View Source Phoenix.LiveView.Socket (Phoenix LiveView v0.17.14)

The LiveView socket for Phoenix Endpoints.

This is typically mounted directly in your endpoint.

socket "/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket

Link to this section Summary


The data in a LiveView as stored in the socket.

Struct returned when assigns is not in the socket.


Link to this section Types

@type assigns() :: map() | assigns_not_in_socket()

The data in a LiveView as stored in the socket.

Link to this opaque


View Source (opaque)
@opaque assigns_not_in_socket()

Struct returned when assigns is not in the socket.

@type fingerprints() :: {nil, map()} | {binary(), map()}
@type t() :: %Phoenix.LiveView.Socket{
  assigns: assigns(),
  endpoint: module(),
  fingerprints: fingerprints(),
  host_uri: URI.t() | :not_mounted_at_router,
  id: binary(),
  parent_pid: nil | pid(),
  private: map(),
  redirected: nil | tuple(),
  root_pid: pid(),
  router: module(),
  transport_pid: pid() | nil,
  view: module()