require_authenticated_user(...args)
- calls local function with arbitrary argsplug LiveUserAuth.require_authenticated_user(...args)
- calls external function with arbitrary args
behaviour is available for defining module plugs that are expected to expose a singlecall(socket)
plug function (second case above).
It's possible to scope given plug to only a subset of handlers with the when
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
plug :require_authenticated_user when action not in [:index, :show]
Following variables may be referenced when specifying arbitrary args or the when
- current LiveView socket (Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
- handler name (atom)action
- action handler name (atom ornil
- event handler name (atom ornil
- action or event params (map ornil
- message payload (atom/tuple ornil
All plug forms may be freely mixed with the when
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
plug require_user_role(socket, :admin)
plug fetch_own_article(socket, params) when action in [:edit] or event in [:update, :delete]
defp require_user_role(socket = %{assigns: %{current_user: user}}, required_role) do
if user.role == required_role do
|> put_flash(:error, "You must be #{required_role} in order to continue.")
|> push_redirect(to: "/")
defp fetch_own_article(
socket = %{assigns: %{current_user: %{id: user_id}}},
%{"id" => article_id}
) do
case Blog.get_article!(id) do
article = %{author_id: ^user_id} ->
assign(socket, :article, article)
_ ->
|> put_flash(:error, "You can't modify someone else's article.")
|> push_redirect(to: "/")
Pro tip: Condition in
is not really a guard and it's evaluated in runtime, therefore it's possible to call any function within it. This makes it easy, for example, to only call a plug upon mounting and/or only when socket is connected:plug fetch_article(socket, params) when not mounted?(socket) plug start_counter(socket) when connected?(socket) and not mounted?(socket)
If multiple plugs are defined, they'll be called in a chain. If any of them redirects the socket,
replies to event by calling reply/2
or returns a tuple instead of just socket then the chain
will be halted, which will also prevent action, event or message handler from being called.
This is guaranteed by internal use of the chain/2
function. This simple helper calls any
function that takes socket as argument & that returns it only if the socket wasn't previously
redirected, marked for reply or wrapped in a tuple and passes the socket through otherwise. It may
also be used inside a plug or handler code for a similar result:
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
@action_handler true
def edit(socket, %{"id" => id}) do
|> require_authenticated_user()
|> chain(&assign(&1, article: Blog.get_article!(id)))
|> chain(&authorize_article_author(&1, &1.assigns.article))
|> chain(&assign(&1, changeset: Blog.change_article(&.assigns.article)))
After all plugs are called without halting the chain, action_handler/3
, event_handler/3
and message_handler/3
- rough equivalents of
plug in Phoenix controllers - complete the pipeline by calling functions named after specific
actions, events or messages.
Applying session
Session, previously passed to Phoenix.LiveView.mount/3
, may now be accessed via the
and get_session/2
helpers in plugs and handlers.
defmodule MyAppWeb.LiveUserAuth do
def fetch_current_user(socket) do
user_token = get_session[socket, :user_token)
user = user_token && Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(user_token)
assign(socket, current_user: user)
Combined with plugs, this allows to easily implement app-wide session handlers.
defmodule MyAppWeb do
def live_controller do
quote do
use Phoenix.LiveController
# ...
plug {MyAppWeb.LiveUserAuth, :fetch_current_user}
Accessing current URL
Handlers and plugs may access the current live URL (previously passed by LiveView to
callback) via the get_current_url/1
helper function.
Specifying mount options
Mount options, such as temporary_assigns
, may be specified for every action using the
defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_controller
@action_handler true
@action_mount_opts temporary_assigns: [articles: []]
def index(socket, _params) do
articles = Blog.list_articles()
assign(socket, articles: articles)
Specifying use Phoenix.LiveView
Any options that were previously passed to use Phoenix.LiveView
, such as :layout
, may now be passed to use Phoenix.LiveController
use Phoenix.LiveController, layout: {MyAppWeb.LayoutView, "live.html"}
Rendering actions
Implementation of the Phoenix.LiveView.render/1
callback may be omitted in which case the
default implementation will be injected. It'll ask the view module named after specific live
module to render HTML template named after the action - the same way that Phoenix controllers do
when the Phoenix.Controller.render/2
is called without a template name.
For example, MyAppWeb.ArticleLive
mounted with :index
action will render with following call:
MyAppWeb.ArticleView.render("index.html", assigns)
Custom Phoenix.LiveView.render/1
implementation may still be provided if necessary.
Link to this section Summary
Calls given function if socket wasn't redirected, marked for reply or wrapped in a tuple.
Returns the mounted live controller's URL with query params.
Returns the whole session.
Returns session value for the given key. If key is not set, nil is returned.
Returns true if the socket was previously mounted by action handler.
Define a callback that acts on a socket before action, event or essage handler.
Attaches payload to the socket that will be passed to client-side as the event reply.
Invokes action handler for specific action.
Invokes event handler for specific event.
Invokes message handler for specific message.
Link to this section Functions
chain(socket, func)
View Sourcechain( socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t() | {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:reply, term(), Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}, func :: function() ) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
Calls given function if socket wasn't redirected, marked for reply or wrapped in a tuple.
Read more about the role that this function plays in the live controller pipeline in docs for
View Sourceget_current_url(socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()) :: String.t()
Returns the mounted live controller's URL with query params.
View Sourceget_session(socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()) :: map()
Returns the whole session.
Although get_session/2
allows atom keys, they are always normalized to strings. So this function
always returns a map with string keys.
get_session(socket, key)
View Sourceget_session(socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), String.t() | atom()) :: any()
Returns session value for the given key. If key is not set, nil is returned.
The key can be a string or an atom, where atoms are automatically converted to strings.
View Sourcemounted?(socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()) :: boolean()
Returns true if the socket was previously mounted by action handler.
Read more about the role that this function plays when implementing action handlers in docs for
Define a callback that acts on a socket before action, event or essage handler.
Read more about the role that this macro plays in the live controller pipeline in docs for
reply(socket, payload)
View Sourcereply(socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), payload :: term()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
Attaches payload to the socket that will be passed to client-side as the event reply.
Link to this section Callbacks
action_handler(socket, name, params)
View Source (optional)action_handler( socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), name :: atom(), params :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.unsigned_params() ) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t() | {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}
Invokes action handler for specific action.
It can be overridden, e.g. in order to modify the list of arguments passed to action handlers.
@impl true
def action_handler(socket, name, params) do
apply(__MODULE__, name, [socket, params, socket.assigns.current_user])
It can be wrapped, e.g. for sake of logging or modifying the socket returned from action handlers.
@impl true
def action_handler(socket, name, params) do
Logger.debug("#{__MODULE__} started handling #{name}")
socket = super(socket, name, params)
Logger.debug("#{__MODULE__} finished handling #{name}")
Read more about the role that this callback plays in the live controller pipeline in docs for
event_handler(socket, name, params)
View Source (optional)event_handler( socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), name :: atom(), params :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.unsigned_params() ) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t() | {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()} | {:reply, term(), Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}
Invokes event handler for specific event.
It works in a analogous way and opens analogous possibilities to action_handler/3
Read more about the role that this callback plays in the live controller pipeline in docs for
message_handler(socket, name, message)
View Source (optional)message_handler( socket :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), name :: atom(), message :: any() ) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t() | {:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()}
Invokes message handler for specific message.
It works in a analogous way and opens analogous possibilities to action_handler/3
Read more about the role that this callback plays in the live controller pipeline in docs for